Month: October 2015

Days of our Trailers: Following That Joyce Gun Control Money

Overall nearly $5.5 million dollars being dumped into gun control efforts every year just by the Joyce Foundation alone. So while the accusations that the NRA are just ‘gun lobby’ whores abound, the fact remains that anti-gun activism is paid for almost exclusively by a few rich philanthropists w/ their own private armed security.

Source: Days of our Trailers: Following That Joyce Gun Control Money

But their money is blessed because it is for a “good cause.”


Venezuela: How’s that Gun Control working out for you?  (LEO Edition)


Caracas .- With the murder of José Ramón Vegas (37) Detective of the Investigation , Scientific, Penal and Criminal Corps, it rises to 112 the number of police and military officers who have died in violent incidents in the Greater Caracas in course of 2015.

(note: the military mentioned in the article refers to the National Guard which in Venezuela is used as nation-wide police force . The equivalent of ICE in the USA.)

Source: The number of policemen killed so far this year stands at 112 – Events

Greater Caracas is the city itself and its immediate towns and suburban areas. The population is estimated to be around 5.3 million and since there is no direct US equivalent, we will use New York City’s Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens since the population in those three borough add up about the same as Greater Caracas.

Now imagine that from January 1st till October 21st, a total of 112 NYPD were murdered in the line of duty, most of them purposely targeted. Mayor De Blasio and Governor Cuomo would have invoked Martial Law, sent the National Guard and probably raze half the city searching for the killers.

Almost three years after the imposition of the most complete and draconian Gun Control laws on this side of the Atlantic (including no sales of new guns to the civilian population), Venezuela now is the second country in the world in murders, with a rate of 82 per 100,000 people or 24,980 murders (Venezuela’s population is 33.2 million, 10% of the US.)

But we are supposed to accept the Gun Control Experiment, failed everywhere else, because the Shannons and Bloombergs and Everitts swear on a stack of corpses that it will work here…because magic.

Somehow I don’t feel comfortable with that lot issuing checks with their mouths that we will end up cashing with our lives.


Brady wants to go back to the future and repeat the fails.

Brady Back To The Future cut in half

Dear God. We are frigging doomed. Remember one of the basic principles of Gun Control: Their predictions always are wrong. (Wild West, blood on the streets, etc.) If we let the do their thing, murders will double in that amount of time instead of being at the lowest rate since 1957 and cut by half since 1974, the year the Handgun Control Inc (as the Brady Campaign was known back then) was founded.

Dear Dan Gross: Just go do some fundraising by selling your members email addresses or something. Don’t mess with success.

Gino and Mark Stocco manhunt: Fugitives armed with AK-47.

VIOLENT father-and-son drifters Gino and Mark Stocco — who are armed with a high-powered rifle — have been linked to a stolen Toyota Landcruiser as it emerged police came within 100m of the fugitives.Wagga police crime manager Detective-Inspector Darren Cloake told The Daily Telegraph the men were armed with a high-powered SKS rifle, which is a Chinese version of an AK-47.On Friday evening, police came within 100m of the father-and-son who had secured a fence with a chain and lock and cut through other fences anticipating a showdown with police.

Source: Gino and Mark Stocco manhunt: Fugitives armed with AK-47 | HeraldSun

This is outrageous! We cannot have criminal running around with military weapons like that! Maybe we should heed Hillary Clinton’s call:

CSGV Hillary Australia style gun control worth looking at

What do you say? Where is Wagga? Let me Google it…wait.. Australia? But…but… that is not supposed to happen anymore! They solved all that stuff when they “bought” the guns back and imposed heavy Gun Control Laws! Unimpossible!

But let’s do it anyway because this time it will work. I promise.

Hat Tip to Mark W.

Moms Demand ignores Legal History. (and a Four Rules reminder)


Moms Demand Castle Doctrine husband shoots wife

Should we tell them that Castle Doctrine was defined by Sir Edward Coke, in his The Institutes of the Laws of England, 1628? The NRA came to be a couple of centuries later and unless Wayne LaPierre got his hands on Doc Brown’s DeLorean and pulled a Back To The Future, I really don’t see how the “gun lobby” had anything to do with its creation.

But Lies is about the only message Shannon and Co. can put out for her followers and the loyal media lapdogs.

PS: RULE FOUR states that you should make sure of your target and what’s behind it. An innocent woman is dead because of that brutal violation. Get a light for your night weapon and challenge verbally and loudly.


Life Experiences

I commented in one of Miguel’s previous posts, CSGV: Fantasy vs. Reality regarding the similarity between having a gun and a fire extinguisher.  

Miguel made the comment:

“Example of that, my house. Mom had a grease fire and she used the small fire extinguisher we had in the kitchen. She was equally upset about the fire and the powder messing the stove.”

I was tempted to respond to his comment, but I decided to turn it into a post.

A few years ago I was living in Rapid City, SD, going to school there.  I lived in a terrible little community on the east end of town, right near campus.  The community was a collection of duplexes that were old military housing from when Ellsworth AFB was a SAC base.  The housing was sold off by the USAF to a developer who turned it into apartments.

What you need to understand about renting in Rapid City, is that most of the property managers who owned “affordable” rented the maximum units allowable to government subsidized tenants.  It was low hanging fruit.  Why did I live there?  I was a grad student married to another grad student and there weren’t many options for a place to rent near campus that was pet friendly and affordable.

The neighborhood was rough.  The police were out regularly, one of my neighbors was arrested at least once a week.

It was the middle of winter, in my last year in Rapid, and an overnight blizzard was underway.  Snow was coming in sideways, double digits below zero with the wind chill, final snow fall was in excess of 20 inches.  It was early am, maybe 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning when my dog starts going nuts.  I get out of bed at the prodding of my wife and I hear it.  Someone was pounding on my door.  I yell through the door something along the lines of “who’s there, what do you want?”

What I get back is “LET ME IN.”





I looked out the window and see that some of the houses in the neighborhood are dark.  A transformer had gone out in the storm (not uncommon) down the block and rendered about the community without power.  I still had electricity and have the habit of leaving the kitchen light on 24/7.




What’s important to understand at this juncture, is that during a blizzard, there are no cops.  Emergency response is non existent.  Your house could be on fire and there is no way of getting to you.  When you live in blizzard country, especially in rural blizzard country, it’s a fact you must accept.  Viability is zero and the cops or fire department can’t plow their way through more than a foot of snow to get to you.


The guy then starts punching the glass pane in my front door.



Punching continues.

So I go hurry back to the bedroom and grab my shotgun.  At this point my wife is freaking out, on hold with 911, and the dog is barking her head off.

I go back into the front room, shoulder the shotgun at the front door and yell


Lo and behold, he stopped punching my window.  He went from aggressive to sheepish right quick.



And he trudged off into the dark and the snow and the cold.

So yes, I have pulled a gun on somebody.  I didn’t fire a shot.  I didn’t have to.  He found himself eye level to the muzzle of a Mossberg 500 just on the other side of a single pane of glass and decided that he didn’t need into my house as badly as he thought he did.   I don’t know what he would of have done had he gotten into my house.  I don’t know if he was sober.  I can’t imagine a completely sober person venturing out into a blizzard just because his power went out.

Problem solved.  No SWAT team necessary.  Cops couldn’t have made it up the hill I lived on in a blizzard anyway, had my wife managed to get through to them.

The antis can tell you that no property is worth your life, just give the bad guy what he wants.  The Newspaper of Record can tell you that “The modern man has no need for a gun.”  Bloomberg and the CSGV can tell you that you are more likey to kill your whole family and then yourself with your gun in a ham-fisted comedy of errors than defend yourself with it.

At that moment I needed a gun.  I had a gun.  I USED my gun, and everybody came away alive.

And I’ve also put out a fire with a fire extinguisher and didn’t end up in a burn ward afterward either.

When some pearl-clutcher tells you, you don’t need something, and you will just hurt yourself with it and just leave your self reliance to the professionals.  Go out and buy what they tell you not to have.  Go out and buy two of them.