Glass Houses
So the human filth at Jezebel got a hold of a Craigslist ad for a booth girl for the upcoming NRA Annual Meeting in Louisville.
As one can expect, the anthropomorphic vomitus mass that wrote the article took umbrage at the “no visible tattoos, odd piercings, etc.” requirement. Her response was brief, and fully befitting the level of class possessed by this syphilitic ulcer of journalism.
“We’ve sent an email seeking guidance on whether our existing piercings and advanced decrepitude are acceptable, and will update if we hear back. We won’t.”
I think in that sentence, the author proved beyond a reasonable doubt, that she doesn’t understand what the person who posted the ad wants. The ad pretty much describes a look or trope known as the “girl next door” or the “all American girl.” This look is appealing because it is simultaneously attractive and wholesome, sexy without being raunchy.
There are companies that build their market on this look. The most famous is Hooters, which mandates its “all American girl next door” look in employment contracts.
I should be offended by this, but it’s kind of hard to be. Keep in mind that Jezebel is the angry feminist wing of Gawker Media, which is much less a media company than is it a stinking, purulent discharge of words on the internet. Gawker just had its balls sued off (that’s being technical) to the tune of $115 Million, by Hulk Hogan. During deposition, which I must remind you is sworn out-of-court testimony, the editor of Gawker stated that he would draw the line at publishing a celebrity sex tape if the celebrity was UNDER 4 years old. This is the caliber of bipedal venereal disease that runs the website. It’s hard to be let someone associated with something that bad have self-righteousness over you.
As bad as the article is, the comments are worse. If this article is a piece of shit, what can you expect from the flies that buzz around it?
A few tried to paint the NRA show attendees as perverts or prudes, with weird psycho-sexual issues. So far par for the anti-gun course.
Ah yes, criticism about lacking personality from a miserable social justice type who probably believes that personality is defined by dyed blue armpit hair.
Several made expected but gratuitous comments implying NRA members are racist.
And then there were others that were just plain insulting.
Let the haters hate. I’ve never been a booth girl, but I have worked security at conventions like this and $525 for three days is not bad at all. The University of Louisville is out for the summer by then, so this seems like the perfect job for a college student on break. I can tell you from experience, I had worse jobs over the summer. I hope the girl that gets this job enjoys the show. If I go (I really want to) I can’t wait to meet her.