Month: November 2015

Late night thought.

I was doing some writing and came across two words that got me thinking: First Aid.

I remember in High School back in the 70s, they had a huge two-day event for those who wanted to take a First Aid class and it was glorious. We were taught the amazing concept of CPR (back then it had like 18 steps you needed to follow), treating fractures, stop bleeding (Blood dark and slow), apply tourniquets (Blood bright and fast), taking care of burns, snake bites, improvise stretchers (two poles & three t-shirts), when to remove stuff inserted in the body and when not to do so and a whole bunch of other stuff. The only thing we didn’t cover was the Heimlich maneuver because it had not come up yet.

Today, unless you seek some classes like CERT or similar, the only First Aid training I see out there is to call 911, repeated compression on the chest of a cardiac victim at the beat of “Staying Alive” (No shit, that is the latest) or pretty much holding the victim’s hand and tell him/her help is on the way.

Basically, we are doing Lamaze coaching to cases of grave bodily harm.

What the hell happened?

antique first aid kit

Taking the Press Sec’s Advice

The White House Press Secretary, Josh Earnest, requested that this year at Thanksgiving, Americans discuss gun control.


The left just loves ruining holidays with politics, don’t they?

But, since this one comes directly from the White House, I think I might comply.  My dad is coming up to visit us for the holiday.  I’m going to hot smoke a duck on the BBQ grill (eat your hearts out Progressives).  And we will have a conversation that goes something like this:

Dad: “How is working in the gun industry.”

J.Kb: “I didn’t know it was possible to enjoy something so much with clothes on.”

Dad: “Great.”

J.Kb: “So how about we discuss gun control like the White House wants?”

Dad: “Ok, you go first.”

J.Kb: “I love it when they talk about gun control.  I can’t wait for Hillary to run with gun control as a central part of her strategy.  I really hope Obama threatens us with a lame duck gun control push.”

Dad: “Why.”

J.Kb: “Lets see… the numbers are on our side.  More Americans believe in gun rights than gun control.  We’ve seen crime spikes in every city that has had Social Justice riots in 2015, despite an overall decrease in nation wide violent crime.”

Dad: “So why do you want them to keep talking about gun control.”

J.Kb: “Democrat idiocy is great for business.  Trust in the government to protect us, especially against terrorism is at a new low.  We have record concealed carry in the US, with people rushing to get permits after every terrorist attack.  Guns are flying off the shelves, and every month we are ahead of previous years for NICS checks.  The more they talk the more we sell.”

Dad: “But what happens if they actually get a ban?”

J.Kb: “The GOP still has a majority in Congress, so that is a hurdle to jump.  But still, there are huge numbers of Law Enforcement who have stated an intention to refuse to uphold new gun bans.  When compliance was voluntary, only about 10% of people complied.”

Dad: “You’re not too afraid.”

J.Kb: “You think cops in Alabama are really going to go door-to-door looking for guns?  No officer, that’s not a gun safe… that’s a refrigerator. ‘Carry on son'”

Dad: “You’re just being cynical.”

J.Kb: “You raised me.”

Dad: “Touche.  Speaking of guns, when can I get something from you at the insider price.”

J.Kb: “Friends and family discounts come out the week before Christmas.”

Dad: “I let you know what I want.  By the way, this duck is delicious.”




Finland to EU on new Gun Control Regulations: Perkele!

According to the automated translation via Chrome of this articleAnneli Jäätteenmäki, member of the European Parliament for Finland told the European Commission that they “ should make a clear distinction between terrorists and criminals legitimately shooting enthusiasts.”

She went on to ask in writing how the new regulations would affect the  “prevention of illicit arms trafficking, organized crime and terrorism”, without limiting the Finnish defense.” Finland does not have a professional army like other European nations and like Switzerland, depends on its armed population for the defense of the country.” And they are good at it, ask the Russians.

Finn version of Foxtrot Yankee


The Dreaded “G” Word.

Perhaps I’m being cynical, but I suspect that the media is being vague because they don’t like to report what demographics and area history suggest is black-on-black crime, almost certainly committed with illegally-acquired weapons by gang members with extensive criminal records.

Source: Media Whitewashes Mass Shooting In New Orleans – Bearing Arms – Crime, Louisiana, Mass Shooting, media bias

GANG.  There, I said it. That is the word that the NOLA media refuses to say and for both political and economic reasons. The same happens here in Magic City USA where the fun under the sun makes for a substantial part of the tri-county area income.

In the last several weeks, there has been a series of shootings of young people in the North West area and related to High Schools, but if you go by what appear on the press, they have no sense whatsoever as they just sprout as if by magic. The drug trade is still strong and violent in places like Miami Gardens and Liberty City, traditionally Black neighborhoods and the same for Homestead and Florida City, but this one comes in Central American immigrant flavor. In fact, there is an estimate of 70 gangs active through the Miami Dade County area (2011 numbers) with over 2,300 members but probably more.

But try to find info in the Miami Herald or in the local news and other than telling you that somebody got killed or wounded, you won’t get any other details. You see, Gangs are bad for the image of the county and the image of the politicians. The Miami Dade leadership still reels when some foreign paper mentions the attacks on Tourists in the 90s and local business groups go into panic sh*t-fit mode, afraid that they will lose hotel occupancy and the corresponding taxes that come with it. And the politicians that need poor screwed up victims, cannot admit that gangs are the problem and that the cops need to get medieval because they made their lives and careers crapping on cops. If you want to know about gangs in South Florida, you have to tune to TV shows like The First 48 or documentaries. 

So what happens? If there is no “gang problem”, then there is no urgent need to attack it. That bodies keep falling and good people are hostages at the mercy of politically and economically untouchable criminals. Complain about it and you will tagged as racist or somebody wanting to rock the economic boat.

The body of a black child in a street of Miami Gardens is an acceptable way of doing business in this town as long as the lights in Miami Beach or the Art District keep shinning bright.

ms 13

College Trolling for the Second Amendment?

CSGV University of Oregon gun raffle

After UO student government refused to pay for the event, Young Americans for Liberty asked the conservative group Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) to step in.“ASUO’s refusal to fund a poker night hosted by UO’s chapter of Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) expressly because it disagrees with the event’s message amounts to constitutionally prohibited viewpoint discrimination,” FIRE said in a statement. “FIRE urged the university administration to step in to protect its students’ First Amendment rights.”“Since ASUO is an agent of a public university, the University of Oregon administration is legally and morally required to intervene to rectify the First Amendment violations perpetrated by ASUO,” FIRE Senior Program Officer Ari Cohn insisted.Although ASUO sponsored last year’s event, the group said that its mission statement was being interpreted differently this year. The university issued a statement supporting ASUO.“ASUO receives many funding requests and is empowered to select which do and which do not receive support,” the university noted.

Source: Oregon libertarian students demand school pay for gun giveaway because it’s ‘free speech’


See, guns are bad, M’kay? But guzzling beer and cider are OK!

Along with food from Afghanistan and the usual funnel cake, ASUO decided to collaborate with Falling Sky Brewery, which will replace The Buzz in the Erb Memorial Union in fall 2016, bringing the first-ever beer garden to the event. Students over 21 this year can enjoy a cup (or three) of cider inside the snow fencing in EMU Amphitheater on Friday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Source: Fall ASUO Street Faire refreshes with beer garden and new vendors | Emerald Media

I would imagine that Libertarians would try to avoid being funded by somebody else and seek their own solutions, but from I what gathered in this specific case, the students (in this particular and the general population) have to contribute to ASUO which is supposed to provide for events like the Poker event or accepted fair kegger on an egalitarian basis. But since they are openly saying that they will not provide funding because they don’t like the message, then it does become a First Amendment issue since they are collecting monies from the students who do not have a say on how the money will be spent.

If anything, this should be a fun one to watch.

The difference between Grandpa and Grandma.

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between Grandmothers and Grandfathers?

Well, here it is:

There was this loving grandfather who always made a special effort to spend time with his son’s family on weekends. Every Saturday morning he would take his 5-year-old granddaughter out for a drive in the car for some quality time — pancakes, ice cream, candy– just him and his granddaughter.
One particular Saturday, however, he had a terrible cold and could not get out of bed. He knew his granddaughter always looked forward to their drives and would be very disappointed. Luckily, his wife came to the rescue and said that she would take their granddaughter for her weekly drive and breakfast.
When they returned, the little girl anxiously ran upstairs to see her grandfather who was still in bed. “Well, did you enjoy your ride with grandma?” he asked.
“Not really, Grandpa, it was boring. We didn’t see a single asshole, horse’s ass, socialist left wing Obama lover, blind bastard, dip shit, Muslim camel humper, pecker head son of a bitch or Homo anywhere we went. We just drove around and Grandma smiled at everyone she saw. I really didn’t have any fun.”

Almost brings a tear to your eye, doesn’t it?

david niven wink

Hat Tip: Bob G.