Month: November 2015

The one where Taurus sends firearms technology back 40 years.


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What happens when you drop a loaded Taurus pistolThis slow motion footage shows three Taurus pistols (PT 24-7 .40, PT 24-7 .45, PT111 9mm) during a simulated drop. The company has agreed to a voluntary recall of 9 models in a settlement of a class-action lawsuit. Though, the recall will not be effective, and gun owners can’t mail their pistols back, until a judge gives final approval to the settlement which includes a $30 million cap on the $200 cash back payments.

Posted by on Friday, November 13, 2015

Hi Point, Bryco, Jennings and Jimenez owners can now safely say “At least I don’t own a Taurus.”

Hat Tip: John D. F.

Thoughts on Paris | Monster Hunter Nation

For the pacifistic anti-gun dumb asses on the internet who always crop up in the aftermath of any violent event, bitching about imaginary crossfires, or how fighting back would just make things worse. Just shut up already. You’re children, with a child’s grasp of the subject. When people are being mass butchered, barring tossing hand grenades at the bad guy, it is pretty damned hard to make it worse.

Source: Thoughts on Paris | Monster Hunter Nation

Go read Larry Correia’s (ILoH) take on Paris. There is a couple of things I disagree on, but 99.99% is golden.


Everytown thinks we are too stupid.

Everytown emergency

Maybe ninny New Yorkers or Mizzou College students that will assume fetal position at the sound of an offending word, but as for the rest of the country, I can answer you easily:

Self Defense: So easy that even a child can do it.

LADSON, S.C. (AP) — Authorities have identified a would-be burglar who was fatally shot by a 13-year-old who was at home alone and used his mother’s gun.The Charleston County Coroner’s Office tells media outlets 31-year-old Lamar Brown of Summerville died Tuesday.Twenty-eight-year-old Ira Bennett of North Charleston was also arrested and charged with first degree burglary and possession of a firearm during the commission of a violent crime.

Source: South Carolina Boy Kills Robber With Mom’s Gun – US News

Dear Everytown: Trying to tell Americans that they cannot defend themselves, their families, their homes and therefore should not have guns, is a very big losing proposition. Specially right after the Paris Attacks.

Dear Bloomie: You are supposed to have some sort of PR geniuses in your payroll. Are you getting your money’s worth?

The European Eunuchs. 

los dirigentes franceses dejarán que pasen los días mientras anuncian nuevas medidas que no servirán de nada, o servirán de muy poca cosa, pues, mientras haya un solo fanático dispuesto a morir matando y esté viviendo dentro de tu país, nada se puede hacer, desde la perspectiva militar al menos. En la nueva guerra que libra el mundo vale más un lobo solitario que toda una división del Ejército.

French leaders let the days go by as they announce new measures that will come to nothing, or serve little. As long as there is one fanatical (jihadist) willing to die fighting and is living inside your country, nothing can be done, from military perspective at least. In the new world war waged a lone wolf is worth an entire army division.

Source: Atentados en París: Caballo de Troya | Opinión | EL PAÍS

El Pais is a Spanish newspaper and not a bad one at all. It comes with the Nuevo Herald and it tickles my Spanish mother pink.

What pisses me off is that the history of Spain is basically the 700 years of Islamic slavery and its fight to get rid of the caliphate in the Iberian peninsula. Nothing can be done? Are you stupid or just ignorant of your own history? The Moor were inside the damned country, in position of power and were driven out to Africa by feat of sword and lances. But yes, it requires drastic measures and getting your hands dirty which the weak-stomached Euro Trash seem to be allergic to. The author shall be a good slave for the new caliphate of  Al-Andalus

They are boned.