Month: April 2016

When they outlaw guns…

…only outlaws will have guns. Full auto too. Venezuelan version.

These “individuals” are shooting their fully auto guns to honor the death of a fella nicknamed El Conejo (The Rabbit) who was the head of a notorious gang (called Prans) in western Venezuela.

Here is the kicker, yes they are in a roof… of a prison where they are being “held.”

Prisons have become vacation clubs down there. The authorities only “control” the perimeter, but they are bribed or cajoled to allow from catered food to hookers to go inside, and of course guns. Not long ago in another prison they discovered a lot of stolen vehicles that were being chopped up for parts.

I have been finding some very disturbing videos about Venezuela in LiveLeak: From the execution of a cop to the beheading of a man by his competitors in the drug trade…with a dull axe. 90% of the hospitals report no medications in stock to take care of the patients that come in and no pharmaceutical company will sell to Venezuela since it has a $6.2 billion in unpaid bills. Food is now officially scarce and whatever can be found is being used as making sure the Gov has your fidelity.

Venezuela is about to become a Biafra or Ethiopia or Somalia.  Hundred of thousands of people will die by gunfire and starvation. Probably will have a live feed via Twitter and shit.



Gun Culture 2.0: Audition for a new Co-Blogger.

One day in the past, I had a moment of clarity and invited J. Kb. to be a regular writer for the blog. As somebody known for not making the right decisions (according to the missus anyway) having him around has been a great improvement for the blog. I feel that I need to expand the blog and I am in search for a member of Gun Culture 2.0 who feels the need to write, but do not want to deal with the whole creating a blog/website/domain name, etc. Just sit down, write something (mostly) gun-related and post it.

What I am looking for is somebody 35 years of age and under, preferably a lady (We desperately need more female voices/writers) who is involved in some measure in Shooting Guns and/or Gun Rights and/or Gun Lifestyle. Other “requirements” are:

  • Be passionate about what you write. Type from your heart and not from what you think People want to read.
  • Be regular. No, I don’t mean more fiber in your diet, write at least 3 posts a week and I mean write, not just posting cute pics of cats.
  • Essence over Word Count. It does not have to be a thousand-word (TL/DR) but do write a few lines that means/teach something.
  • Thick Skin. Although blessed with some of the most polite readers in the Net, you will be bound to get some haters.
  • Don’t mind being wrong. It is a learning experience for everybody, you included. Just fix it and carry on.
  • No contracts or obligations to stay. If you find that you really do not like writing and want to stop or you find it so appealing that you want to try on your own or maybe (fingers crossed) somebody likes your material and is willing to pay for it and want you exclusively, go for it. However we will retain bragging rights.

What you get:

  • A place to publish what you feel.
  • A benign Dictator/Editor who probably will not interfere with your work at all.
  • No remuneration. Nobody is getting paid here but we may snag a discount with Dennis and his holsters.
  • The hate of Gun Control groups like CSGV, Brady and Everytown/Moms Demand.  They do not like this blog one bit. Badge of Honor right there.
  • The amazing network of other gun bloggers out there. They are the coolest people you will ever meet.
  • The distinct possibility that your labor changes at least one person to our cause.

Interested? Know somebody you think might be  good fit? Drop me a line via miguel AT gunfreezone DOT net

Odd Duck

A man who kidnapped, murdered, and dismembered a woman named Ingrid Lyne in Renton, Washington, a suburb near Seattle, has been identified as John Robert Charlton.  Parts of Lyne’s body was found in recycling bins in Seattle.

In 2006, Carlton had a restraining order placed against him by his parents due to a history of drug use, threats, and violence.  He also served 21 months for robbery and carjacking.  As such, he was prohibited from owning a gun.  The cause of death has not been released, but none of the news sources I’ve read said that she was shot.  So I believe that it is safe to assume she did not die from gun violence.  So I doubt that you will hear a peep out of Everytown or MDA, despite the horrific nature of this crime.  You don’t have to pass a background check to buy a pruning saw.

Charlton has a reputation of being “a mean drunk” and “not a normal person.”  I believe that last sentiment is obvious.  Anybody from the Pacific Northwest knows that human remains are not recyclable.  Dismembered bodies are compostable.

Sugar and spice and everything nasty

I thought that the condescending and offensive article that Everytown planted in Cosmopolitan magazine was the end of their “Gunsplainer” idiocy.  The article was published a little over two months ago and the comments left on it were excoriating and unforgiving.  Finally, Everytown had come up with a campaign that was so unpalatable it couldn’t gain traction: “if your beau has a gun, break up with him because he’ll beat you and kill you.”

I was wrong.

Everytown now has a whole website dedicated to this crap.

Lax gun laws put single women at risk.”

Of course they do.  True that 77.4% of homicide victims are men, but that’s not a convenient fact for scaring the Beyonce and Taylor Swift crowd over to your side.

The big focus of the site is the “boyfriend loophole.”  What is that you might ask.  Well, it’s the way that Everytown reads between the lines of the Lautenberg Amendment.  The way the ATF defines a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, which is a prohibiting offence for gun ownership, is:

1. is a misdemeanor under Federal, State, or Tribal law;

2. has, as an element, the use or attempted use of physical force, or the threatened use of a deadly weapon; and

3. was committed by a current or former spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabiting with or has cohabited with the victim as a spouse, parent, or guardian, or by a person similarly situated to a spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim.

According to Everytown, this mean that it is a legal loophole for a guy to beat his girlfriend and still own guns.  When you put it like that, why should a guy every get married, right fellas?  Why buy the cow when you can beat her for free?

Except that this is complete crap.  I did a lot of legal research into the Lautenberg Amendment for this post, including reading legal journal reviews and reports to Congress.

First of all, the Lautenberg Amendment is the ONLY misdemeanor that I can find that statutorily removes someone’s civil rights.  It is a lifetime ban.  According to the ATF:

The definition of misdemeanor crime of domestic violence in the Gun Control Act (GCA) includes any offense classified as a “misdemeanor” under Federal, State or Tribal law. In States that do not classify offenses as misdemeanors, the definition includes any State or local offense punishable by imprisonment for a term of 1 year or less or punishable by a fine.

Which means, that you can be banned for life for owning a gun for committing an act that the courts have decided is only punishable by a fine.  This is legally tantamount to losing your gun rights for reckless driving.  The Lautenberg Amendment seems to have been written on the conservative side because of this unprecedented misdemeanor-causing-a-lifetime-revocation-of-civil-rights situation.  The justification for the Lautenberg Amendment, which has been upheld by the courts, is that it exists to prevent escalation of domestic violence to murder.

Although I have to legal proof of this, my belief is that the limitations to “current or former spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabiting with or has cohabited with the victim as a spouse, parent, or guardian, or by a person similarly situated to a spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim” exists because it is in these situations that a person who is the victim of domestic violence cannot readily escape from it.  This is what allows the violence to occur repeatedly and escalate.  The victim has to return to the scene of and the presence of her abuse and abuser.  If a man beats his wife, it is hard, logistically, for her just to walk away.  She shares a home with him.  Even if the man is arrested, when he is released from custody he returns to that home.

Between strangers or even in a non-cohabiting relationship, the victim can more easily avoid his/her attacker.  If the guy you’ve gone on three dates with hits you, charge him with assault and never see him again outside of a court room.  The cohabitation dynamic does not assert itself in this situation.   Without that, any act of misdemeanor (simple) assault becomes a prohibiting offense.

Sure, I can agree to the statement “well, maybe people with a history of violence shouldn’t be able to have guns.”  Except that if you look at the statues for misdemeanor assault, the standard can be shockingly low.

In Montana, simple assault can be: (d) purposely or knowingly causes reasonable apprehension of bodily injury in another.

In Washington state: No person may intentionally use, or threaten to use by purposeful words or acts, unlawful physical force against the person of another.

In FloridaAn “assault” is an intentional, unlawful threat by word or act to do violence to the person of another, coupled with an apparent ability to do so, and doing some act which creates a well-founded fear in such other person that such violence is imminent.

I’m not a lawyer.  But the way I read this is: a guy and girl have been dating for a couple of weeks.  They don’t live together.  They have a fight and break up.  If the girl claims that at any time during the fight the guy made her feel frightened that she was about to be hurt, even if no violence occurred, than the guy maybe found guilty of assault.  If the “boyfriend loophole” is repealed, than CONGRATS, he’s just been banned from owning guns for life.

That doesn’t seem like a law that can be abused at all.  We know that women never lie about being the victims of violence.

Now, if the Lautenberg Amendment were to be changed simply recognize a state DV conviction, since most states (e.g. Florida) definition of domestic violence, to include non-married cohabitating couples, which might be more representative of society, I could accept that.  Because the same cohabitation dynamic exists in an engaged couple living together as a married couple living together.

But the standard put forth by Everytown is just too low.  A second date ends in yelling and now the guy can’t ever own guns again?  That’s not going to fly.

And if you want any more proof just how bad Everytown is on this, this is the image that you see when you go to that site.


Wow, that is the most unfriendly face I’ve ever seen.  She just looks like a bitch that is out to ruin your day.  She is going to shut you and your “gunsplaining” down with the type of self righteous, obnoxious behavior, that only a Social Justice Warrior an muster.  Or… somebody let off a sauerkraut and beer cheese soup fart in the studio just before the photo was captured.



When the enemy is making a mistake, do not interrupt him.

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Rep. Deb Lavender, D-Kirkwood, might have accidentally strengthened a concealed carry law Wednesday afternoon, when she ran out of time to withdraw an amendment she offered that would open the state capitol to concealed carry for members of the public.
Several House Republicans laughed and clapped when Lavender ran out of time while closing the amendment, believing she intended to withdraw the amendment before her time ran out.

… Rep. Paul Curtman, R-Union wrote on Facebook. “I think [Lavender] was about to withdraw the amendment during her closing argument when she talked her way through the 1 minute limit for her closing speech and the speaker slammed the gavel and opened the board for her amendment to be voted on.SHE TALKED SO LONG SHE RAN OUT OF TIME TO WITHDRAW HER AMENDMENT. The amendment passed with about 115 voting YES and now the proposed bill is an even stronger 2nd amendment bill because of her amendment.”

Source: Lavender gun amendment leads to Republican cheers – The Missouri Times

She sure taught people a lesson, didn’t she? OK, that is enough, stop laughing…. 😀


Brevity is the best recommendation of speech, whether in a senator or an orator.
Marcus Tulius Cicero