Month: November 2015

You are your own Safe Space.

As seen somewhere in Facebook:

You are your own Safe Space.

I have been ruminating about the attacks on Paris and if anything came out clear was that the principle that Government is Unable to  Protect People.  . It is not that they don’t want to, it is simply that the deck is stacked against the system

We joke a lot about the French Army (not the Legion) but something you can be sure of they do right is Intelligence and Wet Work. Nobody dares to say that both the  DGSE (Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure) or the DGSI (Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure) are jokes or less than professional. Their counter terrorism group GIGN (Groupe d’Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale) is respected and has had successful operations. DGSE and DGSI also have a long history of being less than “humanist” when it comes to their treatment of terror suspects or anybody or organization that goes against France. From the OAS trying to assassinate DeGaulle to the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, the French Security system shows it is Honey Badger: They don’t care.

That French Security System has been in high alert since January after the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Last Friday, the French President was at the soccer match, so you know nobody was slacking out there, and still they could not stop the killings. No organization can be right and effective 100% of the time and even if they thwart 99% of the tries, it is that one percent that you will be in the middle of with your family.

So, think, plan and vote according to the info we are now gathering. Rethink your shopping season, where you gather for religious services and even restaurants (The assholes in Paris targeted a Cambodian Restaurant, so they don’t like Theravada Buddhism either.) Any place where mass casualties can be created, you may think of avoiding.

Just be safe and carry if you . It takes one properly placed bullet to alter their plans and increase the chances for survival


Germany gets creative with refugee housing.

Just leaving this here.

The 22-year-old chef, who fled Afghanistan after the Taliban killed his father, immediately set about decorating it with an Afghan bedroll, a Persian rug and an Afghan flag. The low building that flanks his new home looked unremarkable to him. But to a German, the distinctive, elongated shape is rather unsettling, and for good reason. Ashkan’s new home is in a part of Dachau, a former concentration camp where the Nazis murdered 41,500 people, some in agonising medical experiments

Source: The refugees housed at Dachau: ‘Where else should I live?’ | World news | The Guardian


Where do criminals get their guns?

WORCESTER, Mass. —The United States  Army Reserve armory in Worcester was broken into Saturday night.The FBI says some weapons are missing as a result of the break-in.
Both the FBI and local police are investigating the break-in at the Lincoln Stoddard Army Reserve Center on Lake Street. The break-in does not seem to be tied to any kind of terrorism threat according to officials.

Source: FBI: Weapons missing after Worcester armory break-in | Local News – WCVB Home

Don’t worry, those guns were properly registered and the authorities were informed immediately so I am 100% sure (according to what the Opposition says) that they will not only will never be used in the commission of a crime, but that the bad guys will feel remorseful and return them by business end today.

Hat Tip, Barron B.

Moms Demand Action: There was a terror attack, bring out the dead horse and a whip.

Moms Demand Terrorist watch list

They are pulling that one from the lime pit. Of course, the Terrorist Watch list is perfect because it has zero mistakes like having little kids in it or dead people, elected heads of state and anybody with a common name. Even Ted Kennedy was on that list!

Don’t you think Shannon Watts knows this? Of course she does. But she knows she can get away with the misinformation and rile up the masses following them in Facebook and other media.

Moms Demand Terrorist watch list 2

Fear Stupid People gathered in numbers and with the capacity to vote.

Paris: They are not stupid.

(info is still coming out. details will change)

Getty Images

Eight terrorists. That was all. I am sure they had some support personnel, but eight Jihadist was what it took to sink Paris into chaos. Seven of the eight die by their own deed via suicide vests.

The planners of this attack took the lessons from the  2002 Moscow Nord-Ost siege and the 2008 Mumbai attack and made it work. From Mumbai, they learned to stage several peripheral attacks to distract and dilute the efforts of the First Responders and from Moscow, to get the most amount of victims in an easy to control place (Le Bataclan Concert Hall).

Via The Telegraph
Via The Telegraph

At time of this publishing, there were only 140 dead reported by official sources but I figure the amount will increase some. It does not reach the numbers of Mumbai simply because the French authorities responded quickly enough and stormed the Bataclan theater. Some will no doubt bitch about civilians that got killed in the entry, but they were not hostages in the traditional sense: They were just victims waiting to be executed by the terrorists.  All of the hostages had a death sentence issued, they were as good as dead if action was not taken.  Same as happened in Beslam and in Nord-Ost, it is the proven Chechen formula.

We cannot longer be passive according to the old counter-terrorists rules: Stay put, don’t call attention, don’t make them mad and you will survive. That little piece of advice died in 9/11 and it has been getting impaled ever since. The new choice is to fight and yes, you may die but at least in your terms, not theirs, you may screw their plans enough that people may escape and you may even create a window of opportunity for you to escape.

Being passive is no longer a viable option if you are planning on breathing for several more decades.