Month: November 2015

If we could only regulate Stuffed Animals like we do Guns…

An Oregon mother received the shock of a lifetime after she discovered her daughter’s stuffed toy was full of insects.After noticing a tear in her 3-year-old daughter Kinley’s Cozy Hugs microwavable stuffed animal, Kamren Weiler discovered that the toy was infested with bugs.“She went to sleep with it and played with it and had it in her bed,” Weiler told reporters at local station KATU 2. “Yeah, it’s really gross.”When Weiler poured out the contents of the animal, she found what looked to be hundreds of living insects.

Source: Mother Makes Disturbing Discovery In Stuffed Animal She Bought For Her Daughter (Photo)

You don’t hear about bugs coming out guns, EVAH! We need tough Stuffed Animal Control so things like this never happen again.


Brazil: We did it your way and it did not work. Let’s try something different.

Congressmen in Brazil, one of the most violent countries in the world, are proposing to dramatically loosen restrictions on personal gun ownership, bringing the country much closer to the American right to bear arms.The politicians say the measures are necessary to allow embattled citizens the right to defend themselves from criminals armed with illegal weapons. But opponents say the move will only increase the country’s toll of nearly 60,000 murders in 2014.The draft law, which is set to be voted on by the lower house of congress this month, introduces a right for citizens to own firearms for self-defense or the protection of property. Currently, citizens must apply for a gun permit and justify why they need a gun, meaning that applications can be easily denied.

Source: Brazil Seeks to Copy U.S. Gun Culture | TIME

I doubt it will pass in its current form or anytime soon. But the fact that it is being seriously discussed is an amazing change for Brazil and South America in general. Basically somebody took a sledge hammer to the tectonic plates of status quo and gave it a good whack.

It also represents the desperation that grips people in Brazil. Criminals outnumber police and they are not afraid of them. The military was sent to the favelas (ghettos) and got their asses kicked. The good people are hostage of a well armed minority because Gun Control has been the doctrine since the early 20th Century.

However, the Brazilian Congress needs to also copy the U.S. self-defense laws that give the citizens the benefit of the doubt and the assumption of innocence, something that is lacking in South America. Without those, people will not feel confident enough to defend themselves. Those two together? Drop in crime will follow (and lots of criminals assuming room temperature)

Pray for Brazil.

Moral Cowerdice

Miguel quoted the article Race and the Free-Speech Diversion – The New Yorker in his post below.  I started reading it, and there is one paragraph in it that sticks out in my mind.

“These are not abstractions. And this is where the arguments about the freedom of speech become most tone deaf. The freedom to offend the powerful is not equivalent to the freedom to bully the relatively disempowered. The enlightenment principles that undergird free speech also prescribed that the natural limits of one’s liberty lie at the precise point at which it begins to impose upon the liberty of another.”

I have one response: BULLSHIT!

I would now like to cite precedent:

National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie (1977)

The American Nazi Party wanted to march in Skokie, Illinois.  Why?  Because Skokie had the highest percentage of holocaust survivors of any city in the country (1 in 6 residents).  They were denied the right to march.

The NAZI Party sued and guess who came to their defense.  The ACLU.  Who was their lawyer?  Burton Joseph, a JEWISH lawyer who’s parent ran a business as caretakers of Jewish cemeteries.  The Supreme Court found for the NAZI Pary in a 5-4 decision.  Who was one of the Justices who argued for the majority decision?  The first African-American Justice to the US Supreme Court, Justice Thurgood Marshall.

THAT IS THE BEST OF AMERICA RIGHT THERE.  A Jewish lawyer defending the freedom of speech for NAZIs, upheld by a black Justice.  Two minorities who showed their mettle by proclaiming the right to freedom of speech and peaceably assemble was more important than feelings.

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.

What does the NYT have as a retort?  Safe Spaces, were only certain opinions, races, or sexual orientations are allowed.  The NYT is doing a damn fine job upholding the great Democrat tradition of segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”  


The protest group Concerned Student 1950 – named for the year that Mizzou admitted its first black student – has just instituted segregation  on campus.  George Wallace would be proud.

The New Fight on Two Fronts.

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, a national campus free-speech organization, posted the video to their Web site. Since then, a young woman who argues with Christakis in the footage has been called the “shrieking woman” by the National Review and subjected to online harassment and death threats. Surely these threats constitute an infringement upon her free speech—a position that has scarcely been noted amid the outraged First Amendment fundamentalism. This rhetorical victory recalls the successful defense in the George Zimmerman trial, which relied upon the tacit presumption that the right to self-defense was afforded to only one party that night—coincidentally, the non-black one. The broader issue is that the student’s reaction elicited consternation in certain quarters where the precipitating incident did not. The fault line here is between those who find intolerance objectionable and those who oppose intolerance of the intolerant.

Source: Race and the Free-Speech Diversion – The New Yorker

Maybe they called her “The Shrieking Woman” because it fits?

The speech-restrictive tactics “Let’s Have a Conversation About Guns…SHIT UP YOU IDIOT!” are now being expanded to the First Amendment on Campus. Also the use of lies, dismiss when caught because there is a higher truth and purpose to achieve and then shift the blame to the other side because they got caught deceiving. This has caught Campus officials with their pantaloons and inner garments down.

This one is particularly twisted: I had caught some idiot posting pictures of racist events from years past and even in other countries as if they were happening at that moment in the University of Missouri. The original posting idiot was a troll belonging to a White Supremacist website who was displaying a photo of Abner Louima in 1997 at a hospital bed in NY as if it was some student shot overnight by the Klan.

Jack Brown Lies

Get it? It does not matter that it is all a lie! Because feelings and there are bad people including those who dare question the veracity of the lie! You Racist! This poor excuse for thinking human actually sides with a Nazi Wannabe and his poison than do the adult thing and face the music.

And then we have Jelani Cobb, the author of the original piece who wastes no time tying in this stomping of the First Amendment with the Trayvon Martin case. Why? Well, the damned Media tried but did a piss poor job of silencing opposing views and the truth in the case. That cannot happen again so we need to have a way to make sure only one side of the issue (the politically correct one) is heard and maybe it will spread into the courts. That way we can have people convicted not on the evidence but on the false coverage that they can develop.

lets have a conversation

I am actually having a bit of fun watching Academia being attacked by its creation. There is an old Spanish saying that goes:

Cria cuervos y te sacaran los ojos.
(Raise crows and they’ll pluck your eyes out)

I figure there is a future in the sale of white canes at assorted locales of “High Education” across the nation.