Month: January 2016

My child is more important than your gun.

Yesterday, I posted a single sentence to Twitter:

My child is more important than your gun.

I tweeted this to the tag #StopGunViolence. Now, you’d assume that the above statement isn’t controversial, right? The life and rights of a human child should always be valued above the existence or ownership of an inanimate object. To suggest otherwise,–unless we’re speaking of extremely extenuating hypothetical circumstances–is monstrous.
Jenny Trout

Source: What I Learned From Pro-Gun Twitter | Trout Nation

For the sake of argument, let’s assume that Jenny Trout is really a mother. I did a quick search and I could not find if she is or not.

Now, let’s get started: she states that:

My child is more important than your gun.

And my reply is:

I don’t give a damn about your rugrat.

And you know why? because her statement is intellectually dishonest. She is creating an either/or proposition where none exists. What is my gun doing to your child? Last time I checked, my pistol is safely tucked in the holster at my waist whereas I have no idea where your kid might be. Your kid has a real chance of being hurt by the loose collection of prescription pills, Colombian baking soda, dry cleaning wrapping plastic, cleaning solutions and the occasional nocturnal visit from Uncle Ernie than from my gun.

“But Miguel, you are being literal when she clearly did not mean it.”
Oh hell, she did. Remember when I said “Intellectually dishonest? It also applies.

“She is talking about the need to enact some common sense legislation to reduce the epidemic of gun violence that is sweeping our nation and killing our children.”
Dear Starshine Snowflake, we don’t need any more stinkin’ legislation. We have plenty of that. But what we really need is 1) enforce the ones that are already in the frigging books and, 2) Develop some intestinal fortitude and address the fact that decades of Social Engineering towards minorities and failed Drug Laws are creating the massacres we read about everyday in places like Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis.

“OMG! That is racist!”
No, it is not you barely-breathing moron. It is the sad truth. The Liberal experiment has failed and it needs to be repealed, but your ilk rather see the bodies of minorities’ kids piling up rather than admit your team fucked up by the numbers.

“That’s it! I am banning/muting/silencing you! You are a small-penised ammosexual  right-wing redneck and I hope your kids die a painful horrible death!”
Gee, I never saw that coming. <snark> For a bunch of self-identified pacifists, you guys are quite quick wishing violence on those who oppose you.

And I want to close with a direct quote from Jenny herself:

The pro-gun right is as much a terrorist organization as Al-Qaeda or Daesh.

Dear Jenny: We are loud, we are not scared of your morons anymore. We lobby and push and call and write and vote so our side (facing the full opposition of one political party, all the mainstream media and one Billionaire) wins many more times than it loses. If you find that our long-accepted and legal actions to further Civil Rights are terrorism, the problem resides with you. Trust me, if we were to behave at only 1% of the way the Jihadists act, you’d be beating the doors of the nearest Canadian consulate demanding political asylum, free health care and fries without mayo.

You are trying to shame us with the “My child is more important than your gun” meme, but you forget that we have mothers on our side that take the safety of their kids very seriously and know that a violent offender will not stop his attack by asking pretty please and wishing upon a shinning star. More and more moms every day are realizing that stupid slogans really do not solve the question “What will happen to my children if I am killed?” or What will happen to me and my kids if my mate is murdered?” and they are flocking to gun stores, buying guns and getting their concealed weapons permits.

A mother, besides loving, must be pragmatic. Even you must admit that if somebody breaks down your door in the middle of the night, a gun will give you a better chance to stop the intruder rather than a copy of Such Sweet Sorrow.


In closing, the message is simple: Go fix the shit you guys broke and leave us alone. 

We stopped being your scapegoats long time ago.

Gun Control Rank and File are not happy campers.

After President Obama took to the airwaves to cry on cue, Gun Control supporters took to the Social Media to celebrate, gloat and make fun of the other side. Only one problem: They found us laughing.

They could not understand why. The News Media was telling people who the President had shut down the Gun Show Loophole and had forced dealers to report lost or stolen shipments of guns among many other things. So why are the evil gun owners heckling about? They should be spewing hate and calling for Klan rallies, but instead they were mocking the tears of the President, something that should touch anybody’s heart.

And then, they started to found out that they were misinformed all along. That some of those Executive Orders were just repeating what was already in the books (in some cases for several decades) and that they did not amount to a legal drop of water in the ocean. Them brutish gun owners even went on to say that some of the orders issued actually made it easier to own guns! More agents to run the NICS background checks that will now be open 24/7? And those who want to buy real machine guns no longer have to suffer the indignity of having to cajole the favors of the local Chief Law Enforcement to obtain his/her signature in order to buy the mass murder weapons! Now it is merely a notification given and these ammosexuals can get their yucky AK-15s or M-47s.

And they got mad and unleashed it not in the Con Man In Chief but on those who were so rightfully laughing at them.

Gun Control Rank and File

These are some examples, but what makes this round different from others is not the quality but the amount and intensity of the venom: they were out in full force and totally unhinged against gun owners… not that we could care two bits. And we are getting the attacks from those who had a quarter of a clue as I suspect many others still do not get it or ever will.

Long ago when I stared this blog, I stated that the relation between the rank and file gun control activist and the upper crust was akin to an abused wife to a beating husband. The codependency is such that they would rather die standing up for their “man” no matter how stupid things he did or how many times he has lied, than admit there might be a problem in the relationship and abandoning the scene would be the best and saner policy.

Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?
Chico Marx. Duck Soup.

So why Obama came out with useless Executive Orders? I stand with what I said before: he cannot waste political capital and good will in his final year on something it may not pass or get reversed easily down the road, his ego will not tolerate that. Immediate history will declare this a triumph over the NRA, but the long-term view will be less patronizing and more brutal in its analysis.

I don’t think we will see many other attempts (if any) coming from the Executive in the remaining days of this year other than some dog-and-pony show. Same for Congress. Do expect a brutal injection of money from Bloomberg and its machinery in local and state affairs. We will probably see new local Gun Control groups popping out trying to be the buffer/diffuser  between him and a proposals because he knows his name is becoming poisonous. Nobody likes a New York Interloper meddling on the affairs of his community.  We will need to follow the anti gun money carefully.

And remember, be kind to the Antis as they have feelings. However, don’t say “trigger warning” if you are about to share some info that might upset them. The expression coming from us allegedly has a much meaner and darker connotation as in death threat and they will start crying while seeking a corner under the desk or the bed.

And that is the way you do it.

Round Rock Police reported one call about someone openly carrying a gun at an H-E-B on Palm Valley Blvd. A police spokesperson said the department explained to the store personnel that the store needed to have a sign in order to prohibit a concealed handgun license holder from entering the store with a holstered pistol. A spokesperson for H-E-B says the store did have a sign up and the customer left without any problems. A police spokesperson says the department did not receive any additional calls related to open carry.

Source: Few issues in first weekend of open carry in Texas |

No histrionics, no chest thumping. I believe that many stores with signs up will eventually bring them down, a combination of lost sales and realizing we are, as always, a Polite Society.

Real Guns – New for 2016 Ruger’s Switcheroo – Buckaroo.

It would appear that 2016 is unfolding as a year of innovation. Take, for example, Ruger’s new Switcheroo – Buckaroo, or the “Swuck” as it is already popularly called. The Swuck is the first Roto-Barrel, Dual Caliber, Multi Engagement Revolver to hit the market. Primarily a hunting revolver, the Swuck’s cylinder can hold a combination of three 357 Magnum and three 22 LR rimfire cartridges which allows the hunter to switch between a round suitable for hogs and deer to one more suitable for harvesting small game for the stew pot.

Source: Real Guns – New for 2016 Ruger’s Switcheroo – Buckaroo

Please engage in moderate discussion.

Hat Tip to Defensive Strategies, LLC