Month: June 2016

The Killhouse Rules 

Graham Combat Killhouse Rules
Within the past few weeks I was invited to attend a major metropolitan training exercise to test the areas of responsibility for police and fire to work together during a mass-casualty incident or ongoing crisis.  While the response to the training incident was relatively swift, much like we all watched in Orlando, I was able to sit and watch seconds become minutes, minutes build into hours, and hours drag on.

Source: The Killhouse Rules | THE TRADE

Simple and succinct, go read

Not only memorize the rules, make sure you are ready to implement.

Hat Tip Michael Bane.

Dear Florida Legislature: We need a “Designated Shooter” Law.

Florida Statutes 790 (12)(a) A license issued under this section does not authorize any person to openly carry a handgun or carry a concealed weapon or firearm into:

12. Any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose.

My proposal is simple:

Carrying a Concealed Handgun is allowed in an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises if the person does not consume alcohol during his/her stay and is not intoxicated prior to entering the establishment. 

The establishment cannot be liable for violation of this statute. 

Simple, right? Designated Drivers are given well-deserved attaboys for keeping people safe, why can’t  Concealed Carriers do the same by keeping patrons safe from all kinds of jackasses intending to use deadly force?

OK, get to it, we are waiting.

Somewhat coherent thoughts about the Orlando Massacre.

As I said in a post yesterday, I am upset…OK I am pissed.  I am pissed obviously because of the massacre at Orlando and 5o peolple were killed with 53 gravely wounded.

And I am also pissed because I saw authorities engaging in a full-fledged Political spin before the bodies had been collected off the dance floor. At the second press conference, where we were told the victim toll had gone from 20 to 50, I see the puppets with badges bring out an imam to give us some song and dance about the religion of peace. It was an insult.

orlando iman

It was an insult because some political hack has it in his/her mind that we are not at war with Jihadists (Oh hell yes we are) and that we, uncouth Americans will raise in pogrom and go burn Muslim neighborhoods. It was an insult because families and friends still had no idea if their loved ones were dead or alive and instead were getting a dose of political correctness on TV. It was an insult because they knew early who and what the shooter was, but decided to hold information until they had the puppet show ready in order to quiet the masses that were never in a state of revolt but in church praying for the souls of those who died and the lives of those who survived.

And then, the political spin went into high gear.


Brady Orlando
Click to enlarge

By the time the BS started to filter out of Washington, you were hard pressed to tell that the asshole shooter, Omar Mateen (Yes, I will mention his name) was a homegrown jihadist, registered Democrat, who pledged his allegiance to ISIS on a call to 911, passed at least one background check and 28 hours of training in firearms laws and use to get his Armed Security Officer License (I don’t know yet if he bought the guns at a FFL which would be another BG Check/s) , had been investigated by the FBIwas openly homohobe, racist and mysoginistic and attacked one of the very few places in Florida which the states mandates to be a Gun Free Zone and has not police protection. Instead, the DC Pablum Dispenser Machinery lead by the sorry excuse for inhabitant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue gave us the same tired porridge about more gun control.

I haven’t even visited the Facebook pages of the Moms and CSGV. I simply do not have enough blood pressure meds to deal with them. Suffice to say that I would not be surprised that they are blaming the NRA and Gun Owners for this massacre and ignore that all their boxes in their checklist for Gun Control were checked by Omar Mateen and the Florida Legislature and 50 people are still dead.

“President Clinton tolerates a certain amount of violence and killing to strengthen the case for gun control and to score points for his party.”

That was Wayne LaPierre back in 2000. Just switch Clinton with Obama and it is still a very much valid quote.

What hath the Left wrought?

I was going to comment on Miguel’s last post and then decided to make a post of my own on the subject.

Miguel found this image somewhere on the internet:

lgbt against islamophobia


I don’t actually find it all that surprising.

Radical leftism- progressivism –  is an evil and insidious political ideology that is every bit as destructive and morally bankrupt as Radical Islam.

No, I will not back down from that statement.

Many years ago I was introduced to a group that was once called Queers for Palestine and now known as Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT!).  Let that sink in for a moment.  Israeli, which has full gay rights, which has the largest and only gay pride parade in the Middle East and Central Asia, is being attacked by a gay interest group.  A group who’s members would be beheaded, stoned, thrown from buildings, or hung from cranes, in EVERY OTHER nation in the region.

The LGTB community in the US has been openly hostile to Israeli gays.  Israeli gays have been thrown out of LGTB rights conferences.  Israel has been accused of Pinkwashing – an anti-Semetic social justice paradox where Israel is criticized for being a gay friendly nation.  The LGBT community has been at the tip of the spear in the BDS (Boycott, Divest, and Sanction) movement, which is an anti-Semitic movement to stop trade with Israel and target Israeli citizens traveling abroad, singling them out for harassment because of Israel’s actions, while ignoring the atrocities carried out by EVERY OTHER nation in the region.

The Left is full of anti-Semites.   The further left you go, the worse it gets.  Until you get all the way the Liberal Mecca, Berkeley California (where rational thought goes to die) where the most tolerant people on earth go around painting swastikas on things.

So to find out that the far left, vocal , LGBT community is racially pro-Islam doesn’t surprise me at all.  Jew haters stick together.

Absolutely none of this is to justify the attack on the nightclub in Orlando.

In fact, it is the opposite.

Perhaps this attack, call it the LGBT 9/11, will wake at least some of the LGBT community up from it’s progressive, intellectual stupor.  We are the same now.

The shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando and the shooting at a Jewish nightclub in Tel Aviv were carried out by the same people (radical Muslims) for the same reason (Jihad) during the same holiday (Ramadan).

Winston Churchill once said about Nazi Germany: An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.

You cannot appease the radical Islamists.  You can’t march for Palestine and demand boycotts against Israel in the hope that it will keep you from being targeted.  There are more than enough racial Muslims to kill us both.

To borrow some words from Benjamin Franklin: We must hang together, or assuredly, we will all hang, or be stoned, or beheaded, or shot, or blown up, or burned alive together.