Month: December 2015

Same old hate, great new look (Pt 2)

I clicked on a link posted at Say Uncle, and a few clicks later I found this article on gentrification.  In a crazy nutshell, it likens gentrification to colonialism and says that it’s wrong and you’re a a racist.

It’s good to know that the ghost of George Wallace is still active in the left in America.  The author’s (who should probably be named Bull Dyke Conner) ENTIRE argument against the left’s most hated nemesis, gentrification, is “segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever.”

The old hate was “Black people shouldn’t be allowed to move into neighborhoods that white people live in, because the black people will ruin them.”  That is racist.  The new, anti-gentrification movement is “White people shouldn’t be allowed to move into neighborhoods that black people/POCs live in, because the white people will ruin them.”  That’s progressive.

See, when even Slate comes out and says gentrification really isn’t bad for the poor, you know you don’t have an economic leg to stand on.  The reality is that gentrification doesn’t drive the poor/POCs out of neighborhoods.  In fact, it’s good for the poor.

It’s really a simple concept to understand.  When new people, people with money, move into a neighborhood, they bring their money with them.  They start businesses or cause business to move into the neighborhood.  Sure, there are the hipster coffee bars and micro-brews.  But also grocery stores, pharmacies, and other business that provide the basic necessities of life.  As an area gets gentrified, employment goes up (someone needs to stock shelves) and crime goes down.  The result of all of this is … most poor people stay in gentrifying neighborhoods to take advantage of the improvement in their communities.

Sure, leftists like to point to cities like San Francisco and the problems they have with gentrification.  But here’s the kicker.  Those problems are THE DIRECT RESULT of left wing, anti-gentrification, drawbridge mentality.  San Francisco doesn’t build new homes, so the smallest lofts go for huge bucks.  The liberal San Francisco solution to housing the working class and POCs is to stick them on the other side of the bay in Oakland, then wring their hands and attack Google buses for bringing billions of dollars in revenue to the city social justice.

If you were to shove all the poor blacks into the ghetto and say “that to keep them away from our nice homes and stuff.”  You’d be destroyed as a racist (and rightfully so).  But if you were to say “we should respect the authenticity of that working class, minority neighborhood and not go in and develop it.”  You’d be praised for your awareness of social justice and might even be on the San Francisco zoning board.  You’d also be a racists, but I repeat myself.

A Strange New World

I was watching bits and pieces of the Democrat Primary.  My goal was to get something to talk about regarding guns and gun control.

What I caught was the Democratic candidates talking about business and the economy.


Now, I believe that the issues of the intersection of business and politics is something that we need to discuss in America.  We’ve seen how business regulations, and institutions like Obamacare have affected the economy.  How bad regulations led to the housing bubble and bust.  How corporate taxes in America have driven American companies overseas, on paper, to save money.  We are still stuck in an economic slump with 37% of Americans not in the workforce.  Issues like “too big to fail” and trillions of dollars in bailouts and stimulus that failed to simulate have made the national debt skyrocket.  Cronyism, whether it is G.W. Bush with Halliburton or Obama with Solyndra and green energy, is a real problem, with the tax payers left holding the bag for corporate inefficiency or malfeasance.

I want a president who can tackle these issues.  I want a more level economic playing field, where the government doesn’t pick winners or losers, handing out buckets of subsidies, no bid contracts, or hobbling business with anti-competitive regulations.  I believe it should be easier to start a business, grow a business, hire people and make more money.  I am a student of Milton Friedman, and believe that capitalism has raised more people out of poverty and improved the lives of more people than any economic system on Earth.

free market

Then I saw this clip and it blew my mind.

Q: “Will a corporate America love a President Sanders?”

A: “No, I think they won’t.”

*Audience laughs and applause*

A (cont): “The CEO’s of large multinationals may like Hillary, they ain’t gonna like me, and Wall Street is gonna like me even less.”


For the first time in American History, has a primary candidate from a major party run on the platform of “F*ck Business!”

That is horrifying.

The fact that Sanders platform of “F*ck Business!” got whoops and applause is even worse.

Germans Stock Up on Weapons for Self-Defense

Stuff you don’t see in your Cable or local News programs.

“The arms business is benefiting from the refugee crisis” Translated via Google

The scramble to acquire weapons comes amid an indisputable nationwide spike in migrant-driven crime, including rapes of German women and girls on a shocking scale, as well as physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies and burglaries — in cities and towns throughout the country.

German authorities, however, are going to great lengths to argue that the German citizenry’s sudden interest in self-defense has nothing whatsoever to do with mass migration into the country, despite ample evidence to the contrary.

The spike in violent crimes committed by migrants has been corroborated by a leaked confidential police report, which reveals that a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers were accused of committing crimes in the country in 2014. Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 crimes a day — is only a fragment: many crimes are not reported.”

Anyone who asks for the reasons for the surge in weapons purchases encounters silence.” — Süddeutsche Zeitung

Source: Germans Stock Up on Weapons for Self-Defense

You need to go read that article. They are out of pepper spray since demand shot up 600% and I imagine with the strict gun control laws they have over there, about the only thing many can lay their hands on. Self-Defense By Condiment.

And in the Pew-Pew front?

In Berlin, the number of people holding a small weapons license increased by 30% during the first ten months of 2015 compared to the same period in 2014, while the number of those holding the full-fledged firearms license jumped by some 50%, according to local police.

This would like New Jersey being so pressured, it had to start issuing whatever is that they give to their citizens to own a gun.

Take your time reading and be sure to follow some of the links in the article, specially those regarding crime spikes and the mini-mafia-caliphates already installed in Germany.

Why It’s Total Bullsh#t You Don’t Join the NRA

USA –-( About 14 years ago, my wife and soulmate said something I disagreed with. So I divorced her. As if that wasn’t enough, about a week later, my kid got a detention at school. So I sold him into a life of slavery with Tusken Raider Sand People. My actions may sound harsh, but I have principles.There are certain issues where I simply won’t compromise!What? You think that’s harsh? Or maybe ridiculous? You’d be right. But that’s exactly the argument I hear from people all the time when the proudly tell me they will never join the NRA again. Ever. So there.

Source: Why It’s Total Bullsh#t You Don’t Join the NRA

Basically, it is your right not to join the NRA for whatever perceived and unforgivable misdeeds it may have committed. But you better have an organization that is as effective, specially at the legislative level or you are just ridding the coattails of everybody else.