Month: January 2016

CSGV: We Celebrate Death.

CSGV Gun Store shoot out

“There was some contention about a $25 fee,” Tucker said.In an attempt to clear up the dispute, the woman called her husband, who later arrived with his son. An argument ensued between the owners and the customers.”During this argument, we believe there might have been some pushing and shoving,” Tucker said. “One of the customers and one of the owners produced firearms. We don’t know who shot first.”All four men were shot. The two customers were airlifted to an area hospital with life-threatening injuries, Tucker said

Source: Father and son die in shootout at Pearl River County gun shop | SunHerald

We are reality-based. Even though the evidence and stats shows our side is perhaps the most law-abiding and less prone to get in trouble, we realize that there are certain idiots that populate the air among us.

But, our dear Opposition who are supposed to be on the side of Peace, Love, respect for all things living and Non-Violence, do get a hefty chubby to see our side die in massive numbers. Oh God! How much it they wish us dead!

CSGV Gun Store shoot out 1

I always will admire their humble, decent christian souls so filled with humanity, it makes rocks cry in shame.

Pity them.


Gun Culture 2.0: Vendors Beware (Remember Colt)

This is a very good observation:
SHOT Operators Grant

I can understand Grant’s disappointment. I have illusions that somebody other than KelTec or Hi Point will come up with a home defense carbine in pistol caliber that is reasonably priced right under $500 for home defense/truck gun.  Alas, what you can only get is expensive AR-based carbines that go play in the $1k neighborhood.

I think that the last bastion of Gun Culture 1.0 that remains is the concept that what the military and police get, is what people will buy. If Seal Team 36 1/2 or Delta Chi Beta Boyz buy somebody’s particular gun or knife, that supposedly becomes the new standard and civilians will flock to gun stores demanding it.

That line of thought ignores what has happened in the last 5 to 7 years. It is not the big service pistol the one that has been sold like crazy to civilians but instead it has been the much hated Taurus Judge and the compact and sub compact striker-fired pistols for concealed carry, not quite abundant in the armories of any military or police department anywhere.

I will predict that the first company that starts to offer a reliable production of a decent looking semi-auto carbine without proprietary magazines, will make a boatload of money, specially if it is a take-down model or offers both.

Also, bolt-action rifle in .308 with an 16 inch threaded barrel (and with rail or tapped & drilled for it) so the buyer can play Barbie and build up his own scout rifle? Savage Axis with a 22 inch retails for $370 so don’t tell me it can’t be done.

Inertia is a hard to get it moving, even in our circles. Colt chose to ignore the public for the government buck and we have been regaled to its telenovela episodes of woe dealing with bankruptcy.

Take heed.

The last of the SHOT Show by Evil Tom.

Tom mentioned that security was higher during this SHOT that in previous occasions.

There were private armed security as well as Clark County Sheriff’s Office deputies, in force. There were also a number of K9 teams, sometimes working in pairs.

Two British journalists from The Guardian (Pravda-on-the-Thames) were kicked out because they went off the rails. And with the intense and hateful speech coming out from groups like the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence, we need to make certain they don’t decide to do some dangerous stuff just because they can.

SHOT Security

Savage did come out with something I could (more or less) consider a Truck Gun:

Savage rifle shotgun 1 Savage rifle shotgun 2 Savage rifle shotgun 3

The Model 42, A break-down combo in .22LR on top and .410 down. Retails for $500.

So, apparently nothing really Earth-shattering a the SHOT show. You can tell because the “hot chick” was a snub-nose six shot revolver. Maybe next year we will see some innovative stuff.

I was going to make some misogynist comment about the 5.11 Yoga Pants, but I rather leave you guys with the mental picture of Weer wearing them.


BG Check Denials: It is not a bug, it is a feature.

CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — The surge of criminal background checks required of new gun purchasers has been so unrelenting in recent months that the FBI had been forced to temporarily halt the processing of thousands of appeals from prospective buyers whose firearm purchase attempts have been denied.

FBI official: ‘Perfect storm’ imperiling gun background checks

A queue of 13,000 cases in the penalty box is not a booboo,  it is a f*** up.  I have been denied and it took three months to clear for an already paid gun when there was no real reason for the denial. I made the mistake of buying a gun during the Holidays and I guess it was easier to deny me than actually get some work done… must be my inclusion (I am guessing) in the No Fly List/ CSGV Inurrectionist Hit List.

And yes, the extra help is nice, but do you know what else would help enormously?

No Background Checks for those individuals with a Concealed Weapons Permit. 

We have been already went through a BG Check, we have been fingerprinted and photographed and in a data base…what the hell else do you frigging need? Go to the store, select gun, fill ATF 4473, present DL and CWP, grab gun and go to the range to shoot it.

Of course the idea will give conniptions to the Opposition. Every time I bring out this solution when discussing Universal Background checks, you can literally see Antis fill their Depends in abject fear.

“But…but.. we need background checks!”
“I already had one done and carry the proof with me. How many more do you need? How many times do I need to prove I am law abiding and better behaved that the stupid Bloomberg Mayors?”
“But…but.. we need background checks! Moar background checks… so no!”

Yeah, I am not waiting for that to go Federal Level. Few things that make sense ever go that way. But we have free health care!


Florida: Campus Carry is Dead. Open Carry to be Executed.

Miguel Diaz de la Portilla
Miguel Díaz de la Portilla (RINO). State Senator, 40th District,

Via The Gun Writer, we find out that the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee has already killed the hearing for Campus Carry and it is planning to screw with the Open Carry bill by pushing the Florida Sheriff’s version of “We may or may not arrest you and prosecute you if you accidentally display your firearm.” And no, I do not buy what they propose as truthful and with a kind heart since a version is already in the books and they have been ignoring it and that is the reason OC has been pushed. 

I think it is time the Republican Party of Florida finds out we are not going to tolerate this kind of behavior from his elected morons. The only reason the State remains purple is because Gun Owners vote Republican en masse but that comes with the price of restoring the gun laws bungled so many years ago.

If we are going to have RINOS screwing the works and behave like Democrats, we might as well vote in the next election for the Democrat challenger that will run against Diaz de la Portilla. If we are gonna have Democrat seated in the State Senate, might as well be one that is properly labelled as one.

Or they can give him a call and tell him “Hey, Miguelito. Stop being a Bloomberg asshole and let the bills get to the floor.”

What? You don’t suspect the hairy hand of Michael Bloomberg behind this stunt? I certainly do. The guy is from Miami where cash is king. Either that or the Sheriff’s Association has pictures of him dressed as Paris Hilton and being unnaturally friendly to chihuahuas.