Month: April 2016

Glass Houses

So the human filth at Jezebel got a hold of a Craigslist ad for a booth girl for the upcoming NRA Annual Meeting in Louisville.

NRA model

As one can expect, the anthropomorphic vomitus mass that wrote the article took umbrage at the “no visible tattoos, odd piercings, etc.”  requirement.  Her response was brief, and fully befitting the level of class possessed by this syphilitic ulcer of journalism.

We’ve sent an email seeking guidance on whether our existing piercings and advanced decrepitude are acceptable, and will update if we hear back. We won’t.

I think in that sentence, the author proved beyond a reasonable doubt, that she doesn’t understand what the person who posted the ad wants.  The ad pretty much describes a look or trope known as the “girl next door” or the “all American girl.”  This look is appealing because it is simultaneously attractive and wholesome, sexy without being raunchy.

There are companies that build their market on this look.  The most famous is Hooters, which mandates its “all American girl next door” look in employment contracts.

I should be offended by this, but it’s kind of hard to be.  Keep in mind that Jezebel is the angry feminist wing of Gawker Media, which is much less a media company than is it a stinking, purulent discharge of words on the internet.  Gawker just had its balls sued off (that’s being technical) to the tune of $115 Million, by Hulk Hogan.  During deposition, which I must remind you is sworn out-of-court testimony, the editor of Gawker stated that he would draw the line at publishing a celebrity sex tape if the celebrity was UNDER 4 years old.  This is the caliber of bipedal venereal disease that runs the website.  It’s hard to be let someone associated with something that bad have self-righteousness over you.

As bad as the article is, the comments are worse.  If this article is a piece of shit, what can you expect from the flies that buzz around it?

A few tried to paint the NRA show attendees as perverts or prudes, with weird psycho-sexual issues.  So far par for the anti-gun course.

Jezebel 2

Ah yes, criticism about lacking personality from a miserable social justice type who probably believes that personality is defined by dyed blue armpit hair.  
Jezebel 1

Jezebel 4

Several made expected but gratuitous comments implying NRA members are racist.

Jezebel 5

Jezebel 3

And then there were others that were just plain insulting.

Jezebel 6

Let the haters hate.  I’ve never been a booth girl, but I have worked security at conventions like this and $525 for three days is not bad at all.  The University of Louisville is out for the summer by then, so this seems like the perfect job for a college student on break.  I can tell you from experience, I had worse jobs over the summer.  I hope the girl that gets this job enjoys the show.  If I go (I really want to) I can’t wait to meet her.


CSGV: Guns Make you a drunk and caring is overrated.

I was over living in a home where all kinds of violence ran rampant at the fat fists of my father. There was always the thought that this would be the time he did it, but like the many other times that came before it, he set the weapon down, gulped his vodka straight, and looked at me equally as straight…

I am not saying that the author of the article went through what she did, but I find interesting that she blames guns and not her abusive alcoholic, 300 Lbs father of her suffering. She blames the guns, but her father never used one and she even admits that violence was in the form of fists, not guns. Are we to deduce that gun may her father drink, become belligerent and punch her? Somehow it cast a shade of doubt on her story.

But just in case, now you know: Guns produce alcoholism and abusive parents.

CSGV Father to shoot himself

I needed to share this particular reply and timeline. The petition is indeed a scam, but at the time of posting, the name of the victim was not available in any news outlet and there was a link in the GoFundMe page to a generic story which is now updated with the real name of the victim. And I am all for being cautious, but notice that nobody asked for proof but went to a big ass no from the get-go.  At least they could have asked some more proof, but I am thinking it is more a case of a stone heart rather than cyber suspicion.

Anyway, carry on and have fun.


Dubious distinction: The Most Dangerous City in the World.

When planning your next trip, you may want to avoid some of the cities we’re about to mention. In 2015, they ranked among the world’s most dangerous places on the basis of murder cases per capita.
Caracas, Venezuela has risen to number one spot with 119.87 murders per 100,000 beating out San Pedro Sula in Honduras which had the top position in 2015, with 171.2 murders per 100,000 people per year but dropped to second at 111.03 in 2016. The number is surprisingly high in comparison to the most violent cities in many other countries. In the US, for example, St. Louis, with its murder rate of 59.23 per 100,000, is still a much safer place to live than the world’s most dangerous city.
Illegal drug distribution, extensive poverty, and gangs all combine to affect the living conditions in Caracas and San Pedro Sula, the help make those city so notorious.

Source: Most Dangerous Cities in the World –

The whole country is in the brink of becoming a turf for warlords and civil strife. Human Life is worth zero and atrocities are becoming too normal. The last one was some depraved jackass who shot and killed a toddler because she looked at him.

I am glad I got out of there in time.

We “Somehow” Agree

There is this idea that gun owners are not aware of dangers; that we do not understand the risk of firearms. That is simply not the case. Most of us know the four rules of gun safety. Still, it is important to maintain these rules and make sure they are known to everyone.

1. Always treat firearms as if they are loaded.

Honestly, all rules stem from this number one rule.

2. Never point a firearm at something you are not willing to destroy.

Because of rule #1, rule #2 exists to make it painfully obvious that accidents can occur. Negligent discharge is from carelessness, not from a bad holster.

3. Only place a finger on the trigger if you are prepared to shoot.

This is from rules 1 and 2 and the idea of general safety. Don’t be physically ready to shoot if you are not prepared.

4. Always know what your target is, and what is behind, beside, and in front of it.

This rule is over knowing about stray bullets and inaccuracy. What if the target is missed- is there a safe backdrop? The same goes for a bullet if it will pass through the target. What if someone is standing in front of you and just to the side- you could hit them if they stand too close or hit them with a ricochet.

There are other lessons taught as well, such as: teach those who don’t know better. Anyone who does not regularly use firearms might not know as much as you do. The rules are pretty “common sense”, but I hate that connotation because these rules should be known by heart, not by trial and error (and because saying something is “common sense” does not mean anything in a vacuum).


Now, onto what brought this to my mind. I saw an article by Peter Manseau over accidental gun deaths that are explained by “somehow” someone had an accident. Manseau is an author. “In Michigan, an 11-year-old boy was killed when “somehow he got a hold of a gun and started playing with it.”” He also wrote a newspaper article, op-ed on LA Times, as well as a book over the same subject. His works over this subject simply pull articles from colonial to current newspapers where firearm accidents occurred where children, parents, and others died from accidents where rules of safety were violated. He doesn’t say it that way though, he simply states that these people died from guns. He never draws a conclusion. He never tries to help the situation. He could help out with training/safety courses. He could write articles on gun safety in papers that do not regularly carry pro-gun rhetoric.

I don’t see how pulling up articles of accidents will help the situation. Instead, there is this article going around parading the deaths of people from firearm accidents that leave firearms in a negative light. There is no mention of the falling firearm-accident rates. There is no mention of 505 (2013) accidents per year in the U.S.A. That’s not a number to be happy to hear, just bear in mind that it is lower than 776 (2000). No mention of safety precautions that should be followed. He only states that these accidents are usually explained with “somehow” things went wrong.

We, as gun owners, “somehow” agree with you, Peter. It is tragic when these accidents happen. Although, we have “somehow” come to the conclusion of the Rules of Gun Safety. I do not want something labeled as a “smart gun”, I don’t want the government to place restrictions on me because other people failed these rules. I don’t support mandated training. Instead, I want more people to be conscious of possible accidents and know what steps to take, such as teaching their children how to handle guns. I also want to see even more progress on people taking training courses by their own wishes, and see less of the horrendous accidents like the ones that Peter went out of his way to display in an ill, written collage.


If you want to see less of these accidents, learn to take precautions in your own life. You cannot mandate others into absolute safety, or strip the rights of others for your own perceived safety.


Have a nice day.

Gun Culture 2.0: Laredo’s Perspective

Hello readers,

I am Laredo, and I am one of the new [nearly] daily bloggers that Miguel has invited on board for the site. I am honored to be allowed this and will be honest and sincere to everyone here. I grew up in an Army family that taught me how to hold firearms at the age of 5. I have always enjoyed shooting guns and being patriotic as hell. So, I am here to do my part of contributing to our culture and way of life.

By that I mean that I will keep things straight forward, and know how to take criticism if I misspeak or am disagreed with. I believe that the best way to continue fighting for our rights and traditions is to be factual, sincere, and express what we feel while keeping our cool- at least most of the time. So in my blog pieces I will usually talk about guns, gun free zones, legislature involving guns, etc. as well as posting a few pieces about hunting, fishing, and trapping stories to bring up morale after reading the latest post from CSGV and others. I also might revisit old topics that most of us know, but that is useful for anyone new to know. It might seem odd to that, but sometimes we forget we were ignorant to something at a point in our lives that we now feel is basic knowledge.

For today, I just want you all to get a feel for who I am. I appreciate this opportunity and understand that I am not better than those who do not write for the blog. So feel free to comment below anytime, because I enjoy conversations about gun related topics. I will be posting on most days of the week and do not have a detailed schedule to give you.

I also want to give an update on permitless open carry in Oklahoma, the state of my residence. The bill has passed through the Senate, and it is now back at the House for approval of Senate-made amendments. I’ve read the bill thoroughly, and it will be a major improvement to releasing holds on our rights here! Have a good day, ladies and gentlemen.

Dear Everytown: This is why we don’t rush till all the data is all in. 

The gruesome massacre in Ohio last week had the good folks of Everytown/Moms Demand in a frenzy.

Everytown Ohio mass executions


I found it a bit strange that the shooting was done in several places and waited for more info to come in. Some of the people I interact with felt the same way: There was something just not kosher… and we were right.

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The slayings of eight family members in rural southern Ohio were sophisticated, planned executions, authorities said Sunday, as they also revealed that several marijuana-growing operations were found at the crime scenes.
Investigators said at a news conference that it’s unclear what, if any, role the marijuana growing had in Friday’s killings at four homes near Piketon. Marijuana, both recreational and medicinal, is illegal in the state.
They also told residents they are safe but to arm themselves if they’re fearful.

Source: Ohio attorney general: Slayings of 8 ‘pre-planned execution’

So people engaged in the drug trade, got killed in suspicious circumstances. We never heard this before, have we?

I would not be surprised if the investigation reveals that this was not the job of one guy but multiple killing teams. It looks like the massacres done by the Mexican Cartels on their turf. Let’s see what does the investigation finally reveals.

I do love the advice given to local area neighbors: Get your guns!


More Gun Control Recycling: “We have to do something!”

A package of proposed gun regulations for city residents won’t stop determined criminals from shedding blood in New Orleans, but it’s better than doing nothing, Mayor Mitch Landrieu and members of the City Council said Friday (April 22).
Standing in Bunny Friend Park, scene of a 2015 mass shooting that wounded 17 people, Landrieu said that police and other law enforcement will continue to fight gun violence, but more needs to be done to limit the availability and prevalence of handguns, which account for the overwhelming majority of fatal shootings in New Orleans and the nation.
“When criminals are intent on doing harm, too many innocent people are caught in the crossfire. I believe we have a moral obligation to do everything in our power to fight back and to halt the stream of guns getting into the wrong hands,” he said. “In some instances, people have a right to own a gun, something that I support, every gun owner … has to be thoughtful, and they have to make sure that they handle that weapon responsibly.
“The provisions of the proposed gun ordinance, which include establishing “firearm-free zones” and prohibiting the sale of guns that don’t have serial numbers, are far from groundbreaking. In some cases they would merely localize or marginally expand state law.

Source: City gun regulations won’t stop violence, but it’s a start, Landrieu says |

More Gun Free Zones? Isn’t that like applying leeches to an arterial wound?

Basically “We need to look butch so we are going to do stuff that we know it does not work but makes for great TV.”

I swear it seems that NOLA is being run by Benny Hill…. but he is dead.

Hat Tip to Wibbins.