Month: January 2016

Tickets to the gun show

I enjoy going to gun shows.  I’ve been going to them ever since I was a little kid and my dad would take me.  I can’t wait until my son is old enough for me to take him and we can have that same type of bonding.

I used to live in rural Indiana and Indiana is a good state for gun shows.  The best by far is the INDY 1500, and four time a year, I would drive the hour to Indianapolis to go to it.  I bought my very first gun at the INDY 1500 my freshman year of college.  It is a huge show, and a good one.  I’ve always had a lot of fun going to gun shows in Indiana.

President Obama and Hillary Clinton have been talking about gun control, and about closing the “gun show loophole” in particular.  I guess all that talk is what inspired some putz journalist from The Daily Beast to head off to the Crown Point gun show in Indiana.  Oh, the horror!  Oh, the humanity!  AR-15’s and AK-47’s were for sale!  Just laid out on tables for people to buy!  Of course the author had to bring up Sandy Hook and San Bernardino.  But I don’t seem to remember those guns having come from gun shows….

Yes, the author does bring up that guns purchased at Indiana gun shows have ended up in the hands of criminals in Chicago, calling out the case of David Lewisbey.  But the article notes that “Lewisbey was convicted and sentenced to 16 years in federal prison” for firearms and drug trafficking.  Why?  Because buying guns to sell them to criminals across state lines is already a crime.  The fact of the matter is that gun shows aren’t even a major source of illegally trafficked guns, accounting for about 2% of guns used in crimes.

At least the Daily Beast acknowledges that the people at the gun show were genuinely friendly.

I can’t say the same for the Buzzfeed journalist reporter hack.  She decided to turn her trip the Kokomo gun shows into a race baiting hatchet job.  The thing about the social justice crowd, is that they have to make race and bigotry part of everything.

“Four people sat at the registration table: one white guy in his fifties and three women in their twenties, one of whom was black. Her blackness threw me off nearly as much as the mood outside. We made the sort of eye contact that meant we’d acknowledged each other’s blackness but we weren’t going to bond over it.”

“Black people aren’t part of the big tent of gun ownership. We’re never assumed to be law abiding, reasonable gun owners. That kind of gun ownership is seen as an upstanding white person act; a picket fence closed to outsiders like blacks. I wanted to see what was on the other side of the slats separating me from perfectly honorable, white people gun show attendance.”

Seems the author is not aware that the fastest growing demographic of gun owners and carry permit holders are women and minorities.  Maybe she should watch Mr. Colion Noir’s excellent YouTube channel a little bit.

She spots several other black people at the show, some of who are vendors.  But she still manages to ignore that to come to her predisposed conclusion:

“The gun show is where that white suspicion arms itself…  One gun show table held pamphlets for the Oath Keepers, the non-partisan militia whose mission is to protect Americans from being disarmed — using assault rifles. But what it feels like people are most suspicious of is me.”

Yeah, she found the guy with the table full of Confederate flags.  I’ve been to countless gun shows in half-a-dozen states, and there is always that one asshole who shows up with way too much NAZI memorabilia and vaguely racist literature.  But I’ve never seen “that guy” get much in the way of business and most people ignore him.

By the tone of her piece, you’d get the impression that she attended a Klan Rally.  Except, it seems that everybody there was nice to her… and that was some form of bigotry.

I enjoy gun shows.  Thousands, millions of other Americans also enjoy gun shows.  They are a celebration of freedom for us.  If you don’t like guns, don’t go to the gun show.

I’m not going to attend Burning Man or the the Folsom Street Fair and complain about the attendees wearing a diaper while getting spanked.  You do whatever it is that you liberals like to do, leave our gun shows alone.

Another bad idea of mine

In my area, most grocery stores have gas station near them or associated with them, e.g. Kroger, Wal-Mart, etc.

I want open gas stations near Whole Foods.  Call it “Complete Gas.”  Advertise my gas as gluten free and free range, pumped from only sustainable well heads.  I bet I could get $3.50 a gallon before anybody caught on.

Some words of advice

Open carry is now legal in Texas.  I have the feeling it is coming to Florida pretty soon.

I’m not a big fan of open carry for several reasons, but I’m not going to get into that right now.

It has been just about 36 hours since open carry went into effect and the streets of Texas have run red with blood nothing bad has happened.  You wouldn’t know that from all the hand-wringing about open carry:

We feel customers and employees will feel safer when people are not openly walking around with guns,” said Anna Kehde, the Texas chapter leader of Moms Demand Action. “It’s hard to tell who is a responsible gun owner and who is someone I should seek cover from.

Well let me bestow upon those concerned, a little bit of advice:

“If you see a guy with a gun on his hip, as long as that gun stays in it’s holster, your’e fine.”

That goes for those with concealed carry permits too.  It’s really not that hard to understand.


Obama’s Executive Gun Control Orders: Already lying to the public.

Another victory for advocates is likely to be a requirement for all licensed dealers and manufacturers to report to federal authorities any guns that are stolen in transit to a buyer as missing from their inventory. Currently, advocates say, thieves often target packages addressed to gun retailers in the hopes of stealing unregistered guns that are harder to trace. And while buyer and seller might sort out refunds or replacements on their own, they’re not required to report the missing guns to the National Crime Information Center.

Source: Obama set to unveil curbs on gun sellers – POLITICO

If this is true, it shows how ready this administration is to spread a thick layer of BS: It is already a requirement to report lost or stolen firearms by manufacturers, distributors and licensed sellers.

From the ATF website:

Any Federal Firearms Licensee who has knowledge of the theft or loss of any firearms from their inventory must report such theft or loss within 48 hours of discovery to ATF and to the local law enforcement agency. (Regulations at 27 CFR § 478.39a and implementing section 923(g)(6) require that the report of theft or loss be made by telephone and in writing to ATF).

Upon discovery of any theft or loss of any of your firearms:

  1. First, call your local law enforcement agency to report the theft or loss. Contacting .the local law enforcement authorities is essential to the quick recovery of firearms taken in a crime. If the firearms are unaccounted for during inventory, you should make it clear to the authorities that there is no evidence of a crime and that the disposition of these firearms is unknown and may stem from a record keeping error.
  2. Second, call the ATF’s Stolen Firearms Program Manager toll-free at 1-888-930-9275. They can also assist in the preparation of the Theft / Loss Report for submission. ATF will work with the local law enforcement authorities investigating the theft.
  3. Third, complete the report form (ATF Form 3310.11) and attach any continuation sheets necessary (ATF Form 3310.11A) and mail it to ATF’s National Tracing Center. Be sure to submit the original form(s) to ATF and retain copies for your records.
  4. Fourth, complete the report form (ATF Form 3310.6) (INTERSTATE) for firearms missing in shipment; reports can be taken by either party, the Shipper, Consignee/Receiver or the Carrier

As Dennis B. from Dragon Leatherworks (An FFL himself) explains: “they are playing to the low-information voter and the Moms Demand Something crowd that has no clue what the actual *laws* say.

If you ask me, what we have here is dropping tons of make up to see if they can make the porcine look decent enough. Just like Moms Demand are celebrating loudly that some store chain in Texas will not allow Open Carry at its several locales but do not acknowledge the fact that they were unable to stop Open Carry altogether as they had promise to do. Sort of being in an accident and having to go to a hospital but announcing to the four winds they won because the manicure is still intact.

If this proposed executive order is real, then we can breathe a bit easier knowing it is all gonna be for show with no irreversible effect. Now, I do not discard all this crap as smoke curtain for other attempts at state and local level like Seattle’s tax on firearms and ammunition.

Remember, the beast is wounded and dying but it is still dangerous. Expect idiocy and vindictiveness.

First the Ceramic Glock and now….

A Glock with a hammer.

We all know Hollywood takes some liberties with firearms. Endless ammo, exaggerated performance, etc. The list goes on and on. I recently caught a blatant error in the Marvel movie ANT-MAN.When Hank Pym, played by Michael Douglas, confronts his old assistant Darren Cross, portrayed by Correy Stoll, Darren pulls out a Gen 2 Glock 17. He tries to shoot Hank Pym but has a malfunction.Here is a screen shot where the camera zooms in to show the malfunction.

Source: Ant-Man Movie Magic Glock 17 – The Firearm Blog

I am going to start calling gun stores..OK maybe two gun stores of people we know and ask if they have Glocks with hammers like in the movie Ant Man.

Because if it is in the movies, it has to be true!