Month: August 2016

The “Feminists” and Gun Control. (Addendum)

After I was done with the last post, my memory kicked in and brought back a short argument I had with a former female friend about 30 years ago. She was 100% Faux Hippy, Left Wing to the core and oozed feminism from unmentionable parts. One day she showed up at a cafe our gang of lazy bastards used to hang and she seemed more outraged than usual. It went something like this:

Faux Hippy: “All men are disgusting pigs!”
Me: “Are we talking hygiene or something else?”
Faux Hippy: “You guys cannot be trusted. You are all disgusting.”
Me: “Do you want to explain what has you so mad that we deserve this punishment?”
Faux Hippy: “Lenin is cheating on me.” (Shit you not, that was her boyfriend’s name. Another Lefty.)
Me: “Oh dear, it must be hard on you. I am so sorry.”
Faux Hippy: “Thank you, but I should have expected it. Men are just untrustworthy creatures.”
Me: “And it must be traumatic for you to have caught him in bed with another man.”
Faux Hippy: “Huh? No, he was not having sex with another man!”
Me: “Then assigning porcine qualities only to men is not fair, right? And most affairs are still Man and Woman.”
Faux Hippy: “But…”
Me: “But nothing. Takes two to Salsa. Plus you advocate Free Love and shit… and you use it”
Faux Hippy: “It is not the same!”
Me: “So no equality among sexes after all?”
Faux Hippy: “Fuck you!”

She left rather pissed off, specially since the people around the table, both male and female, bursted out laughing. After that, we were polite with each other for some months and we had a final blow out months later at an arts and cinema cafe where I “insulted” her and her artsy friends by explaining why First Blood was a much deeper and entertaining movie that the series of french films we had seen that week.

But that is a story for another day.


The “Feminists” and Gun Control.

So there is a new movie coming out not to a multiplex near you but to some obscure hipster theater near you:

Is That a Gun In Your Pocket

The movie is about women refusing to have sex with their husbands and boyfriends because they have guns, and unless they get rid of them, there will be no intercourse. Vagina Power and all that.

But I also caught this news item:


I find hilarious that the Hollywood/New York intelligentsia, not really know for monogamy and respect for their fellow significant other,  comes out with a movie that states there is no only a fixed amount of p*ssy available, but that the contract of usage is so strict, men will not seek out alternatives and get some relief. Hell, the other women in cahoots with the scheme would probably end up seeking relief with guys not their legally wedded ones. And that is not counting the brisk business the local cathouse would be doing all of the sudden.

Those stupid sex games only work when guys are very young and are still insecure of themselves. We all latch to our first sex partner because of the work it took to get in there. But all of us, once we became more experienced, we figured out pretty fast that there is a wide open market and that sexual monopoly does not really work since there is a healthy and unregulated supply of available “options.”

And let’s face it, we can be pigs and unfortunately some women deserve that we behave like that. But not feminists… nobody in guy in his right mind would f*** a feminist…unless there is tequila involved.


That is going to be a quick class.


The NFL has added gun ownership conduct and safety to its annual social responsibility training for players. Per’s Jane McManus, the NFL “pared down and changed” elements of the social responsibility training and added videos—including showing “a drunken driver swerving a car all over the road”—with players being “asked to discuss” afterward.  The gun conduct portion came about following an offseason in which Denver Broncos cornerback Aqib Talib suffered a gunshot wound to the leg in June and former New Orleans Saints defensive lineman Will Smith was murdered in April.

Source: NFL Includes Gun Ownership Conduct in Players’ Social Responsibility Training | Bleacher Report

This is The National Felon League we are talking about. The class should go something like this:

(Undisclosed NFL team at an undisclosed training camp.)
“OK people, settle down. Before I begin with the Guns Social Responsibility and Safety, I want to see a show of hands of who is a felon, has been convicted of  misdemeanor domestic assault or is a regular user of drugs….Come on… raise ’em. OK, simply put, you can’t have a gun nor be anywhere a gun is or even ammo or you get arrested and we will kick you out of the league. You can leave now…..(couple of minutes pass) The three of you come sit up front and let’s get the rest of the class started.”

NFL Game face on

There Aint No Rest For The Triggered. (Crank that volume up!)

Via Larry Correia (International Lord of Hate. May his mountain be ever filled with moose)

[fbvideo link=”” width=”700″ height=”600″ onlyvideo=”1″]

And since it seems not everybody can see the video above, here is the link to the song in Youtube.


Paul Lathrop is back with us!

All charges dropped!
Paul Lathrop
And at the risk of being trite, it could not have happened to a better guy and gal because Susan, his wife, went through hell herself.
I do urge you to listen Paul’s story over at the Handgun World Podcast. I am halfway through and I am madder than a PETA Vegan at a BBQ competition. One of the themes is a “favorite” of this blog: Prosecutorial misconduct.

The whole case is a grim reminder that sometimes (more than it should) it does not matter if you are a good guy and acted the right way, but some people out of Ego, spite and the need to fulfill a political ambition will make life for the righteous a living hell.  The case also showcases why our gun community a fearsome power to contend with: We will help each other and accept nothing short of victory in favor of the good guy.

Now scoot and go listen to the interview.


Remain Vertical and be Vicious.

Found this via JD Kinman in Facebook:

[fbvideo link=”” width=”700″ height=”600″ onlyvideo=”1″]

Stomping is the convenient way to inflict maximum bodily harm without having to carry a weapon…because the weapons are always present: Pavement/hard floor and a foot. And to add to the manure pie, if you were to defend yourself with deadly force, unless there is surveillance video available, you will have a tough time trying to defend your actions in court explaining why you shot an “unarmed” person who was just on his way to church to take care of senior citizens in wheelchairs. If you expect that the buddies of the attacker who had no problem using their phones to record and celebrate the beating will come forward after a sudden attack of morality, you will be spending countless nights on a county hard cot while your bail is being gathered by your family.

I think we may seriously need to think about carrying our own Body-Cam.

Anyway, when was the last time you read Principles of Personal Defense? Time for a refresher.