Month: December 2015

You rememeber that gun used in Paris and traced to a Florida dealer?

CSGV Century Arms

How do you say “oops!” in Serbian?

BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — In a Dec. 10 story, The Associated Press incorrectly reported that a gun exported by a Serbian manufacturer to a Florida-based company was involved in the Nov. 13 Paris attacks. In fact, the gun in question was not involved in the attacks and has been in Mexican government custody since March of this year, according to U.S. authorities.

Source: Correction: Serbia-Paris-Guns story – Yahoo News

What possessed Zastava to drop that load of crap? Maybe trying to deflect the possibility of illegal weapons trading? Or maybe buying time to sanitize records?

One other thing, I could have sworn that besides CSGV, the other Gun Control Groups mentioned the bad news item in Facebook, but I can’t find them now. Am I misremembering?



The Guardian: Gun Deaths by Electoral District

protests easy guns deaths by district

Find out how many people near you have died from gun violence in 2015, where your congressional representatives stand on guns — and how much money they’ve received from the gun lobby.

Source: Gun deaths in your district: what have your elected representatives done? | US news | The Guardian

So I checked Florida (719 “gun deaths”) and saw that there were four congressional districts showing high concentrations of “gun deaths.”

protests easy guns deaths by district florida map

Florida District 24: Rep Frederica Wilson, Democrat. 70 “gun deaths”  NRA Rating (F), $0 in contributions.

Florida District 20: Rep. Alcee Hastings, Democrat, 40 “gun deaths” NRA Rating (F), $0 in contributions.

Florida District 14: Rep. Kathy Castor, Democrat, 40 “gun deaths” NRA Rating (F), $0 in contributions.

Florida District 5: Rep. Corrine Brown, Democrat, 91 “gun deaths” NRA Rating (F), $0 in contributions.

Out of 27 congressional districts in Florida, those four anti-gun Democrat-controlled districts carry 241 “gun deaths” or 33.5% of the State’s total. Those four districts have a total of 2,825,214 people or barely 14.2% of Florida’s 19,893,297 residents.

So unless you believe in the mythical NRA-CIA conspiracy where Black Trucks drive by at night, tossing AK 47s and Glocks on the street so any thug can pick one up and go shoot a school full of druidesses (The nuns are on vacation) and handicapped children, maybe the violence in general might be caused by other things and not the guns, specially in the Gunshine State.


870 days. The case of Jeffery Davis.

NEW PORT RICHEY — After 870 days in custody, Jeffrey Davis became a free man Friday. He had been in jail awaiting trial on a July 31, 2013 incident in which he shot his daughter’s live-in boyfriend, Michael Davis (no relation), from inside his own bedroom at his New Port Richey home. Michael Davis survived and Jeffrey Davis was charged with attempted second-degree murder.

Source: New Port Richey man who shot daughter’s boyfriend immune under ‘stand your ground’ | Tampa Bay Times

870 days. Almost two and a half years behind bars for what ended up being determined a self-defense shooting. But that is not the kicker, this is what the judge said:

“Based on the testimony I’m hearing today, where Jeffrey Davis literally retreated to a bedroom in his house...” Siracusa said. “I can’t say that Jeffrey Davis didn’t have a right to use force on that day. And I can’t say that it would be improper to grant Jeffrey Davis immunity. So I grant him immunity.”

You know how I keep warning everybody about Duty to Retreat? That you are not the one that makes the determination if you retreated enough but some district attorney maybe 2 days after what happened and from the comfort of his air-conditioned office and wearing the hindsight glasses?

I can’t find more details, but this reeks of prosecutorial misconduct.

Fight for Stand Your ground, tooth and nail.