Month: November 2015

Why carry a knife you can open one-handed.

This is a good example:

Knives are cheap and occupy little space in your pockets. Ties while professional-looking and mandatory in some jobs, they can be used against you and could be mortal. I think the manager may have ended up with serious neck damage on this one. A decent one-handed or assisted opening knife would have solved the situation quickly.

I just got this baby recently:


Boker Plus Kalashnikov. Built more like a T-34 than the AK, it is sharp and comes with a glass breaker, seat belt cutter and oxygen tank valve opener. For South Florida and all the bodies of water next to roadways, I think it is a good choice to have in the car. In my case it would be a triple redundancy but I tend to overdo safety things. 😀



Straw Buyer who got gun that killed a cop, gets away with a caress on the wrist. 

A Clayton County woman was sentenced to a year of probation for lying about the gun she purchased for her boyfriend, a convicted felon who used the Glock to kill a Nebraska police officer.

Jalita Jenera Johnson, 26, must also complete 40 hours of community service and serve 180 days of home confinement, U.S. Attorney John Horn’s office said Monday.

Source: Probation for Clayton County woman who supplied gun used to… |

So she gets to stay at home watching cable for six months and work for a week in some shelter. That will strike fear in the hearts of gun traffickers right there.

But the real problem is the NRA and Gun Owners, right? We are mean because we demand that the laws that are already in the books be enforced and do not support “common sense gun safety” such as banning.

Hat Tip to Jeff A.

Creating customers for the morgue.

I don’t know if you have seen this video yet. If you have not, beware it will raise your blood pressure, cause you to cuss. and throw stuff at the screen:

Now, a lib/prog will wax(bull) philosophically about the social and economic conditions and how is the fault of our society and they are just acting out their frustrations, blah blah, etc.  But there is one section of the video that I want to bring up:

abusive students

You know Junior Thug found this hilarious. The sentiment got reinforced by the general merriment and support by his fellow brigands. And Junior Thug will  make the mistake and believe what works in the Halls of Academia can be taken outside to the real world.

And it will come to pass that he will pull a similar stunt to somebody in the street. Instead of a student desk, maybe is a cinder block or maybe he’ll grab a piece of rebar or other dangerous object and approach that somebody in a way that any normal human being will perceive as threatening.

And Junior Thug will end his days on this planet, bleeding in some street corner, chest full of bullet holes for committing an assault with a deadly weapon. The usual outcry will ensue: He was a good boy, never got in trouble and the family does not know what happened. There will be claims of him being in dean’s list, church goer, helped old ladies cross the street and rescued cats from trees.

The political savvy community activists and faux men of the cloth will get involved, calling upon the press to fight for the injustice committed. They will run with pictures of the “angel” when he was a score younger, smiling and with prominent cheeks as he played inside a Chuck-e-Cheese. Pressure will be exercised on the local prosecutor to examine the case and send his “killer” to the gas chamber without due process, ironically in the name of Justice.

The “killer” will be examined with a depth that might have come handy to vet a presidential candidate sporting a “D” next to his name. Every aspect of his life will be analyzed, every fault augmented to paroxysm and if there is nothing there to paint him as a murderous bastard, they will make it up and double down on the Narrative knowing they can get away with it.

And blame will also be assigned in buckets to everybody but the responsible parties. Nobody will step in front of the cameras and say “Well, frigging Junior Thug was a thug and knew what he was doing was wrong. The damn parents should have done their jobs and the damn school district should have put his sorry ass in jail long before this had to happen.”

Maybe there will be a trial, maybe there won’t be if evidence surfaces that is so overwhelming as to contradict the Narrative…but even so, I would not bet on it. So another life will be ruined, even if the verdict is in his favor because it is easier to blame one solitary person than admit a whole system is a failure.

And alone in her apartment or house, a frail teacher will be watching all these shenanigans on TV and sport an un-Christian thought: “He had it coming.”

Note: The original video I used and got the screen caps from was posted in Youtube who excised it under the excuse of being against their policy showing of bullying and abuse. The beauty of a Memory Hole. 

You can rent your own Moms Demand Activist.

Lucy McBath for rent

Not a bad joke. She is posted with The Robinson Agency as “A Mother on a Mission, Gun Safety Advocate and Actress.” One feels for her as her son Jordan Davis was murdered by scum-bucket Michael Davis, but the Red Shirt only gives her so much leeway and none when it comes to spread Mom Demand lies about Stand Your Ground and the Second Amendment…and then doing it for a fee.

the robinson agency

She was featured in a recent piece by Fusion and this struck me as contradictory:

For that reason, McBath continues to advocate. She is motivated, she says, by legacy of the work her father did in the civil-rights movement and her exposure to the movement as a child, attending marches and rallies.“It was important to me to channel my pain and my angst and my anger,” she said. “Because I did receive justice, I have more accountability to help other people in this country receive justice.”

Source: Lucy McBath takes on Florida’s Stand Your Ground law | Fusion

If I were to bet, her father did not use a talent agency to do his work for the Civil Rights movement, nor he charged an engagement fee.

No doubt that Moms Demand are well-organized in a media mercenary way, but they are no match against dedicated gun owners who will show their dedication in numbers and covering their expenses out of their own pockets and without the help of a billionaire, the need of a booking agency or the adulation of the Mainstream Media.


This is IGOLD, Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day by the Illinois State Rifle Association. They march on a week day which means they had to take a day off from work and lose income. They paid the expenses with their own money and lobbied with so much determination for gun rights that Illinois finally gave up the ghost and joined the other 49 states in allowing concealed carry.

You can have Sugar Daddies and all the Press, but you shall never be this grassroots.

And that is why we win.

Andrew Branca takes on the New York Times and Taco Stand on Stand Your Ground.

I had a post halfway done, but I saw that Andrew had done his work, so I leave it to the professional to take them down piece by piece.

I imagine we’ve all chuckled at the mindlessness which the New York Times provides opportunities to observe the Murray Gell-Mann amnesia effect in action.From my own perspective as an expert in use-of-force law I fail to recall a single instance in which the NYT has so much as approached factual accuracy or displayed contextual understanding in a piece on self-defense laws in general or “stand-your-ground” in particular.This morning’s editorial, “More Stand Your Ground Mischief in Florida” is no exception. What has the NYT Editorial Board all in a tizzy this time is a proposed change to Florida’s self-defense immunity law.

Source: Stand-Your-Ground | Self-defense Immunity| Florida

I love his closing:

What the NYT fails to recognize is that what Florida has is not a “stand-your-ground” problem, it is an “abusive prosecutors” problem.  Had prosecutors ceased their over-reaching in currying political favor this proposed change to the state’s self-defense immunity law would never have seen the light of day.

And we have seen that again and again.

1990’s Range Safety Video From The FLETC (JohnnyIShootStuff)

Via Reddit:

I hope that more modern videos have taken care of some nasty violations I saw on this one. Apparently back in the 90s, the Feds got a discounted version of Rules of Gun Safety and only got 50% of them….yes, they only have two of the four.

About 95% of the video is good and still very valid. But when it comes to holstering, I got tired of watching the actors sweeping either their free hand or parts of their abdomen and upper leg. I also caught a couple of finger violations on parts where the subject allegedly was doing things right; I am blaming those on the editing of the documentary more than the script.


Gun Safety Rules Gunsite 1