Month: October 2015

It is all about the long run.

CSGV not a good month nra

All in all it’s been a rough month for the guns, made even more difficult by the fact that after the Republicans decided the 2nd Amendment trumped Benghazi as a campaign issue, Hillary shot right back and said that she was ready, willing and able to take on the NRA.  So the question has to be asked: How come, as Brady’s Dan Gross says, we seem to have reached a “tipping point” in the debate over guns?

Here it is short and sweet.  Everyone’s sick of the NRA.  Sick of the killings, sick of the loss of life, sick of the blind devotion to the 2nd Amendment and sick of all those sacred gun ‘rights.’ Wayne-o is going online today to remind his members that Obama wants to take away their guns.  It’s a hollow argument falling on increasingly deaf ears.

Source: It Hasn’t Been A Good Month For The NRA And Things Might Get Worse. | mikethegunguy

Of course, that “Everyone’s sick of the NRA” is just a bit of wishful thinking, specially since the latest Gallup poll shows that the NRA enjoys the support of the majority of Americans.

Mike The Gun Guy is calling premature victory because a couple od cases went south in court. Him and the average Gun Control idjit do not understand we expect that to happen because they had happened before and they will happen again.

But instead of curling up in a fetal position and raise out fist to the skies demanding that a vengeful deity come save us, we pick up ourselves, dust off our clothes and go back into the scrum for some more fighting. We love a good fight.

The Opposition is all aroused at the latest Gun Control wave of talking from the Democrat nominees for President. They think it means this time is for sure they will have their gun control measures passed before the end of the year. Only a couple of problems with that: It ain’t gonna happen this year or the next. All this talk is just Monica’s ex-boyfriend’s wife and Senile White Male Communist getting a rise out of the base for the Primaries. They need the Thinkprogress and assorted groups to vote for them and cinch the nomination and you only do that by being more lefty than Stalin.

I am willing to bet that once that the Primaries are over, the Gun Control noise from the Dem Electoral Camp will all but disappear from the radar. If the pundits are right and Hillary is the nominee, you will have a better chance to have her talk about the Rose Law Form missing files and Vince Foster than have her come strong against Gun Rights. She is not stupid, she knows what it cost to the party and to Al Gore to piss gun owners off. If she could get away with waving a flintlock musket above her head, she would do so.

Ours is a war of attrition. It works, we wear them out because we have the numbers and the long-term vision. They are the microwave crowd, they need eternal solutions in the time it takes to heat up a burrito during commercials or they get stupid and desperate.  And no all of their followers are One Issue voters, but will vote one year for Universal Health Care and the next year to kill it after they got their new and increased payments with 50% less coverage and higher deductible.

And as for us:


Learn it. Love it. Live it.

Worse than candy corn


I caught this on the Book of Face.

I love this idea.  I really do.  Nothing irritates people like than when somebody takes a perfectly fun holiday and ruins it with politics.

Nobody likes the cousin who goes on and on about the plight of industrialized farm turkeys and why he/she’s a vegan at Thanksgiving.

Halloween is about two things, scaring kids and CANDY.  This just shows everybody that Shannon Watts and her crew are a bunch of joyless scolds who want to ruin everybody else’s fun.

This is more of a downer than Trick or Treating for UNICEF.

The NRA should respond by handing out full bars.

I can’t wait until Shannon figures out how to ruin Christmas.


Gun Control Math.

Shannon Watts of Zionsville founded the group “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.” She talked about the prospect of armed people in stores and restaurants — and her group’s efforts to change policy.

Watts said what started as an online discussion turned into a worldwide movement with more than 3 million members.

Source: Zionsville woman lobbies for gun control on ‘Meredith’ – 13 WTHR Indianapolis

I must say I was shocked to see that Moms Demand had that many people. We know that they are not paying members like the NRA but only Social Media presence, but still, that is quite a substantial amount. So I decided to check and followed the “moving goalposts” and “Quick, fill the hole and take the picture from another angle” method of definition used by Shannon and Company and included just about anything related to Moms Demand.

MDA Facebook:  446,753 likes.
MDA Twitter: 36,900 (aprox.)
Shannon Watts Facebook: 1,172.
Shannon Watts Twitter 11,900 (aprox.)
Mike Bloomberg Twitter 940,000.
Mike Bloomberg Facebook: 267,612
Everytown Twitter: 56,900 (aprox.)
Everytown Facebook: 913,659.
Sub Total: 2,674,896.

Minus fake Twitter accounts:
Mike Bloomberg Twitter fake followers: 288,553
MDA Twitter fake accounts: 2,879.
Everytown Twitter fake accounts: 8,192.
Shannon Watts Twitter fake accounts 795.
Sub Total: 300,419

Total: 2,374,477.

I could not find a way to figure out fake Facebook accounts. I am sure there is one done internally since they have a program to “add friends” but those numbers are not available to the dirty masses.

So, being generous to an excess by adding peripheral groups and assuming that people follow on Twitter or Facebook but not on both, Moms Demand have 2,374,477 “followers,” 600,000+ short of her stated number.

Standing alone, Moms Demand do not even break the half a million followers mark. And we are talking unpaid follower, not due-paying members.

But they are fueled by lies, otherwise that bus would not move.





Israel stabbings: Legally armed civilians have ‘part to play.’

That’s the message from Israeli police and government officials in the wake of a surge of violence there, much of it involving attackers, often Palestinians, armed with knives.”The responsible civilian population — in the framework of the rule of law — has a part to play,” Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said Thursday morning. “We’ve urged Israelis to be vigilant. … Having the civilian population work closely with law enforcement is one of the keys in defeating this threat.”

Source: Israel stabbings: Legally armed civilians have ‘part to play’ –

Often I have covered the legal precedent of No Duty to Protect and how police or those in charge of the public order are not legally bound to be our bodyguards.

But there is also the simple fact that it is almost impossible for police to be at the scene of an impending crime and stop it before it happens. The few instances that such event occur, the police was either forewarned or they happened to bump into the event.

Israel has been facing a very dramatic series of knife attacks against its population. And we are talking about a country in a constant heightened state of readiness in both Police and Military but constrained by the same principle of not being able to stop all attacks or even a  majority of them.

Even the best shepherd understands that wolves and other predators will slip through the barriers, get inside the pen and slaughter the herd. There are only so many sheepdogs available to counterattack, so what makes sense to anybody not blinded by the fanaticism “all violence is bad” is to provide fangs and claws to the sheep. Even the toughest of wolves will pause and rethink at the idea of attacking a herd that might have individuals ready to even out the score. Threat of death of grave bodily harm re-structures criminal behavior in the immense majority of cases, an in those that do not, deaths seems like a rightful ending to their misdeeds.

Mindset of a winner
Israeli citizens preparing themselves to be good First Responders.

In any situation, you do not wait for the First Responder: you are the First Responder. How do you respond is entirely a personal choice. You can be the victim, do nothing and receive the attack. You can be the helpful victim and call 911 or video record the attack on your smartphone hoping that police retrieves it later and it becomes evidence for the case. Or you can shoot the attacking bastard till he stops being a threat.

Personally, I am too fond of my blood and I like to keep it inside my body. Same for assorted body parts.

Pinellas sheriff is less than candid on his opposition to Open Carry in Florida

Via The Gun Writer.

“True to form, Marion takes the position that the best defense is a good offense,” Gualtieri said. “She goes after people but I don’t care what she says. I’m going to stand up for what I think is right. She needs to get her facts straight before she talks about others getting theirs straight.”

Source: Pinellas sheriff draws fire from former NRA president for stance on open carry bill | Tampa Bay Times

You read it. He has the facts in hand so he knows better.  For example:

Wearing a gun could make people a target for criminals, he said. He offered as an example a bank robber who sees a person openly carrying in a bank.

“If the guy turns around and sees that .45, he’s going to blast you,” he said.

Because that has happened countless of timesSeveral timesfrom time to time. So far, there has not been a case where a criminal has shot against an Open Carrier. If there was, you would be sure heard about from every gun control outlet possible.

Gualtieri has also expressed concern for law enforcement officers who will have trouble distinguishing law-abiding citizens from criminals with dangerous intent.

If the deputies of the Pinellas County Sheriffs Office cannot distinguish between criminal acts and people going about their business, it is a question of training and basic common sense.

But let me be the first to offer help to the beleaguered and under-trained Gualtieri. I am quoting from the movie Dirty Harry because it is illustrative of the problem you seem to be having:

The Mayor: Callahan… I don’t want any more trouble like you had last year in the Fillmore district. You understand? That’s my policy.

Harry Callahan: Yeah, well, when an adult male is chasing a female with intent to commit rape, I shoot the bastard – that’s my policy.

The Mayor: Intent? How’d you establish that?

Harry Callahan: When a naked man is chasing a woman through a dark alley with a butcher knife and a hard on, I figure he isn’t out collecting for the Red Cross.

See? Not that difficult.

He said it’s “intellectually dishonest” to say open carry laws are working in the 45 other states because there are so many variations in the laws and the demographics. In Pennsylvania, for example, cities can opt out of its open carry law and some, including Philadelphia, do just that, Gualtieri said. Florida cities don’t have the option to opt out of a state law.

Oklahoma requires the weapon to be holstered. Florida’s bill in its current form does not.

So because there is not uniformity in the Open Carry Laws across the nation, we should not have it in Florida. Does that mean Gualtieri is also opposed to Concealed Carry because of the same lack of uniformity across the nation? Shall Florida dispense with Concealed Carry altogether? I bet he would not mind that.

As for demographics, “You can’t compare Sioux Falls, S.D. to downtown Miami or downtown Tampa or downtown Orlando,” Gualtieri said.

Ah! The Always Available “people in my city/county/state are too stupid and they need to be protected from themselves” excuse. Or when you mention demographics, are you referring about people of other pigmentation that you think should not be able to carry weapons? Sioux Falls has half or less the minorities present in Pinellas County.

“I strongly believe no good-faith permit holder who made a mistake should be charged with anything,” he said. “To me, that’s the middle ground.

Because even if the permit holder is Open Carry legally, your office will arrest him. Just like it happened with George Freeman.

If the whole goal at all costs is to allow people to walk down International Drive with a .45 in their back pocket, there is no middle ground for me.

The goal is for citizens of the State of Florida who already have a Concealed Weapons Permit to openly carry a firearm or not to be jumped by cops because he was carrying concealed and he accidentally displayed it the gun. You seem to forget that the law was changed to cover accidental displays, but it is not being applied maybe  because an arrest and conviction for Open Carry is jucier for the statistics. If you were willing to discuss in good faith. maybe something could had been worked out.

So much for “facts.”

On the CSGV and Spinelessness

I spotted this gem of wisdom posted on the Book of Face.


I just can’t take the CSGV (or the Liberals who are proud of it) seriously.  See, it’s not just gun rights they feel there is too high a price on, it’s all rights.

They love to claim the NRA is a terrorist organization.  These people wouldn’t recognize a terrorist organisation if it ran up to them yelling “Allah Akbar” and shot them in the face with an AK.  I mean that with complete honesty and sincerity.

Earlier this year, some people who run the French equivalent of Mad Magazine printed some cartoons about the Prophet Muhammad.  French political cartoons make about as much sense to me as French Art House films…. so not at all.  But it was enough to get 12 people killed.  The sound of the gunfire had died down when Liberals who are proud of it rushed to their computers to explain why free speech had gone TOO FAR!!!  Freedom of expression had crosse
d the line
.  Even Garry Turdeau, a man who made his career in political comics, and maybe the most widely read political cartoonist in the US, bravely took a stance AGAINST the First Amendment.

Then, some “knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathers” decided to prove they weren’t afraid and drew some more cartoons of Muhammad.  That ended in a more typical Texas fashion, good guy with a gun and all.  But the same stalwart Liberals made sure that we all understood that free speech was no excuse to shoot up a bunch of artists offend people.

Why?  Because they are cowards.  All of them.  Yellow bellied, chicken-s**t, gutless, spineless, cowards.

So they bend over backwards, distort every ounce of logic they have, to explain why Americans who believe in unfettered free speech are the bad guys and terrorists who shoot up artists really aren’t terrorists.

These same people just LOVE the idea of doing away with freedom of association and due process and the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 8th Amendments to the US Constitution, as long as the victims are people they disagree with.  How many times has Miguel posted comments comments from the CSGV where they openly state they want the government to arrest, imprison, torture, murder, and genocide gun owners simply because they are gun owners?  Of course they don’t want to do the rousting of gun owners themselves, but they are happy to cheerlead turning American Law Enforcement into Brownshirts… as long as they are not on the receiving end of the thuggery.

It’s not just the 2nd Amendemnt, these totalitarian milquetoast ninnyhammers believe that the price for every liberty enshrined in the Constitution is too high.  To them, you can only have as much freedom as their weak and delicate sensibilities can handle.  The 2nd Amendment maybe the main focus of their rage, but it not the only Amendment that they have in their sights.

And to address what they think the founders believed when it came to the limitations of freedom, I’ll let our Founding Father, Patrick Henry have the last word: “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”