Month: December 2016

Ms. Sloane’s Director vs. Brady Campaign: Who is lying?

Via Days of our Trailers, I find out that there is a “discrepancy” floating around about the movie Ms Sloane which already is getting crappy reviews by the DC critics. If you go real quick over the Brady Campaign’s Facebook page, you will see the following:

And the attached announcement:


But just a few days ago, John Madden, the director of the movie, said this to the Washington Post:

So who is lying? You decide. I will assume my cynical position and say both parties are lying because both are for Gun Control.

Mental Gymnastics

While doing my normal rounds of scouting out for anti-gun idiocy to dissect, I came across several different items that together really showed the difficulty in trying to deal with anti-gun groups and the political Left in general.

Everytown wants gun control because gun control keeps cops safe.

It is important in America that we do everything we can to reduce police shootings.  Police are the only “good guys with guns” that anti-gun groups think should be allowed to be armed.

Except that the cops are murderers who kill innocent, unarmed, black people.

The Trace, in the original article quoted in the Everytown post, states that ambush style police attacks have increased following the civil unrest that came from several high profile killings of black men and the Black Lives Matter movement.

The targeted killing of police has come amid a string of high-profile cases in which officers were blamed for using excessive force on suspects — including Freddie Gray, who died in the back of a police van in Baltimore, and Laquan McDonald, shot and killed by police in Chicago. The incidents sparked a national protest movement aimed at preventing such deaths and holding police accountable.

Nevertheless, these police ambush killings are all the the NRA’s fault, and caused by Donald Trump’s hateful rhetoric.

I am so confused right now.

So we hop over to Moms Demand Action, which posted this:

I for one am not a fan of the questionable hagiography of Cesar Chavez.  He may not have been a Che, but ruled the Farm Workers Union with the same purge and destroy tactics.

But the quote above reveals the backwardness of MDA’s thinking.  Our right to exercise a civil liberty, own and carry guns, does not oppress them.  Their irrational fear is not oppression. Oppression is when they get governments to restrict civil liberties from law abiding citizens.

More importantly, the side that is not afraid anymore is our size.  We are no longer afraid of being called racist or sexist or any other -ist, as those words no longer have meaning.  The left used them all up over the last 8 years, which is how we got Trump.  Moms Demand Action is the group the lives in fear.  They exist in a bubble of self induced terror over the threat of blood-in-the-streets shootouts between CCW holders and Cops for every petty exchange and fender bender.  A situation which has never happened.

Just like every cult member believes: just because the world didn’t end last week when the leader said it would, doesn’t mean it’s not going to end next week because the leader says it will.  So sayeth Bloomberg.

Lastly, we have this from The Trace: Ohio Is About to Give Gun Owners More Civil Rights Protections Than Gay Workers.

Holy false equivalencies Batman!!!  Ohio likes guns more than gays.  The end is neigh!

What the Ohio bill says is that an employee’s vehicle still belongs to an employee when it is parked on their employer’s property.  An employer can ban guns in a business, but inside of the employees car, the employer can’t control.  Meaning, a CCW permit holder can leave his/her gun in his/her car when he/she goes to work and not be disarmed on the drive to and from home everyday.  Your property is still your property, regardless of where you park it.

I don’t think that gay people should be able to be fired for being gay, but what does that have to do with employee’s vehicles?  Nothing, but that doesn’t make for good Liberal click-bait.  A better headline would be “Ohio about to pass law saying an employer can’t tell an employee what they can keep in their car.”  But seeing as how Liberals are generally anti big business and claim to be pro downtrodden worker, they might actually side with the employee’s rights on that.

The common theme in all of these posts is the intellectual inconstancy.

Cops are the only people that can carry guns which they use to murder black men and get away with it.

We are oppressed because we lost to power to oppress others.

Worker’s right, except an employer can control what an employee keeps in his/her car and what he/she carries before they clock in and after they clock out.

The mental gymnastics needed to fit all these contradictory ideas together is making my head spin.


No better praise for a job well done.

It was a long eight years with this bozo and his support mechanism (both governmental and private media based) attempting to undermine our Second Amendment rights. But even with such a magnificent structure, it is hard to fight against a determined enemy without a defined structure (think of ourselves as the political asymmetric warriors) and your base, your “grassroot” is small and some don’t even have the core belief to do the hard thing. One example is this fella from a previous post (Some people are just the gift that keeps on giving):

And that is all you need to know about their grassroots. True belief on what we are doing is why the NRA Annual Meeting attracts tens of thousands of gun owners every year and the super-slick propaganda machine of Moms Demand cannot manage to bus in but a few dozen people.

And that is Why We Win.

Apparently glass is more valuable than life.

AADAYTON, Ohio (WRGT) — A gas station employee who shot back at an armed robber is talking only with FOX 45 about why he says he is no longer employed with the station. Pete Nunn said after the violent robbery with shots fired from both parties, he was asked not to bring his gun to work any more because of the cost to fix damage to windows, at Sunoco on Wayne at Wyoming Street. Nunn said he has had his CCW (Carrying a Concealed Weapons) permit for seven years and has worked at the gas station with his gun every day just as long.

Source: Gas station employee says he lost job after armed robbery | WKEF

If the story is true, the owner of that gas station is a particularly despicable individual. At least another media source tried to contact him, but did no respond. I guess a bucket of water and some bleach to clean the blood and other excretions from the dead body of an employee is cheaper than replacing a whole glass pane.

Epitaph for Greg Lake

I must have been 9 or 10 years old when I first heard Epitaph on the radio. Of course back then I did not understood one word of English, but the song stayed with me because of its haunting mood. I didn’t transition into “serious music listener” till I heard (and bought) Brain Salad Surgery by Emerson. Lake and Palmer. I did not know it at the time, but I had become a Prog Rock fan for life.

So when I found out that Greg Lake left this plane of life, I felt a bit of my of my childhood die with it. I am still amazed how much music back them was so important to the person I became.

I know a lot of people are playing songs from ELP and Asia, but I just want to celebrate him with the song that maybe initiated me into the ranks of the weirdo kids that listened to even weirder albums.