Month: December 2015

A right not a privilege

The governor of Connecticut has decided not to issue gun permits to people on the no Fly list.

I can’t wait for this to go to court.

The Supreme Court punted on the Highland Park AWB case.  I’m glad they did.  The court has bowed to too much public pressure recently.  I think SCOTUS woukd have upheld the AWB because of San Bernardino and not the law.

But this is to far beyond the pale I don’t think it can be ignored.  Denial of a right without due process.  But there is another issue here.  Having to apply for a permit and pay money to exercise a constitutional right is wrong.  I see permits to own no different than a poll tax.  If this goes to court, it might likely be the end to permits to own.  

This is a fight worth fighting.

Own It

Checking the news over lunch I see that the legislature of Illinois is trying to figure out how to fire Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.  This is in response to protests calling for his resignation.  This comes only a week after the firing of Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy for covering up criminal activity by the CPD.

Chicago is not the only city that has suffered recently.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has set NYC back more than 20 years, bringing back the homeless, crime, and squeegee men.

Detroit is bankrupt.  It takes an hour for police to respond on a good day.

Baltimore is besieged by a record crime wave.

The major common characteristic of each of these cities is that they are Democrat strongholds, run by Democrats, some for 50 years or more.

We are watching in real time the failure of Liberal policies.  It’s like watching the slow collapse of the Soviet Union.

What amazes me is that these local failures don’t stick to national candidates.  From what I can tell Hillary and Bernie want to do at the federal level everything that the mayors of these cities did locally.  Hillary is Emanuel.  Sanders is de Blasio.  The Democrat presidential candidates need to be made to own the failure of Democrat cities.

Book Review: Her Brother’s Keeper by Mike Kupari.

kupari her brothers keeper

I keep getting dragged to the SicFi/Fantasy books. Most I do not enjoy since they are too chirpy and touchy/feely and mostly annoyingly optimistic (That is what happens when you first futuristic books were A Brave New World and 1984.)

Her Brother’s Keeper was just a blast. Mike Kupari did not try to engulf you with philosophical questions on how future worlds should be, but just provided me with a fun interesting set of worlds with different philosophies that just are , warts and all and you get to like them or not.

The book touches on both the bonds of blood by family and spilled in combat. No over dramatic statements are needed to explain them: You either get them because you’ve been there or you wish you could. The book is also devoid of amazingly complicated twists and turns that a lot of lesser authors enjoy doing because somehow they makes them looks smart…which is a conceited way to say their readers are dumb. The story here is pretty straight-forward and with enough chaos to cover the old adage of “no plan ever survives first contact.”  You root for the good guys and hope the bad guys die a fiery and painful death, what else is there to ask?

So, if you are looking for a Sci-Fi book that delves into the morality and social consciousness of the interstellar travelers as they meet their prejudices at First Contact, this is not the book you are looking for (waves hand).

If you are looking for a Sci/Fi book to sit and enjoy, this is the one.

Her Brother’s Keeper is available in Paper, Electrons and Soundwave forms at Amazon.

And don’t forget to get Mike Kupari’s other books with Larry Correia: Dead Six and Sword of Exodus.

Layer and Layers: CBS adds two plus two and gets twenty two.

Surprised to hear that when CBS News put together a list of the 30 most heavily armed states in the country Arizona didn’t make the cut? So were many gun advocates, some of whom are calling out the network for releasing what they say is an inaccurate and misleading story.In a recent article with no byline, CBS writes: “As America reels from yet another mass shooting, inevitable questions resurface about gun laws and the nation’s pervasive firearm culture. Here is a look at the 30 states with the most guns per capita, according to the ATF’s National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record, and 2013 data from the U.S. Census Bureau.”

Source: Gun Advocates Call B.S. On CBS News Story | Phoenix New Times

After these many decades of Anti-Gun propaganda, you would figure that CBS understood that only four or five states enforce some sort of gun registry and that the rest of the Free USA is pretty much left to its own independence. Some intern browsing the net for Vietnamese starfish porn bumps into the NFA registry and bingo! We have a story that does not make sense and goes against what the Gun Nuts say.

But the inaccuracies go deeper, explains Rob Reed, a Detroit-based gun expert. He wrote the following in an article for The Examiner: “CBS News once again displays both complete ignorance of firearms-related topics and an absence of basic journalism skills…They mistake [the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’] National Firearms Act (NFA) registration data on rare and heavily regulated firearms such as machine guns, short barreled shotguns, and silencers, for some mythical ‘national registration database’ for all firearms.”

And how far out off the receptacle is CBS spraying their mellow yellow?

According to the CBS list, Florida is the 30th most heavily armed state with 10.2 guns per 1,000 residents.

That would come to 1 gun per 100 people or 0.1 guns per 10 people. But just concealed weapons permits issued, we have the total of 1,415,301 in a population of 19,893,297 and that comes to be one permit per 14 citizens. So we are either having a Gun-Sharing program nobody has told me about, or CBS might be just off the marker and by a serious lot since I am just using as example a very narrow segment of Florida’s population.

the more you know

Ex-ATF Agent wants only muzzle loaders to keep cops safe. UPDATE

One assumes that assault rifles were picked on because they are particularly lethal. Key attributes that make them so include accuracy at range, rapid-fire capability and, most importantly, fearsome ballistics. In their most common calibers – 7.62 and .223 – these weapons discharge bullets whose extreme energy and velocity readily pierce protective garments commonly worn by police, opening cavities in flesh many times the diameter of the projectile and causing devastating wounds…

…It’s not just “assault weapons” that pose an unreasonable threat to the public. Over the past decade, 18 law enforcement officers were killed by rifle bullets that penetrated their so-called bulletproof vests (only one was killed by a penetrating handgun round), according to the FBI.  While most deaths came from ammunition associated with assault rifles, nearly every round down to the old-fashioned .30-30 proved lethal.

Source: Ex-ATF Agent: America is only pretending to regulate lethal firearms. – The Washington Post

Basically what the ex-agent is saying is that if we only had muzzle-loaders, cops would be safe to do their jobs. I went to Youtube where many body armor has met its demise at the hands of evil gun owners testing rounds and…. found that there were no videos of people shooting a .50 caliber round from a muzzle-loader into a vest rated IIIA which is pretty much the police standard. I was shocked.

I then ended up in Facebook and asked if anybody had seen a video like that…nope. We went to the math and checked muzzle-loader ballistics and they are nothing to sneeze at when you can send a .50 caliber round between 1,700 and 2,100 feet per second. Somebody came with the solution: Compare to shotgun slugs since a 12 gauge is the equivalent of a .50 caliber…. BINGO!

Actually the shotgun slug is a tad slower but it is close enough for comparison.

And I found this video. Go to 00:57

The important captures:

slug v vest 1 slug v vest

Good News: The slug did not go through the vest. Bad news, the slug took the vest with it about five to six inches in what would be the person’s chest. That is more than enough to gravely injury or kill.

I’ll wait till a helpful soul does a test with a muzzle-loader, but I am going to call it a very probable chance that a modern cop shot with the gun that the Founding Fathers used at the time they wrote the Second Amendment would be in a very dire situation if not outright killed by a muzzle-loader bullet hitting the vest.

Update: Please check the comments for some corrections and further instruction. The Muzzle Loading brigade showed up to save the day!


Kaleigh Baker: Piece of my Heart. (Jaw dropping warning)

If you are an old fart of my generation and do not get goosebumps, you are probably dead.

This is one of the songs I wanted to hear her singing since I first knew about her back in 2009. Check her original music in iTunes and download at your own pleasure, you will not be disappointed although I am partial to “Train Go By” and “Sugardaddy” from her first album. I am downloading her latest so you are gonna have to wait till I am done enjoying it.


So, How old is your future attacker?

An arrest has been made in the case of a New York Rabbi who was murdered in North Miami Beach back in 2014.
According to Miami-Dade Police, 15-year-old Deandre Edwin Charles was arrested early Wednesday morning, after a 16-month long investigation.
Sources said the teen, who was 14 at the time of the crime, went on a robbery spree throughout Northeast Miami-Dade and North Miami Beach when he ran into Rabbi Joseph Raskin. Raskin was walking to a Synagogue, on that Aug. 9, Saturday morning, not carrying any money. Charles, who is accused of shooting Raskin to death got away empty handed.

Source: Teen arrested in 2014 Rabbi murder case – WSVN-TV – 7NEWS Miami Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco

It was from Clint Smith that I heard “You don’t know what your attacker looks like” and that is the truth. If we make a mental composite of what we think who a bad guy can be, we are setting ourselves for adding extra time to our reaction gap.

It is the aggressive action and not the image that determines our defensive posture and reactions. Book…cover…judge.