Month: January 2016

Progressive Chauvinistic Pig, Snorts with Stupid Glee.

Daniel Vazquez

But if I was a woman. Living in Florida. I’d buy a gun.But not pink. Would hate to make a burglar giggle when I whipped it out.

Source: Women in Florida should buy more guns: Fast – Sun Sentinel

Meet Daniel Vazquez.

He writes for the Sun-Sentinel, a South Florida Newspaper.

On his last column, he made fun or women armed with pink guns.

He thinks himself witty and progressive.

The joke and the giggles are on him.

Apparently He’s never heard of Meghan Brown, former beauty queen. She has a pink gun. She used it to shot and kill an ex-con who forced himself into her house and attacked her fiancee. Did I mention she lives in Florida?

So, don’t be a chauvinistic dick like Daniel Vazquez.  You end up writing stupid shit like that.



NRA: 10 things that makes us the weirdest, coolest terrorist organization in the world.

You have seen the memes and the covers:

NRA coolest terrorist organization

As terrorist organization, we are indeed weird. How so?

  1. We charge for membership. Other groups will welcome you with open arms and no financial discharge. Not us, we demand an annual small fee for yearly membership and if you wanna go higher up in the “organization” we offer you a lifetime membership….keyword: Lifetime.
    And we give you stickers.
  2. You get insurance. You are a member of Al-Queada and lost your AK? You are going to give some serious amount of explanations and wait your turn in line to get another or go kill somebody. The NRA covers up to a certain sum for your lost firearms. And there are available for you to buy additional insurance programs covering from health care  to travel.
  3. Rebates. from car rentals to hotels, we get discounts in many places. Also we have online security services, credit cards car buying assistance and gun safes!
  4. We have a wine club! There, we just kicked the ass of every Jihadist group. <drop mike>
  5. We train Police and Military. We are so weird that we help those who people like Ladd Everitt would like to shoot us and take away our guns. Imagine that.
  6. We have an Annual Meeting. You can find the biggest concentration of “terrorist” at a convention center near you at least once a year. Funny thing: No explosions, massacres or beheading happen. Actually crime takes a serious dip.
  7. We have Credit Cards. Have You ever seen ISIS Visa? Me neither.
  8. We have a Cigar club too. At the end of a nasty day saving goats for the grace of Allah, the best a Jihadist can do is suck on the communal hookah and get a taste of accumulated unknown saliva. But NRA members can enjoy a monthly sample of 5 cigars for a very small fee and then get what you like.
  9. And we have an online store. Clothing, range accessories, knives, jewelry, books, DVDs and a whole bunch of stuff.
  10. But that is not all! Possibly the most important is all the programs offered: From Eddie Eagle to Hunter Services to Women’s Programs (No hijab required), Youth Programs, gunsmithing and two kick-ass museums. I know I am leaving stuff out, but that should be more than enough.

It is pretty clear that no terrorist organization can provide that. Hell, no Anti Gun organization can provide it either! The best they have is Moms Demand offering some overpriced leather wristbands and Etchy-type t-shirts.

So, next time some idiot in social media accuses you to belong to a terrorist organization, just point them over here and wait for their blood pressure to go ballistic. Let me know how high it went.

Because this banner will set Antis into a foaming fury
Because this banner will set Antis into a foaming fury.

CGSV: Nothing says strong armed forces as disarmed personnel.

Notice the underlined section from their own Facebook post:
CGV Air Force Carry Guns

And compare to what was published in Fox News:

CGV Air Force Carry Guns 1

Unless they go with the “An NRA hacker changed what we wrote in Facebook” or “The Evil FoxNews sanitized Ladd’s comments to make him look good” you do get a feeling for what the value they give to our men and women in the service.  We all know all the humorous “crap” that the Air Force is given by the other services, but not even the cushiest of the Airmen “totes” a weapon anywhere. Toting is what you do with the sun screen, towel, book and water bottle in a bag when you go to the beach. To imply that our Military would carry weapons for self-defense in that manner is disrespectful which end up as a positive on our side.

And the “degenerate gun culture” bit does not help either since many in the military are indeed part of that Gun Culture. But they know that and hate the Military as much as they hate us. That is why they wish to keep them disarmed and get to claim them as victims if another base shooting occurs. Military shooting back and killing terrorists? Not so good for business.

Never interrupt the enemy when they are making a mistake.

Institutional Inertia will Get You Killed. (The Second)

I just wanted to add one quick though to the previous post. It has been my experience that the most reticent people to learn better ways to shoot are cops. Even though and fortunately more and more LEOs are coming around, competing and going on to good instructors paying out of their pockets, the sad truth remains that there is an institutionalized attitude about having a badge next to the gun. They are told in training that they have to be bad-asses to take control of a situation or a perp and they are trained in many and good behavioral aspects that indeed affect the outcome in their favor. But that does not translate to the firearms training, in fact they are told over and over that they will probably never have to shoot their guns during their career and that is the programming that sits in the brain: “Do I really need that extra/advance training since there is a 98% chance I won’t ever have to shoot?”

Add to that the cockiness of another mindset: “You are the best trained police force in the (county/state/nation)!” which might be true, but that does not make you the best trained shooter in the nation. I don’t care how frigging good your training can be at the academy, if you only put rounds through your gun once a year during quals, any IDPA shooter with 6 matches under his belt will out-shoot you nine time out of ten.

And if you think I am wrong, I ask you this: “What serious training outfit (or even no so serious) offers the standard police training to its students?

Yup, you got it. There might be a reason for that, right?


Institutional Inertia will Get You Killed.

FBI Qual

I’m not anti-competition shooting, but I do find fault with most of the competitions out there. The reason being they aren’t realistic and cause the shooter to form extremely bad habits that can get them killed on the street. I realize that most gun owners will never be involved in a shooting incident, but it can happen at any moment to any of us, hence my passion to train in a realistic manner so that I am prepared as well as those I regularly train.

Police One. 5 differences between competitive shooting and combat shooting

Caught this article via a Facebook Friend and his response is Cecil B. De Mille spectacular. Please take a moment to read the original article and then come back for the brutal fisking posted below:

This article is so chock full of fail that it required some rebuttal.
Almost nothing in the linked article is actually true.

1. All targets are single shot targets

Nearly every paper target I’ve shot in IDPA and USPSA matches required multiple shots. Usually 2 shots. Sometimes as many as 6.
Steel targets are required to be knocked over. However many shots that takes.

2. Speed reigns supreme in competition.

Speed is important in IDPA and USPSA. But so is accuracy. I regularly place higher in matches than shooters that have a faster raw time than I do. I also see many targets placed behind non-threat or no-shoot targets.
The author of this piece derisively puts down techniques developed in competition, but neglects to point out that the modern pistol method using two hands to control a handgun was developed in competition.

3. There is no need to take cover.

In IDPA matches using cover is required. I’ve kneeled behind a car hood, leaned around door frames, barrels, and countless other props at IDPA matches.
Most of the USPSA matches I’ve shot are set up in a way that forces shooters to lean awkwardly around walls or other props.

4. You’re limiting your configuration possibilities.

This argument clearly shows how out of touch the author is with what actually happens at most pistol competitions.
I’ve shot strong hand only, and weak hand only in matches quite often. I’ve fallen down running from one position to another and had to get back up, or shoot from the ground.
I’ve shot on 100° days, in the cold, in the rain, with the sun in my eyes, after dark with targets in shadows.

I would have never done these things outside of competition. My local range owner would shit pink plastic kittens if I tried to do any of this stuff on his range.

5. Competition shooting breeds an environment of gizmos, gadgets, and race guns.

No shit. They call that innovation. You know all those red dot sights you see on patrol rifles, and combat rifles being used by our troops? Those were initially developed for competition. Flip up back up iron sights? Again, developed for competition.

The most common gun I see at an IDPA match fits into the Stock Service Pistol (SSP) division. At USPSA matches I see numerous folks shooting those same SSP guns in the Production division. These are guns that would be perfectly at home in a duty holster or inside the waistband of an armed civilian.
Often times I show up at an IDPA match wearing the same holster and using the same gun that I carried concealed that day.

Most regular folks won’t do anything that will better prepare them for armed self defense than practical/defensive competition. Neither will most police officers.

Come on out and shoot a match. You’ll probably find it much more challenging than what you’re doing when you rent a lane at your local range.

Shooting competitions aren’t gunfights, but every gunfight is a shooting competition.

Jay Hafemeister.

I just love that ending….My thoughts in the next post.