Month: November 2015

You are better off not sending your kids to college.

Instead, Canizares-Esguerra and Timmons explicitly frame the conflict as a racial one, with supporters of gun rights cast as white racial oppressors who are the heirs of slavery, Jim Crow, and other acts of “settler colonialism.”“We are witnessing the great ideological return of settler colonialism,” they say. “America has all along been about the sheer display of white male power (with guns): over Indians, over slaves, over females, over Mexicans, over Asians, over African Americans, and over Arabs. [The] return of the vigilante movement is a giant, collective white push back against the Civil Rights Movement and against the unintended consequences of globalization,migration, and demography.”

The two authors also make the unusual argument that Texas’s concealed carry law is unconstitutional because it results in the suppression of free speech.

“When a student brings a gun into our individual first -amendment [sic] right to control the bond of trust and community that is constitutionally under our care,” they say. “Yes, this is a classroom he has privileged his individual right over our right to establish and control the bond of trust and community in the classroom necessary to teach. The mere presence of guns can intimidate and thwart free speech.”

Source: Profs Play The Race Card Against Campus Carry | The Daily Caller

So I guess I missed the part in the new law where it says only White People can carry on Campus. If any one of my readers care to point out where can I find it, I would appreciate it so much.

And as for the intimidation and thwart factors:  I seem to recall that there is a great push for restricting speech on campus, but it is actually coming from the Liberal Left and at full speed. The recent recorded events at the University of Missouri where not only journalists were blocked from doing their jobs, but journalism professors were the ones directing the suppression of speech are just a recent example of it.

The guy in the glasses at the beginning (Professor Richard Callahan) is married to the redhead at the end of the video (Melissa Click, assistant professor of mass media.)  Both do their earnest to crush First Amendment Rights.

Ain’t academic freedom wonderful?

Save your money, send your kids to technical school. They will end up with a career that would actually make more money than a major in Spiritual basket-weaving in the Neolithic Era.

I take it all back

I think in the last 48 hours I have come around on the issue of campus carry.  It might in fact be a bad idea.

On principle, I believe that every law abiding citizen in entitled to the right to defend themselves.  It is a natural right, a primordial right.  The gazelle has horns to defend itself from the lion, the porcupine has quills to defend itself from the coyote, I have a gun to defend myself from who or what wants to do me harm.

In practicality, college students in the last couple of days have proven to me that they shouldn’t have so much as crayons and safety scissors.  Owning and carrying a gun is a big responsibility.  These kids have demonstrated a level of emotional and intellectual vacuousness that is causing time and space to warp around them.

Students at Yale, the No. 3 college in the country, are protesting and pitching a hissy fit because the wife of a dean of one of the colleges at Yale had the audacity to suggest in an email that maybe the school shouldn’t be policing what students wear for Halloween and that students had the right to express themselves.  This is how one student described the response to an email defending the right to freedom of expression:

“I have had to watch my friends defend their right to this institution. This email and the subsequent reaction to it have interrupted their lives. I have friends who are not going to class, who are not doing their homework, who are losing sleep, who are skipping meals, and who are having breakdowns.”

Let that sink in… students, at the No. 3 college in America… kids who are supposed to grow up to be Congressmen, Senators, and captains of industry are losing sleep and having breakdown because of an email that said “Is there no room anymore for a child or young person to be a little bit obnoxious… a little bit inappropriate or provocative or, yes, offensive?”   If this is the standard for behavior at the No. 3 college in America (I’m gonna keep driving that point home), what should my expectations be for the kids that come in below that.

The answer is … worse.  So there are were three – at least two of which were unconfirmed – reports of racist activity on the campus of the Univerity of Missouri.  The student body had been protesting for days and forced the resignation of the college president.  From this there have been rumors spreading of every bit of hostile activity on campus, the Klan showing up, etc.  None of which have been proven true.

One professor decided not to cancel class and continue with a scheduled exam.  He emailed his students with the message: “If you give into bullies, they win. The only way bullies are defeated is by standing up to them.”  He is right of course.  For the transgression of believing that his students were made of sterner stuff, he was savaged online and resigned while his character was impugned by the media.

Emboldened by the kerfuffle at Mizzou, students at Ithaca College are protesting for the resignation of their president for… reasons that I can hardly understand since it didn’t seem like anything actually happened there.  And the students of the University of Michigan are protesting in solidarity with the students from Mizzou and are causing havoc just because they can.

Speaking of solidarity for a moment, why does it not surprise me that the same people protesting for safe spaces on college campuses are also in solidarity with the Palestinians and anti-Israel anti-Semites (note the “Boycott Israel” bag)?

UM protest

Here’s the thing.  I live in Alabama.  In 1963, black students faced attack dogs, fire hoses, and police with night sticks for the right to go to class.  They went face to face with ACTUAL Klansmen, screaming n****r in their faces, for the right to go into a lecture hall, listen to a professor, and take a test.  Today, the hoax of an unconfirmed rumor about the KKK on campus makes these students demand a professor be fired for not canceling class.  This is so far past irony it is headlong into insanity.

These kids broke me.  I want to trust them as adults.  They are old enough to drive, old enough to vote, old enough to go to war.  But after all this, I can’t trust them with anything more intellectually challenging than a sticker book.

(I’d of normally said coloring book, but I’m afraid it would be a micro-aggression against the color blind and people who can’t color inside the lines and they will go on Twitter and threaten to burn down my house.)

And speaking of sterner stuff, civil rights, bravery, and gun rights.  Here is a picture of Charleston Heston, the former president of the NRA, of “from my cold dead hands” fame, marching on Washington D.C. for Civil Rights in 1963. Fo those who love to call the NRA racist, there is our former president putting his career and personal safety on the line to take a stand for civil rights.

Charlton Heston and Harry Belafonte appear with Marlon Brando, who embraces James Baldwin, author and civil rights leader, in front of the Lincoln statue at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington demonstration ceremonies on August 28, 1963.
Charlton Heston and Harry Belafonte appear with Marlon Brando, who embraces James Baldwin, author and civil rights leader, in front of the Lincoln statue at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington demonstration ceremonies on August 28, 1963.

Monster Hunter International Halloween Match…with special guests. 

Holidays are more fun when there is shooting involved.  Halloween is no exception.  The Halloween Horror shotgun match is an annual event in Arizona where competitors compete in costume in stages inspired by popular horror movies, games, or books.  This year’s match was entirely based upon the Monster Hunter novel series by Larry Correia (if you haven’t read them you should).

Source: Friday Night Gun Porn: Halloween Horror Shotgun Match 2015 – RECOIL

Our Lord and Savior from Werewolves and The Man They Call Jane.

Go read and watch the videos. I am jealous as hell.

Gun Control is a mental disease.

Jackie Speier has spent the past 35 years as a state and federal lawmaker, devoting much of her energy to the issue of gun violence. For the 65-year-old congresswoman, the problem is not an abstract one. As a 28-year-old legal adviser to California Representative Leo Ryan, Speier was shot five times while accompanying a delegation of lawmakers and journalists on a fact-finding mission to the People’s Temple Agricultural Project, a Guyanese commune better known as Jonestown, led by enigmatic Indiana Communist and community organizer Jim Jones.

Source: Congresswoman Jackie Speier Is One of a Few Lawmakers Who Knows What It’s Like to Be Shot

Get this: She fights for Gun Control because she was shot in a foreign country by members of a cult whose leader was California’s Left/Democratic Party golden religious boy who supervised the death of over 300 childrenBut somehow it is us, Gun Owners that are at fault.

Left Wing Dogma (or pretty much any dogma) makes for irrational thinking.

Situational Awareness

I’ve talked about the Knife Intifada before.  Palestinians are stabbing Israeli Jews left and right.

With that in mind, watch the security footage from an checkpoint in Jerusalem, below.

A woman in a Hijab walks up to the guard at the checkpoint.  She shows him her ID.  The guard starts looking at his… tablet, clip board, something official (I can’t tell what).  All the time he’s talking with the woman.

She has a full 20 seconds (from about 0:26 – 0:45) to slowly bring her bag around and pull out a knife.

The situation ended about as well as it could have at that point.  The guard received only minor injuries and the woman got shot, but non fatally.

All I can thing is “c’mon Doofus, you’re lucky you’re not dead.”

Let’s count the probelms, shall we?

1- Stabbings all over the city, committed by Palestinians.  Woman is wearing a Hijab, indicating she’s probably Palestinian.

2- Woman has a huge bag, that could be hiding anything.  Guard doesn’t pay attention to the bag.

3- She starts fumbling in her bag.  The guard apparently asks what she’s looking for it in, but makes to attempt to secure her.  It could be a knife, it could be a bomb.

4- The guard spent most of his time with his eyes off the Woman and on his … unidentified security object.

5- The guard stands way too close to the woman giving him no space to react when she gets her knife out.

I’m not a cop, but I’ve read about modern police traffic stop procedures.  Keep your eyes on the driver and passengers, watch for movement, etc.  When the cop has to fumble with checking ID or writing a ticket, where is that done?  In his car, with the suspect (for lack of a better word) in his car.  Why?  So the suspect can’t attack the officer while his attention is elsewhere.  This guard dropped every bit of situational awareness and now has a scar to prove it.

Don’t drop yours.  If something makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, listen to that fear.  I’d rather be accused of profiling than get killed or spend the rest of my life crapping into a bag through a hole in my side because I chose to ignore something that got my hackles up.

One of those Miami Stories…..

Facebook friend shared this story last nite:

When I first moved to Miami , there was a great iguana story…some HS kid bought a big iguana from another student, it was big, nearly 6f long. After school they had it at his apartment playing with it and poking at it, and it bit off one kid’s index finger. Paramedics showed up and said the finger might be re-attachable if recovered. MPD showed up and half a magazine later (inside the apt!), managed to shoot the iguana. Fire rescue cut it open on the kitchen table, but did not find the finger, he’d spit it out, but it wasn’t found until hours later. Meanwhile mom shows up to a house full of cops, firemen, bullet holes, A kid without a finger, and iguana guts everywhere.

And this is what we down here call Tuesday.