Month: December 2016

A day in the life of an anti-gun idiot

I saw this originally over at Twitchy.

Yep.  She announced her intention to assault, rob, and illegally detain people who are engaged in the lawful right to open carry.  Why?  Because your open carry scares her.

See, you are paranoid and have a small penis if you want to carry a gun, and are going to end up shooting just about anybody because you are scared of your own shadow.  So you shouldn’t be able to carry a gun.

But when Jennifer is scared because of your gun in a holster, she can hurt you and take it away from you.  That’s not paranoid at all.

If she does this, I really hope it is to an off duty or plain clothes cop.  I’d pay to see that go down.

So I hopped over to Jennifer’s Twitter.  It was a treasure trove of anti-gun stupid.

Moms Demand Action has gotten into the caliber wars and is voting .40 S&W.  I think they are just trolling here because I’d never rank .380 ACP along side the good ‘ol .45, but they did.  In any case, these are the commonly available semi auto pistol cartridges sold in America.  Are they hearkening back to the days of the .25 and .32 ACP?  I doubt it, this is just plain dumb.

Speaking of dumb, this popped up in her Twitter feed:

Ah yes, door-to-door gun confiscation.  That totally a legal thing for the mayor of St. Louis to do that won’t end up in a lot of people getting killed.

But because irony isn’t dead, this popped up too:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!  Jennifer wants to illegally assault and detain lawful open carriers.  She wants the Mayor of St. Louis to confiscate legally owned guns.  She wants to deny people their civil liberties and hurt (and presumably kill if they resist) them while doing it.  But she has the audacity to be fearful that Trump is the authoritarian.



The NRA and Fake News.

Now this is hilarious but not totally unexpected. We get this from the people who cannot stop moving goalposts, ignore hard data and create studies out of thin air. I would not be surprised if later in the week the NRA gets accused of getting millions from Putin or some other Russian entity or person(s).

PS to The Trace and the rest of the Opposition: A very important percentage of the American People, no longer trust the Media. Maybe you missed the Gallup poll results back in September:

That is 68% of the country distrusting what came out as news and news people. And that was before the elections where the same Media had predicted an unbeatable Hillary for President. I was not able to find a post-election poll anywhere, but I doubt the trust in media index went up. So dear Bloomberg and company, trying to come out and defend the Media by putting the blame on the NRA looks even more stupid than creating a fake news organization (coughTheTracecough) to push for Gun Control.

Hat Tip Roger G.

This is getting out of hand

Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election.

Democrats proceeded to Lose. Their. Fucking. Minds.

Phase 1:  Attack the electoral college.

Hillary won the popular vote but lost the elector college.  The electoral college was created to protect rural regions from the tyranny of big cities.  Our founded didn’t want a simple majority rules system of government.  They knew how bad that would be.

So Liberals went on the attack against the electoral college.  They declared it racist because rural areas tend to have a higher populations of white people while cities have a higher percentage of minorities.  They called the electoral college “the absolute worst.”  Senator Barbra Boxer even tried to submit a bill to end the electoral college.

Then they discovered that was too difficult because it would require amending the Constitution.

Phase 2: Make the electoral college work for them.

If they can’t beat ’em, join ’em.  Democrats want the electoral college in Trump states to become faithless electors and vote for Hilary against the popular vote of the the states they represent.  If they can’t do it nicely with a petition the electors to change their vote, they will harass and threaten electors.  Nothing says “stable representative democracy”  like putting your candidate in charge using threats and violence.

Unfortunately for the Democrats, there won’t be enough faithless electors to flip the election.

Phase 3: Burn it all and salt the earth.

Hillary didn’t lose the election.  It was a conspiracy between the CIA, FBI Director James Comey, the FBI, and Putin’s Russia to hack the election for Donald Trump.  See, if it tuns out that our election was not a free and fair election, and it was a Russian plot to put Trump in the White House, then the Democrats could sue and get Hillary Clinton appointed President by the courts.

Of course the Democrats don’t want to acknowledge that Director Comey was appointed by Barack Obama.  Nor do they want to discuss how it was that the Russians were able to hack a US election with Democrat President Barack Obama in the White House and presiding over the FBI and CIA.

The Democrats were adamant that President George W. Bush should have been able to prevent 9/11, despite little warning and no precedent for that type of attack, and they never let him forget it for 8 years.  That Barack Obama, with 8 years in office under his belt, failed to prevent the Russians from flipping an American election… there’s nothing to see here.

Not just do they want Hillary installed in the Oval Office, they want to Winston Smith Director Comey by investigating and punishing him in a kangaroo court hearing for a conspiracy that didn’t happen to cover up the criminal act of trying to overthrowing the democratically elected President of the United States with a bogus law suit.

The Democrats have reached a point where they are openly willing to admit that:

The United States government can’t be trusted.  Senior officials appointed by the President himself, the agencies they run have joined forces with America’s enemies.  Our elections are not just not the most secure in the world, but are easily tampered with.

All for the purpose of going against the intent of our Founding Fathers, the Constitution, and the will of the people, to put their candidate in charge.

Let’s say they did all that, hypothetically. what will they have gained?  Hillary Clinton will become the President of what?  What will happen to the United States if the Democrats are successful with their legal coup?  Will Trump voting Middle America roll over and accept Hillary being made president by a judge’s orders?  Will there be a peaceful transition of power.  Will the Red States between the coasts go all “Sanctuary City” and just stop following Federal law under a Hillary presidency?

Are the Democrats really willing to destroy the United States to take control of the presidency?

It won’t be the first time they tore this nation apart because they didn’t get what they want.

Here’s to hoping that history doesn’t repeat itself.

I thought Redheads were soul-less, not brain-less.

It started rather nonchalant: A typical Lib just posting some idiotic stuff that begged a comeback…and I provided.

I figured she would realize it was a dumb thing to say, specially out of contest, but she doubled and tripled down. And she closed it with a beautiful dose of ignorance:

That must be that new Communist Biker gang out of Los Angeles that voted for Bernie Sanders.

How to make enemies and influence people

My day started by seeing a listicle put out by Buzzfeed and produced by two Buzzfeed editors (not guest articles) titled 19 School Powerpoint Presentations That Give Zero Fucks.

This could be fun.  It turned out to be one of the most racist things I have seen online this year.  Here are some of the presentations being celebrated by Buzzfeed.  The rest were about the same.


White people are a plague, the destroyers of society, and should have stayed in their homelands.

OK, you want to play that game.  How about this article from The Trace: Chicago Isn’t Even Close to Being the Gun Violence Capital of the United States, More than a dozen cities have higher rates of shootings and homicides.  Chicago might have over 700 homicides (to date), but it is a big city and overall the homicide rate is low.  This is the chart that The Trace put out for homicide rate.

Let see now, New Orleans is 61.2% black.  Detroit is 84.3% black.  St. Louis is 46.9% black.  Baltimore is 63.3% black.  In fact, of that whole list every city but Stockton, CA had a higher percentage of black people than the national average of 13.2%, and with the exception of Stockton and Tulsa, every city on that list was over 25% black.  Who is really plaguing society.

No.  That’s not right.  That’s the kind of argument I’d read on Stormfront.  I’m better than that.  Calm down.  This is a complex issue that involves layers of economic issues, bad education policy, and years of mismanagement by Democratic city councils.  Reducing it to race is just wrong.

Let’s find something else to read.

Here’s How Black People Could Use Jury Nullification To Break The Justice System.


Maybe it’s time for black people to use the same tool white people have been using to defy a system they do not consent to: jury nullification. White juries regularly refuse to convict or indict cops for murder…Maybe it’s time minorities got in the game?

Black people lucky enough to get on a jury could use that power to acquit any person charged with a crime against white men and white male institutions. It’s not about the race of the defendant, but if the alleged victim is a white guy, or his bank, or his position, or his authority: we could acquit. Assault? Acquit. Burglary? Acquit. Insider trading? Acquit.  Murder? … what the hell do you think is happening to black people out here? What the hell do you think we’re complaining about when your cops shoot us or choke us? Acquit.  Black people ARE BEING MURDERED, and the system isn’t doing a damn thing to hold their killers accountable. Sorry I’m not sorry if this protest idea would put the shoe on the other foot for a change.

Holy shit!  This is a[n] (black) attorney arguing that black jurors should nullify juries for black defendants accused of murdering white people.

Traditionally, I’m a fan of jury nullification.  Nullification is one of those last checks and balances in our judicial system.  If a person is guilty of a law, but the people on the jury feel that the law itself is unfair, they can refuse to convict.

To apply jury nullification to black defendants accused of killing white people means that this attorney think that laws against killing white people are unfair.  Give blacks who kill white people carte blanche to do so because some black people have been killed by white cops.  Racial vengeance is now law.

There is only one way to stop this from happening.  We have to have white only juries for black defendants.  Then they can’t nullify.

No.  That’s not right.  That was how they did that under Jim Crow.  This is just this one guy’s opinion.  It would be wrong to bring back segregation.

OK.  What else is there online to read.

OSU group says terrorist wrongly killed, claim justice can’t ‘come from a cop’s bullet.’

WTF?  This OSU group actually linked Abdul Razak with #BlackLivesMatter and #SayHisName.  These people are arguing that a cop shooting an ISIS inspired radical Islamist who ran over and stabbed 11 people in a terrorist attack, in the middle of that attack was tantamount to a cop shooting an unarmed black man in the back?  Stopping a terrorist in the middle of a terrorist attack, and probably saving a lot of lives, is not justice?   Than what the hell form does justice take?  Arresting him and letting people who sent this tweet nullify the jury during his trial?  Why not?  What is wrong with giving black Muslims a free pass to commit terrorism as long as the only casualties are white people?

Forget a ban on Muslim immigration.  Just kill these people on sight.  How am I supposed to know if Abdul is going to butter his toast or stab a dozen people.  Let’s not take the chance of his being released after a mistrial on nullification, lets string him up now.

No.  That’s not right.  We can’t go about lynching Muslims.  That’s wrong and against what this country stands for.  Calm down.

This  is the problem with these Social Justice assholes.  I want to be a reasonable person.  I really do.  But since I’m not a liberal, I don’t take too well to racial grievance guilt.  I’m not going to start self loathing and running around giving money away to random black people in a mea culpa because of what some people who had the same skin tone as me did more than half a century ago.

What has Buzzfeed, Above the Law, and the special snowflakes at OSU have done?  Make me sound like a god damn Skinhead until I got my blood pressure under control.

This needs to stop.  Forget the “this is how you get Trump” meme.  This is how you get The Birth of a Nation with the Klan heroically coming to the rescue.

The Left needs to tamp this shit down and bring the SJW’s under control for the future of this nation.  God help us if they don’t


Good Tactics

The story in a nutshell:

Guy working behind the counter in a gas station watches co-worker get robbed after making a run to the bank.  Guy runs out to help co-worker fight off robbers.

Plot Twist.  Guy is a Sri Lankan MMA champion who moved to the US to fight in the UFC.  Gas station clerk is his day job.

Parking lot hilarity ensues when punk robbers find themselves overwhelmed by guy who has advanced degrees in ass kicking.  The robbers try to get away.  One of them gets taken down, his buddies leave him behind (no honor amoung thieves).

What made me decide to post this was what the guy (Mayura Dissanayake) said when it came to the guy that got left behind.

“Just kicked him till he lays down in the floor.  Till he stopped moving cuz I wasn’t sure if he had like a knife or gun so I wanted him to stop moving.”

Shoot to slide lock.  Make sure the threat is neutralized.  End. That. Fight.

Good tactics.

Florida Open Carry & More Bill. SB140.

I usually leave Sundays alone but happy news need to be shared, specially in this time of the year.

Introduced by Senate Judiciary Chairman Greg Steube (R-Sarasota) SB140 makes me warm fuzzy all over. What does the bill have? I am glad you asked.

1 – Open Carry Of Handgun with a Concealed Weapons Permit. Although be ready for the Opposition to scream that now any gang banger can OC without problem. One of the things you must do is to show the proper IDs upon demand to Law Enforcement. Failing to do so is a non-criminal violation with a penalty of $25.

2 – Courts will have to provide secure storage of firearms. You still cannot get inside with a gun, but you will be allowed to leave your handgun with security or leave it in a locker provided by the court. Get ready to hear loud screaming about this one, specially about costs.

3- A bunch of Gun Free Zones are eliminated.  The following are no longer gun free zones if the bill becomes law: Governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special district, the Legislature or a committee thereof, elementary or secondary school facility or administration building or any career center, college or university and passenger terminals. What remains a Gun Free Zone? Courtrooms, polling places, School, College or professional athletic events not related to firearms, Bars and the bar part of a restaurant and any place prohibited by federal law  (which includes Federal Courts! Don’t screw up on that one!)

I want ALL passed but I expect some stuff will be lost to political dealing, and so should you. Maybe elementary or secondary schools plus some of the municipal and county meeting stuff. The Court storage provision will have a tough time being protested if the funds are allocated. What I see missing is the institution of the narrow interpretation of the Second Amendment to the laws of Florida. Maybe it is coming in another bill or gets traded in for some of those Gun Free Zones.

Kinda premature, but I am going Happy Dance on this.