Month: February 2016

When Stupid is Art.

CSGV poem

England, Australia and Scotland are still what they were because of the American Gun. France, Greece, Holland, Hungary are not Axis whorehouse because of the American Gun. Japan and Germany are civilized nations because of the American Gun. Brazil and Argentina are on their way to becoming African Tribal nations because they think like the Author, a Brit that apparently did not understand his own recent history.

And let’s not forget that behind that American Gun there was an American Boy who left blood and even his corpse behind so a stuck up Limey with notions of digital grandeur can look down on the rednecks across the pond. When you deprecate the American Gun, you insult their memory.

And as much as they want it to be, idiots like Bliston are not culture, they are not the basic stone of civilization. Read Marko Kloos as he explains Why the gun is civilization.


California: AB-1673 Firearms: unfinished frame or receiver will be considered a gun.

As used in the following provisions, “firearm” includes the finished frame or receiver of the weapon, or the unfinished frame or receiver of a weapon that can be readily converted to the functional condition of a finished frame or receiver:

Source: Bill Text – AB-1673 Firearms: unfinished frame or receiver.

Another Californian bill ripe for its abuse. Readily converted is the key here and how it will be interpreted by your friendly local D.A. with aspirations of re-election. Wait, do you think it only meant the 80% receivers? How about the DIY Polymer Receivers that you just pour out of a mold? Is having the appropriate liquid plastics and mold a “readily converted frame’?

Will shovels be considered also “readily converted frames”? You can make an AK 47 out of one!

How about the simple presence of a 3D printer?

Oh yes…. ripe for the abuse.

"I haz Assault Weapon?"
“I haz Assault Weapon?”

If the First Amendment is in the way, bring it down.

This is a move that reeks of desperation.

With that type of marketing, the Sandy Hook families claim, “The Bushmaster Defendants attract buyers by extolling the militaristic and assaultive qualities of their AR-15 rifles.” The complaint alleges that while the weapon is suitable for the military and for law enforcement — where it’s used for combat and limited police purposes — in civilian hands, the high-caliber, rapid-fire rifles are essentially killing machines.

Source: Sandy Hook Victims’ Lawsuit Attempts to Expose Rifle Industry’s Strategies for Marketing to Civilians


They have no legal or worse, constitutional standing. Are they are using the same Law Firm that was used to sue Cheaper Than Dirt and got the case lost via judicial spanking?


“Commercial speech” as a constitutional doctrine — initially (and even today) an exception from the First Amendment’s normal rules — was casually suggested by a U.S. Supreme Court opinion in 1942. Then, in 1976, it was altered substantially when the Court recognized that such a talismanic exemption from the Constitution’s mandates was unsustainable. Later, it was transformed by repeated Court cases that resulted in a solid First Amendment rule that commercial speech that is neither false nor misleading is fully protected speech. By 2001, the doctrine approached maturity when the Court recognized that even tobacco advertising was entitled to significant First Amendment protection.

Source: Advertising & First Amendment overview – First Amendment Center

Come on, the lawyers must know, are they really that stupid? Or is there something else?

From the original article:

“It’s a long shot,” Culhane concedes, but the plaintiffs’ argument holds powerful potential if the suit manages to reveal the thinking behind the riflemaker’s marketing strategy for the military-grade firearms. Positioning the case as a contest between commercial exploitation and parents mourning murdered children puts enormous pressure on the industry, he says.

Basically it is a two-pronged approach: Death by thousand legal paper cuts and associated expenses and gather enough material to use in public campaign to mute gun advertising via “shame.” I don’t know if Connecticut has the legal recourse of forcing the plaintiff to pay for legal and other costs if they lose, but if they do, Daddy Bloomberg better have the checkbook ready.

And as for shaming…Do we really look like we give two damns and a donut? It is not like Bushmaster took an ad in the New York Times or posted a sales banner at the local Piggy Wiggly. Gun advertising is pretty much localized in magazines and gun-related media.

I think they are grasping at legal straws. Mind you, Bushmaster is in enemy Judicial territory so the fight might not be over soon.

It is not just one Amendment they do not like…

Florida Open Carry Dead. Time to abstain.


Diaz de la Portilla blocked two other bills that attempted to expand gun owners’ rights to carry their weapons. One bill would have allowed concealed permit holders to carry handguns on college campuses, and the other would have allowed them to openly carry handguns. Diaz de la Portilla said Simpson’s bill, like the others, offered no benefit toward safety.

Source: Senate chairman blocks another gun bill, making three bills expanding rights that likely will die

We’ve been here before. This time we got gouged by a RINO so, it is open season on the Florida GOP idiots…. ALL OF THEM.

If I wanted a Liberal Democrat in the Legislature, I would have voted for one. So, I am planning on abstaining to vote for my State Rep and Senator until De La Portilla gets removed from his Chair or allows the bills to be heard. I encourage every Florida Gun Owner to do the same and let his/her State critters know why are we doing so.

And if they piss me any more, I am voting Grayson for US Senate. That would be electing Florida Man to represent the Sunshine State.

Hat Tip to Manuel L.

And it’s gone

The Kingdom of Norway is done, RIP 872-2016.

The Norwegian Military is having all of its non-combat deployed personnel turn in their sidearms (original source) due to budgetary reasons.  The Aftenposten article doesn’t give a reason (according to Google translate), but it’s not hard to figure out.  Norway has an economy dominated by oil and gas, which took a hit in price, but that isn’t enough to cause such a shortfall for a military that is only 11,600 troops in size.  Norway prides itself on its Welfare State, which has been sapped to the breaking point by Refugees.  Norway, with its population of 5.2 million people took in some 30,000 refugees and put them on the government dole, and gave another $1.2 BILLION away in aid.  That’s $240 per Norwegian citizen.  If the Glock Blue Label pricing is any reflection on what the military pays for the P80, for what the Norwegian government gave in foreign aid, they could have bought 2.6 million new pistols.

Norway has disarmed its troops because it over spent on welfare and aid to the same people it now has to teach not to rape their way across Norway.  Congratulations Norway, at least you can stand as an example of what NOT to do when it comes to welfare and military spending.