Month: February 2016

You call him Gun Nut, I call him Overachiever.

In total, he was caught with ​14 licensed handguns​; two loaded, licensed shotguns​; one licensed rifle​; approximately 45,000 rounds of ammunition for a variety of weapons​; 225 pounds of smokeless gun powder stored in various containers and open to view​;​ unassembled parts for an AR-10 and AR-15 assault rifles, three high-capacity magazines — one fully loaded with 20 rounds and each capable of holding in excess of ten rounds of .308 caliber ammunition — two Kevlar body armor vests, six Kevlar armor plates, one ammunition press, numerous primers, empty cartridges, and several other devices and components related to weapons ammunition.

Source: Gun nut charged after cops find ‘distrubing’ arsenal near school | New York Post

We are only going with was in the article, but so far and my little knowledge of NY Laws, I don’t see why the guy was charged with anything other than making some police’s and DA’s panties moist with brown emissions due to their own ignorance.

“Alone, the amount of gunpowder discovered was capable of igniting and causing significant damage to not only the defendant’s apartment but to neighboring apartments and the building’s exterior walls, as well as injuring or killing anyone unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity,” Brown said.

That is what I mean. Unless somebody actually goes to the trouble of setting all that powder on fire, it is not going to go off on its own and at the most, what you will have is a pretty good fire and not the earth-shattering explosion D.A. Brown assured it may happen. But I bet all he learned about weapons was on TV or the movies where one pound of Winchester 231 is the equivalent of the Nagasaki bomb.

I am going to keep an eye on this case. Unless there is something else not published, Mr. Shou will either walk free or get something because of the 20 round mags since every frigging firearm was already licensed.

And one more thing:

The arsenal was discovered when officers conducted an administrative pistol licensee review at Shou’s home Monday. The officers spotted the gunpowder and some of the ammunition lying in plain sight.

Can you boys and girls say “F*** Gun registration!’?

Let that be a lesson.


UPDATE: I think we found why he is being charged :


7 (c)Any part, or combination of parts, designed or intended to readily convert a rifle or shotgun into an assault weapon.

A $20 flash suppressor is the same thing as a completed and “shootable” AK 47 for NY purposes.

Trial by scandal

Florida scumbag Congressman Alan Grayson, a man who made his Congressional reputation berating Wall Street on TV, turns out to have been moonlighting as a Hedge Fund manager.  Not just that, but he used his power, influence, and Congressional resources for his Hedge Fund.

But this scandal adds to a long list of other scandals of abuses of power, corruption, and hypocrisy that the Democrat party is facing.  What’s truly noticeable is that these scandals rarely sink Democrats, where Republicans who get caught with their hand in the till, generally go down in flames.

Elizabeth Warren gets caught abusing affirmative action hiring practices, becomes a Senator, and now is gaining backing for an eventual Presidential run.  Hillary Clinton is running for President while being investigated by the FBI.

Some people blame the media for going soft on Democrats, but I have another theory.

One of the hallmarks of totalitarian governments is that the leaders don’t have to follow the same rules as the rest of the populace.  Rules are for the little people.  North Korea may be under rationing, but Kim Jong-Un is tubby.

Our nation was founded under exactly the opposite principle, that every citizen, including our elected leaders, are bound by the same laws.  No man is above the law.

So for Democrats, these scandals are times they got caught in their moral failings, it is a chance to level up.  If you are a Democrat, and you weather a scandal, it proves that the law doesn’t really apply to you.  You are not one of the “one of the little people.”  Come out on top and you are ready for the big leagues.

If a scandal breaks you, too bad, you were never really qualified for a leadership role.  Anthony Weiner was broke.  His wife came through with sycophantic fans and has gone on to scandal some more.

Surviving a scandal that would crush a Republican is for a Democrat, a qualifying event.  Trial by scandal.  It is part of their leadership CV.

Will Grayson’s getting caught lining his pockets by abusing his seat ruin him or elevate him to DNC big wig?  Only time, and Florida Democrats, will tell.

Dumbest quote you will hear all day. (Nose bleed warning)

It’s not sporting to use a semi-automatic weapon to go hunting, or frankly, self-defense.

Source: Dan Muroff: ‘Guns in the street are easier to find than healthy produce’ | AL DÍA News

Who is Dan Muroff?

Muroff, 48, was the first to throw his hat into this now-crowded Democratic primary. (Mark your calanders: election day is coming up fast.) He’s looking to unseat veteran U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah —  who faces a string of federal corruption charges and a dwindling campaign coffer — and gun violence prevention is his big campaign issue.
A well-known attorney and Democratic ward leader in Mount Airy, Muroff has a long history of advocating for smarter gun control. He calls it a “public health crisis,” the effects of which can be felt in the second congressional district that includes parts of North Philadelphia and Montgomery County.


I don’t have the words…

[Im]Moral Authority

Cosmopolitan’s online magazine had published three anti gun articles yesterday.

Yes, Cosmo.  You know, the deeply intellectual magazine for Women, filled with hard hitting pieces like: How to second guess the status of your relationship, with dolls (apparently my bad back is a psychosomatic manifestation that I don’t really love my wife), and Fifteen bullet points to lower your self esteem.


The first is a step-by-step on how you should awkwardly ask your potential boyfriend if he owns a gun and if he’s going to use that gun to kill you – because that’s what men with guns do to women.

cosmo gun


The first article quotes Shannon Watts multiple times:

It’s crucial that single women understand the risk factors and tackle talking directly about the role guns may play in their daily lives,” says Watts. “Being armed with the facts isn’t anti-gun, it’s pro-information. And it may save your life.

Do you have a gun?  How did you get it? Is there a problem with your going into a gun shop and buying a gun?

Why not just make your date fill out a Form 4473 before he picks you up for dinner?

Where do you keep your gun?”

If the answer is other than “it’s on my hip right now,” why does it matter on a first date?  Or is she going to ask about the state of my smoke alarms and fire extinguishers next?

“‘[B]oyfriends are becoming an increasingly large proportion of those who commit intimate-partner homicides,’ says Shannon Frattaroli, associate professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Gun Policy and Research.”

Oh Gee, what an absolutely unbiased source.  The article then devolves into a diatribe on the gun show and private seller “loophole” and more stories about how the “he was such a nice guy” boyfriend buys and gun and murder ensues.

The second is an article, rife with cherry picked data and an accompanying video, to make the case that men who own guns are douche-bag “gunsplainers” who are more likely than not to use their gun to murder their wives and girlfriends.  The video embedded in the second article is straight from Everytown’s YouTube channel.

The third is pretty much the 50 Shades of Gray of torture porn with a strong anti-gun bent.

A few days before Valentines, and Cosmo becomes a shill for MDA/Everytown.  The thesis of the THREE articles is “Don’t date a guy that owns a gun, if you do, you are probably going to be murdered.”  Cosmo presents this as dating advice, that women should bring up the issue of guns on the first date and interrogate their potential boyfriends their gun owning and gun buying history.

I’m pretty sure that if my date was convinced by Cosmo to assume that my gun ownership was a sign that I’m a domestic abuser and gave me the third degree about it over ravioli, that date would be over before I got my unlimited bread sticks refilled.

Then again, what do I know?  I’ve been with my wife for 12 years and I’m pretty sure I haven’t murdered her.  Hold on, lemme check… nope, still not murdered.






Brady Campaign: Because women are stupid and belong in the morgue.

Brady Gunsplainer

And now, the word of the day:

noun id·i·ot \ˈi-dē-ət\

  1. usually offensive :  a person affected with extreme mental retardation

  2.  a foolish or stupid person

  3.  a Brady Campaign officer or member… but I repeat myself.

And another definition, a well-known classic:

gun control morally superior

Never forget that Gun Control groups cannot raise funds unless they can have a sizable number of bodies of the unarmed and the innocent.