Month: June 2016

Human Sewage

Gersh Kuntzman, the vile scum puddle who lied about his experience at a gun range to be hyperbolic about suffering temporary mental disorder after shooting an AR15, to make America’s most popular rifle seem like a horrifying weapon of mass destruction, has just elevated his status as a complete piece of shit, exponentially.

I guess being the most made fun of reporter in America was not enough.

He published this: Alligator kills boy at Disney World — and Man kills right back! 

This soulless stack of bipedal excrement actually celebrated the death of a 2 year old boy in Orlando who was killed by an alligator.

No disrespect to the suffering family, but let me get this straight: We built a man-made ecosystem in the natural environment of a known predator, stocked it with fish for our amusement, built a hotel with a beach on its banks, let kids wade into the water, express shock when one gets eaten — and then we kill the animal for doing exactly what animals do?

We’re better than this, people. If you love nature, you have to love it when it does something natural.”

I am at a loss for words.  There is not enough profanity in all the languages in all the world to express the amount of derision I have for for this man.

But to his point.  Human beings are animals.  We are.  I have made the point many times before, that we have a tendency to forget that we are part of the food chain.  Usually we are on top, but sometimes we’re not.  It is the hubris of the suburbs that makes of forget this.  As such, if that alligator was doing what it is natural for it to do in attacking that poor boy.  Than it is equally natural, as a territorial animal, for us to drive the predators out of our territory.

It is natural for the lion to attach the Cape buffalo calf, and it is equally natural for the cape buffalo to gore the lion.  We as humans may not have horns, so a 12 gauge will have to suffice.

We are the apex predator.  We allow the alligator to live in our domain.  If it poses a threat, we are within our natural right to kill it.

That is the point of gun ownership.  It is what humans have created using the brains we have evolved to make up for the claws and fangs that evolution took from us.  Our right to defend ourselves comes not from the law but from nature itself, and applies regardless of the species that threatens us.


After reading this article, if the family of Lane Graves kidnapped Gersh Kuntzman and fed him to an alligator, I might just look the other way on that.

An Open Letter to LGBTs joining the Gun Culture.

I just posted this in the Facebook page of Pink Pistols and since I owe at least one post to the blog, I might as well share it here.


Admins, please feel free to delete if it goes against the Page directives:

This is going to be a long post, so I ask you to bear with me.
Another member of this page posted earlier about the choice of wording some of the new non-LGBT arrivals use and whether or not they share the same philosophy. I will admit that there are some of us that qualify as being barely above house-broke and that our lack of knowledge can be more than a dash insulting. We are a confrontational and argumentative bunch, plus we like to lay our cards on the table from the get-go so there are no misconceptions about who we are. That attitude will surely rub some people the wrong way and we understand, but also understand that we are not trying to be insulting or belittling, we are just frank about where we stand.
If you are new to the Gun Culture, you need to understand that Gun Owners disagree in a bunch of items: from effective pistol calibers (no such thing, really) to AK versus AR to types of training to holsters to books and the list is eternal and deeply felt.
What we are not divided is in the Second Amendment and the Right of the People to own and carry the best tools for personal defense. It is like if you are a Red Sox fan in the middle of a NY Yankees convention (others), you’d expect a fairly amount of “negativity” aimed at yours, but the moment your 2A rights are in peril, you will see all them “Yankees” standing behind you in support, flipping the bird at the real enemy and telling him to go perform anatomically impossible acts. Once the threat is over, well… arguments will flourish once again.
It has been mentioned somewhere that Medieval Japan was a hand: Five independent fingers that when threatened, gathered together and formed a fist to strike at the enemy. That is the Gun Culture. That is us and all those who choose to join us.
With that being said, I must now issue a warning: You will be insulted, scorned, threatened and despised. But not from us but by the Gun Control cadre. If you decided to become a gun owner and are open about it, be ready to be called a traitor for starters. Then get ready for the avalanche that is sure to follow.
We have been called Mass Killers, eunuchs, insane, perverts, both faggots and homophobic almost at the same time (Not sure how that works.) If you happen to be a parent that owns guns and make the “mistake” of teaching your kids how to shoot, you are an irresponsible bastard or cunt that needs to have the kids taken away by Child Services. Your Opposition will have no problem with you dying, in fact many wish you do so in the worst possible manner, some have gone as wishing that your family also suffers a painful death. They have no issues with mass incarceration of Gun Owners without due process and wish the Administration do so right before mass executions… which makes the George Takei’s Gun Control comments some of the most ironic shit ever posted online.
So, once again, I apologize for the stuff you may hear from some in our Culture that may seem brash, but rest assured we are behind you. You have our support to remain alive and to own the best tools for the job. You cannot and should not expect the same consideration from some people who just a week ago were “on your side.”
And one more thing: It will be your job to convince them why you are right and why is necessary. It will not be easy at all since you will be fighting years of institutional inertia moving in one direction. You are the Fifth Column.

Winning and Losing

Some interesting signs have been appearing around West Hollywood, CA.


After a mass shooting, when politicians take to the stage and say they are going to curtail the civil liberties of innocent people do something, there is a run on guns.  In this case, it is noted that there is run on guns by members of the LGBT community.

Deep in the heart of Texas, a shooting range has offered free concealed carry (CHL) classes to LGBT folk, and is totally booked up on space.

It seems that a (growing) segment of the LGBT community has been bitten by Israeli “Never Again” bug and are arming themselves.

This is how we win.  The more open the gun community is to LGBT folk, the more we welcome them in, the more we show that we are not the bigoted monsters the Left has painted us as, the more we demonstrate that the right to own guns and self defense exists for all law abiding citizens regardless of sexual orientation, the more we will continue to win.

I would love nothing more than to see a bunch of rainbow Gadsden flags and rainbow Gonzales flags waiving at the next pro-gun rally.

On the other size of the political world…

Some Social Justice Warriors at the University of Missouri  decided to segregate a vigil for the victims in Orlando, driving away Gays who wanted to show their respect because they were white.

Apparently this young woman didn’t feel that the Orlando shooting made her enough of a victim and decided to whip out the race card too and go for broke.

As you can imagine, this was a knife deep in the heart of the many gay men.


And this is how they lose.  They can’t just show solidarity.  They have to divide and segregate and divide and segregate.  Incidents like this show that SJWs are just avatars of hate and victimology that have taken human form and walk the earth spreading poison.

Maybe this shooting will mark a turning point in American politics.  It seems that the all the bloviating by Obama, Clinton, the media, and Liberal punditry at large, about how this is not about Islam and we can’t say Islamic terrorism, and this is the fault of the NRA has shown just how much the Left cares about or wants to protect the LGBT community.  Not.  At.  All.  Democrats/Liberals have overplayed their hand and revealed that they don’t care about the safety of LGBT folk, gays and lesbians are a defacto Dem voting block and can now be taken granted for.

South Florida Instructors: WTF?

Apparently there is a bunch of firearm instructors in South Florida who are not aware of Operation Blazing Sword.

LBGT- Friendly Firearm Trainer Map
In the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting, many LGBT folks are beginning to consider armed self-defense. This is a master list of gun owners* who will be willing to take anyone, but especially LGBT people, to the shooting range and teach them the basics of firearm (typically a pistol) operations and safety.

Guns will be provided free of charge, as will range fees. Some will request money to help defray the cost of ammunition, but most will not.

A note on etiquette to LBGT first-time shooters: it is considered good manners to offer some money to help replace the ammunition you have shot. Some owners will say yes, others will say no; all will appreciate the offer.

INSTRUCTORS: If you wish to be added or removed from this map, please contact us on our Facebook page,
* Some of them are certified instructors; most are just enthusiasts who know how to work a gun.


This is so far the map covering South Florida. I am sorry to say it is shameful.

LGBT Friendly instructors South Florida
Here I am, pissed as hell because a medical condition is not allowing me to participate and train new gun owners and then find out that there are only eight volunteers in four counties in the east coast of South Florida.

C’mon, we can do much better.

Sen. Joe Manchin: “But due process is what’s killing us right now.”

I have said over and over and many other have said it too: When they do not respect the Second Amendment, you can rest assured they do not hold the rest of the Bill of Rights in great regard either.  Gun Control champion Senator Joe Manchin gave us a startling confession on TV today.


The problem we have—and really, the firewall we have right now, is due process. It’s all due process. So we can all say, ‘yeah, we want the same thing,’ but how do we get there. If a person is on a terrorist watch list like the gentleman—the shooter—in Orlando, he was, twice by the FBI, we were briefed yesterday about what happened. But that man was brought in twice. They did everything they could. The FBI did everything they were supposed to do. But there was no way for them to keep him on the nix list or keep him off the gun buy list. There was no way to do that. So can’t we say that if a person is under suspicion, there should be a five year period of time that we have to see if good behavior, if this person continues the same traits? Maybe we can come to that type of an agreement. But due process is what’s killing us right now.”

That pesky 5th Amendment is in the way. To paraphrase and old historical quote:

Who will rid me of this meddlesome Constitution?


Dear West Virginians, Joe Manchin needs to go. He needs to be recalled or voted out, bit nobody who publicly confesses his annoyance with the Bill of rights cannot represent any state of the Union.

Hat Tip Rob Morse.

Seriously, I am sick of John McCain

Via Redstate:

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017


(a) Army Transfers.—
(1) REQUIRED TRANSFER.—Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), the Secretary of the Army shall transfer to Rock Island Arsenal all excess firearms, related spare parts and components, small arms ammunition, and ammunition components currently stored at Defense Distribution Depot, Anniston, Alabama, that are no longer actively issued for military service.
(2) REPURPOSING AND REUSE.—The items specified for transfer under paragraph (1) shall be melted and repurposed for military use as determined by the Secretary of the Army, including—
(A) the re-forging of new firearms or their components; and
(B) force protection barriers and security bollards.


You wanna bet we are going to lose some guns that are classics? Just imagine WWI era 1911 and Springfield rifles and WWII M1 and M1 carbines being dropped into a furnace. It is not guns, it is history he is too willing to destroy.

I can’t surpass John Ross, so I am just gonna quote him

“Our culture is important, and we’re willing to pay for it. We have above -average educations, above – average incomes, and almost nonexistent criminal involvement. We pay far more in taxes and receive virtually no subsidy payments. You’d think Washington would be happy, but instead they are doing everything they can to destroy our culture.
In the ’20s, soldiers sat on their bunks in the cold at Camp Perry, cleaning the handmade .22 target rifles they would compete with the next day. When the President proudly announces that today, seventy years later, he is ordering these same guns thrown into a blast furnace, we in the gun culture feel powerful emotions. They are the same emotions a Native American would feel if the President proudly ordered the destruction of war clubs and other sacred tribal artifacts. They are the same emotions that Jews felt watching newsreel footage of Nazi Sturmtroopen gleefully burning intricate copies of the Torah.

We offer to buy the government’s surplus guns, and instead they pay to have them cut up. We offer to buy their surplus military ammo, shoot it, sell the brass to a smelter, and give the government the proceeds, and instead they pay to have it burned.
John Ross, Unintended Consequences.

It is drastic to say, but McCain’s Hanoi Hilton Visa card is expired.  I am done accepting his bullshit.

Dear Gun Control Advocates: Have you checked with the ACLU about the No Fly list?

Second, the government asserted that national security concerns meant the government couldn’t confirm or deny whether people were on the No Fly List, and it couldn’t give them reasons or a hearing before a neutral decision-maker. This is absurd as a practical matter and violates due process as a constitutional matter. Practically speaking, people know they are on the No Fly List when they are banned from flying and surrounded — and stigmatized — by security officials publicly at airports. Some of our clients were told they would be taken off the list if they agreed to become government informants. Again, the court agreed with us and held that the government’s refusal to provide any notice or a hearing violates the Constitution. As a result, the government announced in April that it would tell U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents whether they are on the No Fly List, and possibly offer reasons.

Unfortunately, the government’s new redress process still falls far short of constitutional requirements. In our case, it refuses to provide meaningful notice of the reasons our clients are blacklisted, the basis for those reasons, and a hearing before a neutral decision-maker. Much as before, our clients are left to guess at the government’s case and can’t clear their names. That’s unconstitutional. 

Until the No Fly List Is Fixed, It Shouldn’t Be Used to Restrict People’s Freedoms – ACLU.


This is from December last year and possibly stands as a major stumbling block for Congress if they try to get the gun sales ban to people in the No Fly list. It would be an amazing show to see Lib Dem & RINO congresscritters squirm while a representative of the ACLU rips them a new one during hearings and letting a lot of people know that the overreaching laws are being challenged in court by an organization not know to be friendly to Gun Rights at all.