Month: November 2015

CSGV’s rolls around on the bird dropping catcher.

If you haven’t been hiding inside an abandoned missile silo in the Dakotas, you have seen the cover of yesterday’s New York Daily News. Our “friends” at the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence also did and the comments were nothing if expected for such a Hate group. My favorite this time around comes from Miss Gini Garden, look for it in the collage as she went full feminist.

CSGV NY Daily News 2

Since I am banned from posting in its website, I couldn’t share a link with them about government safety and deep background checks:

CSGV NY Daily News 3

A recent U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) report found that 73 aviation workers, employed by airlines and vendors, had alleged links to terrorism.The report, published by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Inspector General on June 4, blamed bureaucratic mistakes. Though the TSA says it frequently cross-checks applications and employee lists with the DHS’s “Consolidated Terrorist Watchlist,” both are incomplete.

Source: TSA Investigation Finds 73 Workers on U.S.’s Terrorist Watchlist

I am guessing that is also the fault of the NRA.

Hat tip to Manuel L. for the TSA link.

France, Europe, and ISIS from a foreigner in a foreign land

I’ve been following the news on the ISIS shooting in France and the European response.  I haven’t had the chance to post in a few day, it’s been a very busy time at work.  I’ve been wrestling over what to write about regarding the attacks in France.  I really haven’t been able to hammer out a distinct thesis, so this post will be a little stream of consciousnesses.

I feel for the victims of terrorism in France.  It is horrific whenever innocents die at the hands of evil.  Speaking of innocents dying at the hands of evil, is this a bad time to mention how the Vichy government rounded up French Jews and handed them over to the NAZIS for extermination?  Or that perhaps France is the most antisemitic country in Europe right now, and that the remaining population of Jews in France is headed out the door?

I am watching in real time as the people who have oppressed and slaughtered my ancestors in the Diaspora get murdered by the people who oppressed and slaughtered my people in our native land.

Now that France, and Europe as a whole, has just begun to experience what Israel has experienced for the last 60 years, – e.g. en masse Islamic terrorism – you’d think they’d have more sympathy.  NOPE.  French bodies weren’t even cold before some Swedish asshole politician goes ahead and blames Israel for the shooting in France.  And of course the EU (lead by France) is plowing ahead with mandatory labeling of imported goods Juden Made in Israel.

Following the Copenhagen shooting at the Great Synagogue, Benjamin Netanyahu suggested it’s time for European Jews to leave for safety in Israel.  European leaders responded indignantly.  Not of course at the knowledge that European Jews are being stabbed left and right, but that Netanyahu mentioned that publicly.  Then there was the shooting at a French Kosher Deli and just today a Jewish teacher was stabbed.  It is obvious that the Jews of Europe are no longer welcome there and it is time for them to leave.  Oh yeah, and Spain pretty much just violated every tenant of international law and diplomacy to put out and arrest warrant for Netanyahu and several other Isreali politicians because Israel had the audacity to defend itself.  No European state would be so bold as to issue arrest warrants for the leaders of Islamic nations that support terrorism.

I’m not saying that the people of France deserved what happened to them, I’m just saying my sympathies are tempered by history.  As a member of Western Civilization, I am naturally inclined to side with Western Civilization in a moment of crisis.  In the choice between Europe and Islam, I’ll support Europe.

Irony of ironies is that what is happening in Europe right now is the result of the worst ancient and modern European conditions combined.  Europe is perhaps the most tribalistic society on Earth.  France, Germany, Great Britain, these are new concepts.  European nationalism is just tribalism with flags.  The tribal names of Europe are the ones we studied in high school history: Franks, Goths, Teutons, Celts, Saxons, Slaves, Norsemen, etc.

For more than two millennia, the continent of Europe has been at a nearly constant state of tribal war.  They’d kill each other for a while, then a peace would be brokered by marrying one tribes princess to some other tribe’s prince. and that would hold for a few generations, then the process would repeat.  Every once in a while, the Europeans would take a break from killing each other to to kill some other tribe from the Middle East – the various wars between the Greeks and Persians, Romans and Persians, the Reconquista of Spain, the Crusades, etc.

Most of the tribalism finally ended in the beginning of the 20th century with WWI, which was just the most high stakes game of Family Feud every played.  European tribalism was mostly replaced in the 1930’s with political allegiance to Fascism, NAZISM, Communism, etc.  Tribalism didn’t go away completely, as no amount of political allegiance could make a Jew a German (or Pole or Frenchman) leading to the Holocaust.  Once Communism ended, the tribalism resurged with the Yugoslav Wars and the balkanization of Eastern Europe.

All of this tribalism explains how the Muslim immigrants are treated.  That is, they are not integrated into European society.  They are segregated and always made to feel like outsiders.  They is one of the reasons why there are so many Islamic radicals who are naturally born Europeans.  Just to be clear, the Islamic world is every bit as tribal as Europe.  I can’t tell a Sunni from a Shiite, but they doesn’t stop them from massacring each other over that distinction.  Ask any soldier who served in Afghanistan, every culture there hates every other – the Farsi, Pashtun, Uzbek, etc.  Then there is the oppression of the Yazidi, Kurds, etc.  So it’s not like the Muslim immigrants to Europe want to integrate either.  Tribalism.

At the same time, Europe feels guilty about the Holocaust (as they continue to be antisemitic, re-branded as anti-Zionism)  so they have crafted a lot of “multicultural” policies to protect their ethnic and religious minorities (except for the Jews).  So the Europeans treat radical Muslims with kid gloves as they simultaneously exacerbate their radicalism.  It is a perfect storm of tribalism and left wing multiculturalism.  As more Europeans get raped and killed by European Muslims, and as more cities are overrun  with refugees, a strong right wing nationalist movement is building in Europe.  But unlike the Jews of Europe, the Muslims have some fight in them as many want to build the Caliphate in Europe.  Convert or die.

Knowing my history of both Europe and Islam, I am afraid that this crisis will end in Gas Chambers.  The only thing I’m not sure of is, who be getting marched into them.


Dear God! We have terrorists running with guns everywhere in the US! (Updated)

(Cue ominous music)

“Membership in a terrorist organization does not prohibit a person from possessing firearms or explosives under current federal law,” the Government Accountability Office concluded in 2010. The law prohibits felons, fugitives, drug addicts and domestic abusers from purchasing a firearm in the United States. But people on the FBI’s consolidated terrorist watchlist — typically placed there when there is “reasonable suspicion” that they are a known or suspected terrorist — can freely purchase handguns or assault-style rifles.

Source: From 2004 to 2014, over 2,000 terror suspects legally purchased guns in the United States – The Washington Post

And as you can imagine, Laddites and all Gun control followers are losing their minds about this slanted news article. At least the author Christopher Ingraham, covers his as in the last paragraph:

The biggest knock against the proposed legislation is perhaps that the FBI’s watchlist is an imperfect tool for assessing an individual’s terror threat. Civil libertarians warn that the watchlist has ballooned in size to nearly 700,000 individuals in recent years. Many of those people may simply be family members, acquaintances or people only marginally acquainted with individuals who actually belong to terror groups. The NRA and its allies are worried that perfectly law-abiding people may end up on a watchlist and be unable to purchase a gun.

How bad is the list? We can begin with our friends as the Southern Poverty Law Center being associated with the FBI about tagging local homegrown terrorist groups such as American Family Association (Clean TV programming), California Coalition for Immigration Reform (Proposition 187). Family Research Council (Pacific anti-abortion group that got shot by a loony), Federation for American Immigration Reform, Jewish Defense League and even WorldNetDaily…yes, a website for news.

But instead of giving you a long explanation why the list is a screw up, I am gonna give you a quick 15 second summary: It is just a list of names associated with something to do with terrorism, up and included somebody with your name having known in some small capacity somebody that the government considers has a fain tie with terrorism.

Let’s say some Colombian Narco terrorist with my name is suspected to have been involved in some evil deed that comes to the attention of the US authorities and gets put on the list. Guess who gets selected for extra scrutiny and free colonoscopy at Miami International Airport? Not only yours truly but at least another 186 people in Miami Dade alone who happen to have the same name according the White Pages online.


And somebody from NY jumped into the Stupid Bandwagon. This is my shocked face.

NRA Sick Jihad Daily News

Fast & Furious ATF Agents retiring with all benefits.

Two men from Mexico were sentenced for the murder of Terry, in September. But we’ve learned that the men who allowed those defendants to get their hands on some assault rifles faced a much lighter sentence. Retirement complete with a government pension.


Tony Coulson was a Drug Enforcement administrator in Tucson during Operation Fast and Furious and worked with Newell and Gillett.

“Nothing happened to them. George Gillett was allowed to retire with no impact on his retirement.”

Bill Newell got an even sweeter deal.

“Newell was demoted from a senior executive service to intelligence analyst or grade 13.”

Coulson estimates Newell stands to make $100,000 a year in annuities.

Source: N4T Investigators: ATF officials in charge of scandalous gunwalk – KVOA | | Tucson, Arizona

Who says crime does not pay?  Or for the government, but I repeat myself


Expansion of Florida’s SYG fails. Shake it off, carry on and try again.

Current Florida law will remain in effect, requiring that a person claiming self-defense immunity bear the burden of proving self-defense by a preponderance of the evidence. That legal standard had been applied by the courts for several years, and then was explicitly affirmed by the Florida Supreme Court in a 5-2 decision this past July. That decision, Bretherick v. State, 170 So. 3d 766 (FL Supreme Court 2015), is embedded below.All of the procedures around the actual implementation of Florida’s self-defense immunity statute have necessarily been created by the courts, because the statute itself failed to set forth any such procedures.

Source: Self-defense Immunity | Stand-Your-Ground | Florida

Nobody said you were going to get 100% of what you wanted. Ours is the long game as it give the permanent solution.

Just remember next year is electoral, that is when the buttons are pushed.


Push hard.