Month: January 2016

Most Gun Control Groups celebrate lame Executive Orders, What else are they going to do?

Executive Orders Moms Demand

Executive Orders CSGV

Executive Orders Brady

But leave it to the wacko Elliot Finneman to scream about the Emperor’s wardrobe:

Executive Orders NGVAC

Instead President Obama has decided to take meaningless executive actions that will do little, if anything, to curb gun violence and will have the effect of letting the epidemic rage on — even as “no training” laws for carriers grow in more states, open carry becomes more widespread and sensitive places are being forced to allow guns.Pro-gun-control groups will be ecstatic about the upcoming executive actions, calling them a “first step.” But they are as misguided, pointless and meaningless as shutting down one Chipotle restaurant during an E. coli epidemic. The National Rifle Association will oppose such executive actions as it does on principle, and actually rejoice that the actions pose no pose real change to gun laws or threat to its guns everywhere all the time agenda.

Source: Obama’s executive actions on gun control are meaningless – NY Daily News

And he is right, we are rejoicing. There are a couple of annoying things, but nothing that we are already know how to bypass or will do so.

Now, be nice and don’t laugh (too hard) at your favorite Anti Gun friend. Be polite and if he/she insist on living a fantasy, let them! An obfuscated mind is a good thing to go against.

Now back to our regular programming.

Obama’s Executive Orders on Gun Control: An embarrassment for the Administration.

The news that the executive orders were ready and published moved fast across the internet last night. We opened the page, started readings and….laughed. If there is an indication that Obama is officially in his lame duck period, these are it.

I am gonna touch on some of the points they make just for fun and information.

  • The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is making clear that it doesn’t matter where you conduct your business—from a store, at gun shows, or over the Internet: If you’re in the business of selling firearms, you must get a license and conduct background checks.

I already covered this in a previous post: “Federal Firearms Licensees do perform BG Checks at gun shows, it is already the law. As for internet sales, they send guns only to other FFLs so they can perform the BG checks on that end.”

  • ATF is finalizing a rule to require background checks for people trying to buy some of the most dangerous weapons and other items through a trust, corporation, or other legal entity.

This is just related to NFA weapons (machine guns) which is a very small and already tightly regulated section of the gun universe. For many years now, if you didn’t feel like having to go through the long stupid steps every time when buying a machine gun, you opened a trust to simplify the process. Now, doing it via trust bypassed the BG checks so they are fixing to provide a solution where a problem does not exist since they cannot quote one single instance where an NFA trust gun has been used in the commission of a crime.

  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is overhauling the background check system to make it more effective and efficient. The envisioned improvements include processing background checks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and improving notification of local authorities when certain prohibited persons unlawfully attempt to buy a gun. The FBI will hire more than 230 additional examiners and other staff to help process these background checks.

Good for them to go 24-7 and hire more personnel. I bet they are getting threats of quitting from their employees who were slammed last December averaging 40 call a minute. As for the rest? If the way they have been prosecuting violators till now is an indicator, it is gonna take more than a simple chat with the local sheriff to improve things. If you the Fed don’t care, why would a local LEO care?

  • The Attorney General convened a call with U.S. Attorneys around the country to direct federal prosecutors to continue to focus on smart and effective enforcement of our gun laws. The President’s FY2017 budget will include funding for 200 new ATF agents and investigators to help enforce our gun laws.

Will they investigate Fast and Furious and other gun walking operations by the Department of Justice? No? Figures.

  • ATF is finalizing a rule to ensure that dealers who ship firearms notify law enforcement if their guns are lost or stolen in transit.

Already covered. It is the frigging law already!

  • The President has directed the Departments of Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security to conduct or sponsor research into gun safety technology. The President has also directed the departments to review the availability of smart gun technology on a regular basis, and to explore potential ways to further its use and development to more broadly improve gun safety.

Quoting Michael Z. Williamson: “All three have already said, “Fuck, no,” And not for nothing, we are talking about the three entities which will demand and  get excused from having to carry those type of firearms because they are unreliable. So, Fuck No.

  • Quantity and frequency of sales are relevant indicators. There is no specific threshold number of firearms purchased or sold that triggers the licensure requirement. But it is important to note that even a few transactions, when combined with other evidence, can be sufficient to establish that a person is “engaged in the business.” For example, courts have upheld convictions for dealing without a license when as few as two firearms were sold or when only one or two transactions took place, when other factors also were present.

This is a smoke bomb possibly trying to scare people into not buying or selling their guns on their own. A quote from Attorney general Lynch is quite illustrative:

For instance, Lynch explained, if an individual sells a gun clearly for profit, or if they buy and sell a gun kept in its original packaging, they may be considered a dealer.

First things first: This is unenforceable.  Short of keeping track of your guns when you buy them and knowing exactly how much you paid for, there is nothing they can actually accomplish. So unless they are actually keeping an eye on a violator who is selling a boatload of guns at every gun show without a license (which is already verbotten) you selling that AK that cost $300 six years ago and now will be snatched out of your hands for $500 might be making a profit, but good luck for them to prove it if you keep your mouth shut.

As for the boxes bit? Again showing their ignorance on guns and the gun culture. We keep our boxes! First they increase the collecting value of the gun and second, many manufacturers now sell the gun in hard cases that are perfect for transporting the gun and its accessories.

case FNS 9

So if I sell you my used gun (or even unused gun) in its original packing, I am in business and need a license? Am I to discard a case like in the picture above before selling the gun? That is downright stupid.

Back again with “There is no specific threshold number of firearms purchased or sold that triggers the licensure requirement.”  and “an individual sells a gun clearly for profit.” This is not even new but a rehash of what the ATF was doing back in the 90s: They would troll gun shows for individual trying to sell their guns and offer them some stupidly high price. If they bit, they would be charged with dealing without  license. Lots of cases got thrown out of court, but the real damage was to scare people about selling their personal property and end up spending thousands of dollars in lawyers to fight the ridiculous charge. Remember, the government can spend as much as they can since it is not coming out of the agent’s or prosecutor’s pocket. Regular people without savings would end up pleading guilty and get probation (and get a felony conviction who made them ineligible to own guns ever again) rather than go bankrupt and send the family to the poor house. This is one of the reasons why old farts are very reluctant to do business with somebody they do not know when it comes to privately sell a firearm: The horror stories of the ATF are still fresh in our database.

There is more stuff, but mostly feel-good-PR BS. These executive orders are just a cute poster to show off in front of the Gun Control groups and polish the President’s image. Maybe a bit of a smoke screen for the labor to be done by Bloomberg and Minions at state and local levels, but in reality we won’t be giving this crap a thought come Saturday other than making jokes at the range.

When you get the feeling nobody at the White House knows what the laws are.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is moving ahead on plans to require background checks for guns purchased from dealers even if they’re bought online or at gun shows.

Source: Obama moves to require background checks for more gun sales – WSVN-TV – 7NEWS Miami Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco

Federal Firearms Licensees do perform BG Checks at gun shows, it is already the law. As for internet sales, they send guns only to other FFLs so they can perform the BG checks on that end.

So, unless the President is mandating double BG Checks (which would be not only stupid but reversible by even Judge Brown on TV) I have the feeling that the “smartest people in government” have no frigging idea what are the gun laws in this country and by tomorrow night they will be the laughing-stock of the country.

PS: Now, if they want a BG Check at point of sale and then ship the guns directly to the home of the buyer, I am all for that. Yes, not happening, there is the form 4473 to be filled and signed.

Never mind.

NICS 2015: 23,174,970.

And December breaks all the records with 3,314,594 background checks. That means guns sold could arm all Federal, State and Local LEOs (704,672 according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics and Criminal Justice Information Services Divisionfour times and still have some guns to spare. 

NICS 2015
click to enlarge

But we are an unimportant minority on this country according to the Opposition and the Anti Gun politicians in Washington and other places where roach congregate.

And we are off to the races…

As predicted, unholy alliances have begun:

Ladd Brady

That is Dear Leader Ladd in which appears to be a joined Brady Campaign/CSGV protest in front of the NRA headquarters. Maybe is just a friendly get together of people with equal goals, or maybe there is some sort of strategic alliance from two groups who are very lean on cash.

I wonder if they will ask Gabrielle Giffords and Hubby to join them since they have a decent cash flow.

After that defeat, “we took a step back, and we realized we had to go state by state,” said John Feinblatt, the president of the Everytown group.
Everytown’s big footprint, however, worries even some fellow gun control advocates. They say some local officials in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and elsewhere have resented the perception of a high-profile, billionaire liberal like Mr. Bloomberg trying to change their gun laws.
“I see them as a lightning rod,” said an official with another gun control group, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of concerns about alienating supporters. “They’re stirring up this opposition, and the N.R.A. as a result is putting more resources into its state strategy.”

Source: State Focus and Infusion of Funding Buoy Gun Control Advocates – The New York Times

So there is trouble in Paradise. There is no doubt that Bloomberg’s acolytes are heavy-footed and want to be the only ones in control of the game, something that does not suit the other groups. But Everytown is top-heavy and although they have the money, they need to finesse (lie) to create wins.

This one shows that they are not necessarily thinking right and they are more into the flash in the pan than anything else

Mr. Feinblatt said Everytown was changing the nature of the debate. He likened the focus on the states to the push for same-sex marriage, which began with a small number of states approving it before the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013 and it spread more quickly.


I am still blinking hard at this one: You want to use the strategies of a minority seeking freedom of association and marriage to restrict the freedom of keep and bear arms? Wouldn’t that be like replicating the Civil Rights Movement to impose Jim Crow laws?

Well, we will see what President Obama brings to the table via Executive Orders. I don’t think it would be much, but I am guessing they want to have some sort of event to jump-start their efforts this year. I expect brutal opposition to Florida’s Open Carry and Campus Carry as they got slapped hard with Texas going OC and they are desperate for a big win to rally their followers.

I know I am gonna make some mad, but the important bill for Florida’s future is Open Carry (CS/CS/HB 163) and if necessary, Campus Carry could be delayed one more season. So, let’s make sure OC is passed and signed in Florida, if nothing more to see the Opposition go nuts.