Month: December 2015

The Growing Irrelevance of Gun Control Advocacy.

gun control protest NRA HQ

About 100 people gathered outside the Fairfax, Va., headquarters of the National Rifle Association on Monday. The demonstrators are pushing for expanded background checks and regulations on gun ownership in the United States.

Source: Why gun control advocates spent Sandy Hook anniversary at the NRA (+video) –

This was the great “push” for new regulations. The third anniversary of the Sandy Hook massacre and right after the massacre at…wait, we had one recently…where was it? Nobody can’t seem to find it in the news anymore. Somewhere in California? No, that cannot be since California has all those wonderful Gun Control laws like Universal Background checks and bullet buttons that stop those evil black rifles to shoot like a machine gun. Oh well, it was probably anther White racist redneck NRA member shooting innocent black churchgoers while draped in the Rebel flag, right?
[/End sarcasm]

My take for the growing collapse of the Gun Control Movement is that the lies are catching up with them at an accelerated rate. The less people consume news via traditional media and more through the Interwebs, the more the lies shine under the light of fact checking and they are staring to question very harshly) the old conventional wisdom from the Gun Control groups.

Look at the picture again: That is the best that all gun control groups managed to gather on the third anniversary of Sandy Hook and right after a terrorist attack not two weeks before. Old Media went crazy attacking the NRA and gun owners (while trying their best to bleach the fact that it was a Jihadist attack in a Gun Free Zone in the banner state for Gun Control in the nation) with the interns for Social Media posting like crazy about the evils of clack guns. How did the people respond? They went out and bought more guns and many bought their first gun. Even the people of San Bernardino flooded the local gun shops instead of parading with banners for Gun Bans, some realizing that being unarmed and asked to play paper-rock-bullet against an armed subject is a losing proposition.

And you know what else I have noticed? It is just a trickle but I have seen more articles coming not from the usual sources doubting the effectiveness of Gun Control Sacred Cows. Top of my head at least three asking if Gun Free Zones are actually doing more harm than good, others from people who are now proud gun owners for the first time, and even several big time publications calling attention at the new  fabricated “version” of Mass Shootings and condemning it. Equating kids with BB guns to Sandy Hook or Virginia Tech proved to be unpalatable to many liberal uvulas.

We are not done yet. Democratic Primaries are coming and for some reason the base is clinging to Gun Control (and lots of free stuff) as something that tickles their collective coccyxs.   I just saw in some sources that the dems in Congress will try to introduce in the coming days the Assault Weapons Ban of 2015 prohibiting the manufacturing of “assault weapons” and already has 90 sponsors. Chances of passing? Not many, I would probably get a free GMC Yukon faster, but we need to make sure and that means staying alert and keeping your congresscritter on his/her toes.

We ain’t done yet by far.

PS: I almost forgot. Moms Demand claims they put 10,000 people on the streets on Saturday in 40 states to protest whatever is that they protest. Check the pictures in their Facebook page, if lucky they may have managed 2,500 which fits the MDA Math (People they say showed up or will show = people who actually show up x 4)

Of Battleships and Debates

Back in 2012, I watched with embarrassment, Obama make a statement about the Navy that was so ridiculous that on that statement alone, he shouldn’t have been reelected.

Tonight I watched the GOP primary candidates fail to answer a question about the US nuclear triad correctly.

So I would like to put on my best politician voice and address these two political points from a strategic and historical perspective.

*Clears throat*

“Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to explain exactly why it is critical to build up the United States Navy, and why it should be the priority when we update our nuclear armament.

The United States Navy is the big swinging dick of American foreign policy.

When you need a country occupied, ground held, you call the Army.

When you want complete air superiority, you call the Air Force.

But when you want to stare down some petulant piss-ant warlord or megalomaniac dictator, and remind him who’s boss, you park a United States Navy carrier group off the coast of his country.  That is two-hundred-thousand tons of sovereign United States, manned by some 7,500 of our nation’s best, deployable anywhere in the world in 24 hours, armed to the fucking teeth, and ready to strike at a moment’s notice.

If we want to bomb said warlord’s bunker, we can have an F-18 super hornet delivering ordinance in minutes from the deck of a carrier.

If we want to turn his favorite desert campsite into a crater, we can launch a Tomahawk missile from a destroyer.

If we want to capture his ass, we can deploy the SEALS.

If we just want to stomp his militia into paste, we send in the Marines.

The Army and the Air Force, we have to deploy either from stateside or a regional base.  We have to create a staging location from which we can deploy those forces.  It takes weeks and months to mount an operation like that.

The Navy is just there, waiting to kick some ass.

If the sheer intimidation factor of a carrier strike group isn’t enough to get what we want, we can always introduce Supreme Leader Shit-for-Brains to the wonder that is the Ohio Class Guided Missile Submarine.

We have 18 of them.  Silent holes the water.  Undetectable.  We can just about sail one of these into his asshole and he wouldn’t notice until his toilet paper comes back covered with anti-fouling paint.

Each armed with 24 Trident Missiles.  Each missile capable of delivering eight, 100 kiloton, W76 thermonuclear warheads.  Never mind waiting for a B2 stealth bomber to fly half way around the world.  We have nukes on demand and can have them detonated on target before Supreme Leader Shit-for-Brains can get his ballistic missiles pointed skywards.

And that ladies and gentlemen is the entire point of the Navy.  For when we need to fuck up another country and not have to wait to do it.  We can put the Navy where we want it, where we think it needs to be, to hang it over the heads of anybody who forgets that the United States is the biggest bad ass on the block.  It is the very tip of the spear.  It is the big stick.  I intent to poke those who mean us harm with it to remind them of their place in the world, and if they act up, I will speak softly, and beat them to fucking death with it.”


Sheriff Bob Gualtieri’s original remarks about Open carry…Not helping much, actually.

Sheriff Gualtieri apparently threw enough of a hissy fit that somebody dug the original transcript (or at least we hope they are being honest about that) and published them

“It’s a question of whether, at 3 o’clock in the morning at the 7-11 store, when there’s a silent hold-up alarm and the deputy pulls into the parking lot, and the citizen is walking out of the store with a .45 stuck in their holster, let’s say, and a cup of coffee in their hand — it’s not going to be a good situation for that citizen,” Gualtieri said. “At a minimum, they’re going to be thrown down on the ground with a gun pointed at them — or worse.”

Source: Group pushes back against criticism of Pinellas Sheriff Bob Gualtieri in gun debate – Tampa Bay Business Journal

Nope, no improvement as far as I can see. I really do not know the type of cool criminal that hangs around Pinellas county, but I doubt that they stroll out of the store they just robbed at gun point with a holstered weapon and sipping on a cup of java. But you know who fits the profile of somebody just coolly coming out of a store with a cup of coffee at 3 am?? Cops in plainclothes on duty.

Congratulations Sheriff, your men just “threw down or worse” a fellow Law Enforcement Officer.

Law Enforcement officer are supposed to asses any situation they encounter and yes, sometimes they may have only a couple of seconds to do a life or death decision, but I don’t think the scenario pictured by the Sheriff demands that his deputies clear leather and start capping rounds no matter how bad the 7-11 coffee might be.

“Picture this. … You take as an example a 60-year-old man who is unassuming, not a threat to anybody, just your average citizen who has a concealed-carry permit and carries that gun absolutely everywhere he goes,” Gualtieri said. “And he walks into his local bank today to make a deposit, and he walks into the middle of an armed robbery. And when he walks in — unassuming, non-threatening — and he’s got his gun and it’s concealed, when he walks into that bank, there’s a good chance that that bank robber is not going to be threatened by him and is not going to shoot him because he happened to walk into the middle of a bank robbery. And you take that same 60-year-old guy, and he walks in there, and he’s got a big old .45 on his hip when he walks through that door, and that bank robber’s in the middle of robbing that bank and he sees that gun, he’s going to take one in the chest … because he’s a threat, he’s a visible threat.

OK, the sheriff manages to come up with a perfect storm scenario that makes one suspect he watched Point Break in some rerun late at night. Most bank robberies are now of the pass-a-note-to-the-teller-grab-and-go. But even if it happened,  it is not his business or gets a say-so.  Anybody who Open Carries will bear the responsibilities and the risks associated with it and it is not up to the Pinellas County Sheriff Office to butt in. They get to enforce the law, not to dictate it.

ex presidents

So, Sheriff Gualtieri, chill out. So far the only announced risk that Open Carry may bring is your attitude, not Law Abiding citizens.


Truth about Florida’s open carry bill and states with open carry

The chairman of the Florida Sheriffs Association’s (FSA) legislative committee is quoted in some recent news reports with erroneous claims regarding the proposed open carry bill in Florida (SB 300) by Sen. Don Gaetz and (HB 163) by Rep. Matt Gaetz.The public deserves to know the truth. Below are some of those claims and our responses.

Source: Guest commentary: Truth about Florida’s open carry bill and states with open carry

Not only go read the piece by Marion Hammer, but keep it handy in case you happen to find some uninformed person repeating the crap flying around.

Dear Mrs. Clinton

I saw your interview with Seth Meyers, where you talked about gun control.  In it, you discussed the need for “common sense gun control” and to close several “loopholes.”  At first, it was obvious to me that you really don’t know what you are talking about.

  1. The gun show loophole.  You mean the ability for individuals to sell a limited number of personal firearms in a year in face-to-face transfers?  Because FFL dealers must have buyers fill out Form 4473’s and perform NICS checks at guns shows.  Gun Shows are not gun law free bazaars.
  2. The online loophole.  You mean were anybody can sell a gun online… and then have to ship it to an FFL to do a Form 4473 and NICS check on the buyer.  Of course an online seller can to an in-state face-to-face transfer in a state where it is legal, but most don’t.  This used to be called the “classified ad loophole” back when people still read newspapers.
  3. The Charleston loophole.  Where if a NICS check doesn’t come back  with a “deny” in three days, the sale can proceed.  That one is necessary to keep politicians (like you, potentially) from enacting a gun ban, by just holding off all NICS checks indefinitely.
  4. Universal background checks.  The idea that the guy who is fencing stolen guns to criminals can be persuaded to perform background checks on them.  Or the idea there is no such thing as Straw Purchases.  Really, universal background checks are just a potential annoyance for the law abiding shooter whose shooting buddy want to make him a better offer than the local gun store on a trade in.

Had you stopped there, I would have just let your interview go, recognizing the usual Liberal Democrat, know-nothing, anti-gun, bullshit talking points.

But you had to go one further and “repeal the immunity from all liability that gun makers and gun sellers have.”  You called for the repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.  First of all, Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act doesn’t provide complete immunity against liability.  It protects gun makers from being sued when criminals commit crimes with guns if the guns were sold by the company legally to law abiding distributors.

On a side note: When CNN calls you out for being wrong, you know you fucked up.

I, like most of the gun community, knows what you are trying to pull.  Gun control is not a winning position to take in America.  Your husband learned that in 1994 after getting the Brady Bill passed.  The Republicans took 54 seats in the House and 8 in the Senate which was due heavily to campaigning by the NRA.

So you want to go after the gun companies with lawfare.   Again, this was something your husband tried, and was somewhat victorious with.  He got Smith and Wesson to acquiesce on backing gun control by agreeing to settle on some lawsuits.  The CSGV went after the ammo retailer Lucky Gunner after Sandy Hook, and got their asses handed to them with a dismissal and $203,000 in legal fees.  The CSGV made it clear that wanted to put Lucky Gunner out of business.

It’s clear you want to pave the way for individuals, probably with the backing of the DOJ, to sue gun makers out of existence.  If you can’t ban guns, shut down the gun makers.

Logically, your position makes no sense.  If a drunk driver runs over a little kid, the parents can’t sue Ford for making the car.  Even Bernie Sanders has enough decency and common sense to understand that “If somebody has a gun and it falls into the hands of a murderer and the murderer kills somebody with a gun, do you hold the gun manufacturer responsible? Not any more than you would hold a hammer company responsible if somebody beats somebody over the head with a hammer.”

The thing is, you are hitting just a little too close to home for me.  I am part of the firearms industry.  You are taking about taking away my livelihood.  I have a wife, a baby, a couple of dogs, a car payment, a mortgage, and student loans.  I go to work, to a job I love.  I work with wonderful people who also love their jobs. We sell guns for people just like us: hunters, sportsmen, target shooters, people who want to ability to defend themselves.  We are a strong part of the local economy.  We are the middle class that you claim to want to help.

You are not just threatening my guns, you are threatening my home, my career, my ability to put food on my table.

I can only hope the other people, working in other industries understand what you are.  How easy it is for you to want to put tens of thousands of people out of work, and cost the economy millions and billions of dollars because you don’t like the products we sell.  This isn’t about saving lives.  This isn’t about preventing the next terrorist attack or mass shooting.  This is about hurting your enemies.

This I will not abide.

From the bottom of my heart, and with the deepest sincerity, FUCK YOU!

J.Kb. (Registered Voter)


Everyone in this room is now dumber

I used to like The Daily Show.  I know the Jon Stewart was a liberal and his show had a Left leaning bias, but so is pretty much every other news show on TV.  What Jon Steward had going for him was that he was genuinely funny, and he dished it out to the left as well, calling out liberals on their incompetence and hypocrisy.

Trevor Noah, the new anchor of The Daily Show is no Jon Steward.  With him at the helm, The Daily Show has become a mean spirited hatchet-job against the Right.  On Friday, The Daily Show did a bit on concealed carry and active shooters.  They went out to mock the idea that what it takes to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun and shill for gun control.  What they created was so bad it will actually make you dumber watching it.

So brace yourselves…

The only statement made that was completely honest and accurate is that the correspondent, Jordan Kelpper, is an “idiot with a gun.”  I know The Daily Show is a comedy show, but the behavior of the correspondent in the range was down right embarrassing.  Honestly, I wouldn’t have tossed him from my class.  Guns are serious.  Fun, but serious.

First and foremost, the continuous lie pushed by antis and now The Daily Show is that “it’s so easy for people to get CCW permits, that any idiot can get a permit and we’ll end up with a whole bunch of idiots carrying guns in public.”  This is usually followed by argument “these untrained idiots will only make any situation worse.”

Let me start with my credentials on this issue.  I have CCW permits from UT, AZ, FL, IL, and AL, and I used to have permits from SD and IN, but those states don’t allow for non-residents permits.  I have been a CCW permit instructor.

Virtually every person I have sat through a CCW class with or have taught was a shooter before applying for their permit.  In my experience, people who get their carry permits regularly practice with their carry guns.  Concealed carry is a right in most states, a permit, and more importantly a mindset and a lifestyle.  That is what never gets touched on and The Daily Show went out of its way to ignore.  What I never see is the pubic discussion about permit holders who shoot weekly or monthly, maintaining their skill at personal expense.

The reason, I believe, that this never gets addressed is that there is no way for those who advocate for bigger and more overbearing government to slap their magic seal of government approval on individual practice or readiness.  An NYPD officer shooting 50 rounds every 6 months, is what qualifies as a “professional” in the mind of an anti.  A civilian with a CCW permit shooting several hundred rounds every few months more more… well.. that just doesn’t count.

With his CCW in hand, the correspondent heads over to The Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training program and gets shot to pieces with Simunitions.  Proving that The Daily Show really doesn’t get it.

It is the duty of police to run towards the gunfire.  They are first responders.  Call 911 and they should show up.

CCW permit holders are not first reposonders.  It’s not our job to run towards the gunfire.  When an emergency happens near me, 911 doesn’t connect to my cell phone.  In an active shooter scenario, I’m not going to advance on a shooter.  Let the men with rifles and hard armor do that.

Ultimately, The Daily Show, after making fun of millions Americans with CCW permits, doesn’t give an alternative solution.

“Could we just figure out a way to just not put a gun in this asshole’s [pointing at the mock active shooter] hands?”

GREAT!  Except:

  1. Even Liberals were forced to acknowledge that all the gun laws they have passed in places like California, failed to stop mass shootings like in San Bernardino, Oregon, or elsewhere.  Especially when guns are obtained through illegal straw purchases or stolen.  They have yet to propose new gun control laws that can guarantee no more mass shootings.
  2. If you find yourself in an active shooter situation, what do you do?  Just sit there and wait for death?  The FBI has acknowledge that sometimes you have no choice but to fight, if running or hiding aren’t options.

It’s easy to criticize, it’s hard to propose meaningful solutions; which is The Daily Show’s modus operandi.  In this case, the mockery does real damage.  Reducing concealed carry is not going to make anybody safer in an active shooter scenario, and will probably make things a whole lot worse.

You want to figure out how to keep guns out of the hands of potential mass shooters WITHOUT infringing on the rights of law abiding citizens, I’m all ears.  But I haven’t heard one proposal that would do that.

I’d much rather the police take on an active shooter.  But they can’t be everywhere all the time, and even some police are recognizing the effect armed citizens can have in preventing mass shooters.

But calling CCW permit holders idiots with guns because we’ve (by and large) never been to a LEO training academy is ridiculous.

I don’t carry because I go looking for trouble.  I carry just in case trouble finds me.