Month: February 2016

The Dissin’ Issue. 

PALM COAST, Fla. – A brawl broke out at a Florida pizzeria after an order of garlic knots arrived with cheese on top.A Flagler County police report says 25-year-old Jessica Conti demanded her money back late Friday and was angered when the clerk put her money on the counter in what Conti considered a disrespectful manner.

Source: Cheese on garlic knots sparks brawl at Fla. pizzeria

I have preached the virtues of Avoidance and De-escalation before, but I feel I need to bring something else: No matter how well you try to avoid an encounter, some people will find offense and act up in an aggressive manner.

It is now the fashionable thing to be offended by anything and everything. Some elements of our society think that gives them carte blanche to exercise violence upon you. They feel it is a justified response to their bruised delicate egos to see your blood spilled and provide you with an assortment of injuries.

Deterrence is the next step but it is conditioned to the laws of your state. In some places, the presentation of a firearm in self-defense is allowed while in others it can lead to a charge of Assault with a Deadly Weapon . You must tailor your possible response to the applicable laws which means you have to do your own research and find reliable advice.

And we hope we don’t have to resort to the actual shooting, but we cannot dismiss it from our strategy. To think we can get away by purely  using Avoidance, De-escalation and Deterrence is as foolish as to think the only answer is to pull the trigger.  It is not fair or easy, but self-defense isn’t either. Deal with it, plan ahead, be ready.



My wife has gotten me into the INCREDIBLE musical, Hamilton.  It is a Broadway musical based on the life of one of our most important and underrated Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton.  Even if Hip-Hop is not your thing, the music is AWESOME.

Alexander Hamilton is most famous for being our first Secretary of the Treasury.  As a Founding Father, this sort of puts him on the back seat of American history to the Founders who were presidents (Washington, Adams, and Jefferson) and those who were known for their political musings (Ben Franklin).  In fact, Hamilton is responsible for American’s economic system, which lead to America being the greatest economic powerhouse in human history.  A feat Hamilton deserves more credit for.  (Also, this is one of the few things that if I could go back in time and influence the Founders on, I’d want more Hamiltonian protections to economic liberty enshrined into the Constitution.)

One of the more interesting things about the musical is how much time it spends covering the personal life of Alexander Hamilton.  It covers in great detail Hamilton’s marriage and the friendly and antagonistic relationship he had with Aaron Burr over the course of his life.  The musical also covers that fact the Hamilton was an accomplished writer, lawyer, political philosopher, and … ladies man.  Even noting the factoid that First Lady Martha Washington named her tomcat Hamilton, due to his propensity to get around.

Hamilton’s reputation as America’s financial Founder was almost ruined because of America’s first sex scandal.  Hamilton stepped out on his wife with name Maria Reynolds.  Her husband blackmailed Hamilton to the tune of $1,000.  Hamilton was then accused of speculation on wages of Revolutionary soldiers to come up with the $1,000.  Maria Reynolds divorces her husband after the blackmail and her attorney was Aaron Burr, the future Vice President of the United States and the man who shot and killed Alexander Hamilton.

Funny thing is, this is not the first time at a Founding Father having a little fun on the side changed the direction of history.

The accusation that Thomas Jefferson had a bit of the ol’ jungle fever with one of his house slaves is not a new SJW rewriting of history.  It was levied against him in 1802, while he was in office as the second President of the United States.

Then there was Benjamin Franklin, our most lecherous Founding Father.  Ben, who was no spring chicken, let it be known in publication that he had a bit of a thing for older women.  Ben spent much of the Revolution in France, helping to fund the Colonies’ war effort with his penis.  Nope, not kidding.  Franklin had a knack for lovin’ up rich French widows and getting them to contribute money and influence to help the Colonies as pillow talk.  The reason that Jefferson replaced Franklin as our Minister to France was that Franklin managed to love some money out of some aristocratic French widows, who didn’t happen to be widows while Franking was being persuasive.

There are a lot more stories of our Founders like this.  Don’t for a second think that I am diminishing the Founders by saying this.  They were great men.  They created the first society in which men were equal under the law.  What they accomplished had never before been done, and really has never  been done since.  The words they used to create this nation made us the global superpower we are today.  But like other great men of history, they had great ambitions, and great appetites.  That’s what makes history fun.

Three cheers to our Pounding Founding Fathers.


I need your support to help Paul Lathrop, 2A Warrior.

Reposting for Paul. He is out of jail and under the loving car of his wife. The GoGetFunding page for his legal expenses is now up and he still needs our help.

Please give what you can. Paul is one of those certified good guys who caught a bad deal thanks to somebody whose ego was bruised and decided to exact revenge by calling the cops. Most of us knows about people who had that happened or heard stories about being railroaded by petty people.  Now Paul faces a year of legal torture because of that and the least we can do is give him a hand. It is soul crushing by somebody who has lived his life in the right side of the law and the Constitution to be treated like a common criminal. You do not have to go further that The Polite Society Podcast to see what kind of gentleman I am talking about.

If you have donated already, thank you but don’t forget about Paul. If you find yourself with some extra cash later on, save some for Paul.  In my opinion, Paul and his wife are being shy and conservative about the amount they are asking, let’s at least double that.

You can also help by spreading the word. Share this post with everybody you know. You can also leave a note of support for Paul at the Polite Society Facebook Page, bad jokes are welcome.

The original post by his wife is below for those who missed the story the first dance around.

You can help Paul by making a donation in any amount at the link below. Thank you in advance for your kind generosity for a fellow 2A advocate.

Source: FELLOW ADVOCATE NEEDS YOUR HELP – GoGetFunding | GoGetFunding

Human Rights Advocate Paul Lathrop needs your help.

Paul is a longtime advocate of the people’s right to self-defense. He is the author of the popular Podcast “Polite Society”. Paul is about as “salt of the earth” as you can get. A truck driver and driving instructor by trade, he and his loving wife Susan are two of the finest people on the planet.

Paul was in Nebraska with a truck driver student performing training. The student stopped at a station to refuel. As the student pulled away from the pump, another driver apparently felt that the student was too close to his rig. Although there was no collision, the irate driver of the other truck rushed over to the driver’s side and aggressively approached the student to the point that the student felt that he was about to be assaulted.

The student told the other driver to back off. Paul also demanded that the driver back off. After some back and forth, the other driver finally went back to his vehicle and the student drove off. Unfortunately the other driver decided to call the police and accused Paul of threatening him with a gun. The student swears that he never saw a gun at any time during the confrontation, but the police stopped them and Paul was arrested.

Paul is being accused of making “terroristic” threats. Many of you are aware that is one of the latest ploys used by ambitious prosecutors all over the nation. In addition, they included “Possession of a weapon during the commission of a felony”. Of course the “felony” is the trumped up charge of making terroristic threats. I find that to be a self-referencing, catch 22 type of charge.

In any event, many of you know Paul and those of you who don’t but who know me (Frankfollow) can feel confident that he deserves our help and support. Paul is going to need money for bail and for a defense attorney. I am asking you to please consider helping this very deserving, hard-working advocate of our rights. Paul’s resources are modest and he really needs the help of the 2A and human rights community. Thank you.

(Susan) I am on my way to Nebraska this morning to meet with a lawyer and to hopefully get Paul out of jail. I will keep everyone updated as more information becomes available.



Remember, as a civilian, you are not allowed to carry a gun in San Francisco.  The whole whole of San Francisco County has 2 people with active CCW permits residing in it.   You can’t be trusted to be responsible with your firearm.  You might accidentally discharge your gun into a buddy or something like that.  A real professional wouldn’t just leave his gun on the roof of his car and drive off, losing it.  Only law enforcement is professional enough to be trusted with guns in public.