Month: February 2017

Gun Control Poll Says Most Floridians Oppose Open Carry…

…but I don’t know about the pollster. Something there I don’t trust but can’t put my finger on it.

On Tuesday, gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety and the Florida Chapter of Moms Demand Action on Gun Sense released a poll showing the majority of Floridians opposed to nearly every controversial gun bill making its way through the legislature this year. According to the poll, which was conducted by political analyst, Mike Bloomberg adviser and and Clinton pollster Douglas Schoen, more than half of Floridians are against a variety of provisions under SB 140, which would legalize open carry in the Sunshine State. The poll found 76 percent of respondents oppose allowing guns on college campuses while 69 percent oppose allowing guns on elementary and secondary school campuses. Seventy-five percent of Floridians oppose allowing guns in airport terminals.

Source: Gun Control Poll Says Most Floridians Oppose Open Carry, But Pro-Gun Groups Disagree | Sunshine State News | Florida Political News

Not gonna say much more other than Mr. Schoen first said Hillary was not going to be the Democrat nominee because she was going to lose the primary in California and then was giving her a lead over Trump of six to eight points after the third debate and pretty much declared the race over.

And again, how come they never release the poll data? Just the “results” and we are supposed to believe them because…?

Hat tip Manny L.

Speaker Phones are not my friends.

Many moons ago, I got a job selling P.A. and Audio Studio equipment for a local company specialized in exports. It was the dawn of the digital era of recording, (OK, more like 9 am/Coffee Break era) so stuff of all kinds was coming out and dying within the month. It was hard to keep track plus some companies had granted exclusive area rights to some seller which made things interesting since international shoppers do not like to bounce around the US. We had a “parent” company in another region and we were the company that who got the brands we could for our region. That made it easier for clients from places like Argentina or Peru to place the order with one person and have it filled.

One client called one day and asked for a new digital gadget he was interested. Since it was not in our list, I could not give him a price right there, but I promised a fax would be forthcoming soon from one of our companies. I made the necessary internal contacts and about 35 minutes later, I got a call from  the client who asked me if that was the final price and that if so, he wanted ten units ASAP.

Now, I had not seen the fax yet so I told the client I would get back to him, ran downstairs to the fax machine (a copy was to be sent to the original seller) and to my horror, I see the price quoted was wrong by a digit and signed as firm offer by somebody I did not know.  One digit that made the difference from four figures to five: The unit’s price was $10,000 and the imbecile from the other company quoted a firm $1,000.  No wonder the client wanted 10 units! I told the client t was an obvious mistake and he laughed it up and said not to worry about it, but he would still be interested in buying one to which I obviously answered with a big fat Yes!

I called the parent company’s office and asked to call with the “salesman” urgently. I was told by a very impolite secretary that he was busy and to leave a message. I did and just told him that his company was about to suffer a $100,000 loss because of him, but to take his time and call me whenever he felt like it (and yes, my tone of voice was dripping with sarcasm.) I got the call back in about 3 minutes and the “seller” asked me what was wrong. I asked him (again, with infinite sarcasm in my voice) if he remembered what was the quoted price per unit on the order he signed off and that he, dumbshit deluxe,  stated the wrong fucking price. I informed him the client had called back and ordered 10 units very pronto and I did not want to be buttfucked for his mistake.

I found out I was on a conference call when I hear at least 2 extra voices saying “fuck ”  and other expressions in the back ground. Next I hear another voice with some authority asking “seller” if he had quoted a $10K piece of electronics for $1K. “Seller” began to mumble something and Voice of Authority said “We will get back to you” and hung up.  I knew that I was about to get in shit, deep and smelly.

Later I found out that “Seller” was actually the parent company’s VP for sales and brother of Voice of Authority who turned out to be the owner of the company. Now, I was not fired (ahem, let go) for another 7 months and only because the owner of the company retired after having a bad divorce and a heart attack. The excuse was that our company was not making enough money and cutbacks were needed… which was hilarious since I was the only one actually making five figures and up sales.  But guess who ended up in charge of Parent Company? Yup, The Dumb Brother.

Both companies were gone within 18 months. Ours first, of course and then Parent Company after they got nailed on some Federal charges that included tax evasion and exporting sensitive equipment… who knew that the new digital era would bring that much baggage?

I let my ego take over on that one. Now, unless I know the people on the other side real well, I will moderate what I say over the phone. And the people who know me, know better than not warn me I am on speaker phone since I tend to be rather “expansive” in my comments.

OK, I can be offensive as shit. Just don’t use the speaker phone with me.

PS: Damn, I know you are old when the spell checker tells you the word “fax” is wrong.


Florida Carry Wields a Blazing Sword

Announcement from Florida Carry:

Florida Carry Wields a Blazing Sword
Daytona Beach, FL, 2/20/17:
Florida Carry is proud to announce that it has appointed Erin Palette to the position of Diversity Outreach Coordinator within its organization. Ms. Palette’s charity, Operation Blazing Sword, was founded in the wake of the Orlando Pulse terror attacks and seeks to pair friendly firearm instructors with LGBTQ people who wish to learn how to safely own and operate a firearm for self-defense. Sean Caranna, Executive Director of Florida Carry, said that “I believe the future of the Second Amendment depends on educating people that gun owners do not fit in to a single stereotype. By appointing Erin Palette to this position, I want to show the LGBTQ community that they are welcome with us and that we will fight for all Americans’ rights to defend themselves from violence, terror, and hate crimes.” Ms. Palette added, “I am thrilled to be able to use Florida Carry’s platform and resources to carry the message that ‘The Second Amendment Is For You, Too’ to my siblings-in-arms — and those siblings not yet in arms — into a community formerly not sympathetic to the right to keep and bear arms. Partnering with Florida Carry is a mutually beneficial arrangement: Operation Blazing Sword can more effectively communicate its message of education, and Florida Carry will reap the benefit of new members.” Mr. Caranna concluded, “I am excited at the prospect of being able to grow both of these pro-Second Amendment organizations.” Florida Carry, Inc, is a nonprofit, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to advancing the fundamental civil right of all Floridians to keep and bear arms for self defense. Their website is Operation Blazing Sword, Inc is a 501c3 tax-deductible charity and nonprofit, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to helping LGBTQ people become responsible firearm owners. Their website is


It is dumb to play their game. (Update)

So, my favorite zoo cam was vandalized earlier this morning:

And I know you cannot say it was not an “inside” job to create Fake News taking in consideration all the fake reports of attacks and vandalism attributed to Trumpers. But let’s say it was indeed somebody tired with the Shia LeBufoon crap and grabbed the cheapest can on sale at the local hardware store (it had to be the cheapest because of the awful color selection) and decided to inflict some personal opinion on it.

The worst enemy that HeWillNotDivideUs had been the NeverTrumpers who went to chant and spread Liberal Privilege far and wide.


And the videos?

Basically, there is no need to do stupid shit because they are doing it o their own and they are experts at it. Plus I don’t think that many people are actually paying attention to the idjits in camera except some of us who find and study Left Wing idiocy for purely giggles and snorts.

And then again, the idea that this is a self-inflicted “hate crime” cannot be dismissed at all.


One guy showed up with tools, rags and cleaners to clean up the cam cover.

But what he mostly got was “Shiaites” complaining about what was he doing, doing it bad, fucking it up, etc.

And that is what I meant about let them be idiots all by themselves.

Update 2: Now Shia and his buddies have TV coverage which previously they barely had and it was negative.