Month: December 2016

Forrest Whitaker Files: Glock Revolver (Update)



But not just a Glock Revolver…..


No shit, I am still trying to stop my eye from twitching after this. I may need and shot of Novocaine.


UPDATE: It turns out there is 9mm rimfire…

…but it is a shell used in a shotgun categorized as “garden gun.” Interesting.

But I am still going to wait for the Glock revolver version because perfection!

Did Sandy Hook Promise plagiarize somebody else’s film?

That is the claim that a young filmmaker is claiming. Albert Gonzalez made a movie titled “The Desk” which he posted in YouTube on march of 2011.

Sandy Hook Promise’s “PSA” titled “Evan” is dated just this last December 2 of 2016

Mr. Gonzalez went to do a still comparison of several shots between his film and the one from Sandy Hook Promise and boy, they are too damned close not to be identical in my opinion which is to say that Sandy Hook promise pretty much stole the idea from Mr. Gonzalez.

If you don’t remember, Sandy Hook Promise is the brainchild of  Mark Kelly (who already have a less than stellar history of honesty) and let us not forget his wife Gabby Giffords who did not mind get her hands dirty with an Evil Black Rifle when it got her votes.

I tried to get some info on the SHP finances, but I can’t find anything clear other than they got millions but not in what or how much has been used. I would not be surprised if we end up finding they spent a sizable portion of the donations in “consulting fees” to a few connected companies owned by friends.

Anyway, make sure you spread the word and let the chips fall where they may. Share with your friends.


Why is it…

…that every time I embarrass the shit out of certain troll, I end up with email notifications saying I am joining mail lists, forums and sites with some sort of sexual content?

You’d think that type of childish game died in the 90s with AOL and Compuserve, specially nowadays when sites require confirmation before subscribing you.

Oh well, the butthurt must still be burning.


Local Anti Gunner Jumps the Gun & Shoots himself in the foot.

Old (very old) readers know about Rick, former blogger for Stuck on the Palmetto and South Florida Daily BlogHe is one of the very few banned trolls in this blog, but he thinks he continues to harass me via Twitter where I have him in mute or whatever is that you get the assholes quieted without outright banning them.

What is fun is that sometimes I get to read what he says because one of his followers replies to a tweet when I am named. If my name is involved is because Rick shares news of a shooting, mostly in California and/or New York City where the All-Goodness of  Gun Control is being defeated by me and the NRA allegedly. Today he was happy to share an incident from South Florida.


“SoFla road rager shoots motorist in Mickey D’s drive-thru.”

Sentence has been passed by Judge Rick! The shooter is at fault! Damn the NRA! Right? But by now we know that the first batch of news might not be quite complete or even truthful.

A road rage attack in the drive-thru line of a Hialeah McDonald’s Monday night led to a shooting and two arrests, police said.The incident began with a dispute at the fast food restaurant located on West 68th Street and 16th Avenue just after 8:30 p.m., Hialeah Police said.
Police said a couple in one car, 21-year-old Sergio Hernandez and his girlfriend, 20-year-old Vanessa Ivette Puente, got into an argument with 22-year-old Victor Hugo Saavedra.During the incident, Hernandez and Puente began punching Saavedra, who drew his concealed Glock 9mm pistol and fired a round at Hernandez, hitting him in the left pelvic area, police said….

Police said they consulted with the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office and determined that it was a self-defense shooting, so Saavedra won’t be charged.

Saavedra is properly licensed for a concealed weapons carry in Florida, officials said.

Hernandez and Puente are both being charged with simple battery, police said. Puente is also facing a charge of witness tampering for slapping Saavedra’s cell phone away as he tried to call 911, police said.

Source: 2 Arrested After Man Shot In Road Rage Incident in McDonald’s Drive-Thru in Hialeah | NBC 6 South Florida

Ouch! The road-raging shooter turned out the victim who used his lawfully carried firearm to stop the attack. In Rick’s world, Mr. Saavedra is still guilty because he used a gun instead of standing like a man (Can you say that? It is not like a microagression or something?) and allowing to be injured but keeping that Moral High Crater Ground.

So, thank you Rick. Once again you provide with blog fodder and confirmation of your nuttery. This cup’s for you.



UPDATE: Our Friend Rick (@SFDB) deleted his tweet and two of the followers decided it was better to block me than admit defeat. They might be allergic to Schadenfreude.

Entirely Harmless Tuesday Post.


Today I was going to write about a fellow CWP who was proudly ignorant about the self-defense laws of his state, but after yesterday’s complains that I butt-hurted a couple of readers, I decided to leave this post blank to make it as harmless as possible while they recover from their mental hemorrhoids. The last I want is to increase the level of pain because I am mean to another person coz… feelings, ya know?


Oh, the Irony over the possible consequences of the Oakland Fire.

“There’s going to be a draconian overreaction to shut everything down,” said Dunn, 42, who has attended events at the collective in the Fruitvale neighborhood. “That would only add to the tragedy.”
“People are getting worried (the fire) is gonna be used against us,” said Katelyn Charvoz, of West Oakland. The 25-year-old said she’s been involved in the music/party scene since she was about 15. “The city’s gonna paint us as some ugly, crusty, punk kids that are up to no good. If they buy up all the warehouses on every street and kick everyone out, it will just hurt the arts community here.”

Source: Oakland artists fear crackdown from city leaders after fire

If you are an artist that after a fire like this can remain stupid and not come up with the thought “Holy shit! We better learn from this. How about we figure ourselves how to make our working/living spaces safer,” you do deserve to die a fiery death.

And I support your desire for the local authorities to stay away from your Future Flaming Death Trap. I need nominees for the Darwin Awards.