And I understand that the NRA had the duty to do a peppy PR against the onslaught of bad (fake) press we get every day. But Florida Gun Owners have to be very clear we were betrayed by the GOP and specifically Senate President Joe Negron who did not have the legislative nuts to bring back into the corral, soon-to-be-departing Senator Anitere Flores.
What we got this session were two patches and a discount. This was supposed to be the year of Open carry, of Campus Carry and possibly reducing Gun Free Zones. but instead we got 2 coats of Bondo on fucked up fenders and a $5 gift certificate to be applied on our next purchase in the State Renewal Store.
Ladies and Gents, I am not a happy customer.
This is the same shit republicans in congress do all the time.
When democrats are in office they don’t give a shit about compromise, when they’re the minority they bitch and moan about those mean republicans.
When republicans are in office they try to compromise with democrats to try and get on Good terms with the media and hope that democrats will compromise with them later, when they’re the minority they bitch and moan about not having control of the house/senate/White House, but yet when it’s given to them on a silver platter THEY SAY THEY CANT DO WHAT THEY SAID AND THAT THEY HAVE TO COMPROMISE!
republicans will lose big if they don’t get the lead out, obama and bush bailouts pushed them to create the tea party, trump was a middle finger to he establishment, if nothing gets done and done right then republicans will just give up and buy ammo. Then they’ll just wait for the socialists to move into office and once the riots start because ~they always do~ they’ll be ready.
I agree, two patches and thus wasted capital on fixing them AGAIN rather than making any sort of progress.
With the NRA-ILA going RAH RAH RAH over this “victory” they’re signaling that everyone who voted for these maintain the status quo fixes will get their A card.
I still think that D should be for does nothing to advance or retract our rights, with C being for voting pro-gun for something when it comes up. B and higher should be reserved for actually advancing our rights.
Getting an honest assessment from the NRA grading system would REALLY HELP WITH THE PRIMARIES when an established candidate who’s only 49% stabbed us in the back gets more precedence than a newb who probably won’t ever.
I’m a retired guy and the $5 discount doesn’t mean anything to me. Besides, I renewed last year and it can change a few times before I go back again. The first one might be genuinely good (restoring “innocent until proven guilty”) but it and the second are just patches over previous screw ups.
A thoroughly disappointing year, that started out so hopeful.
I see a few good things got passed in Georgia. Maybe relocation isn’t such a bad idea.