Bigoted George Takei inserts foot in mouth…energize!
Takei is doing a fantastic job “out-assholing” Wil Wheaton for Star Trek Universe’s biggest dickhead.
The Ferengi are jealous coming a distant third.
Stolen from Gay Patriot
Moms Demand flaming Racial tensions and anti-cop sentiments as usual.
The Philando Castile case is the Concealed Carry example of everything going wrong and then some. Nervous Rookie Cop mixed with CWP doing the wrong movements lead to a death.
I am going with this CNN article for some info on the evidence and testimony presented in court:
An audio recording captured Castile telling Yanez he had a gun in the car, and the officer telling Castile not to reach for it. Seconds later, Yanez opened fire.
Yanez’s lawyers alleged Castile had been smoking marijuana the day of the shooting, which they said affected his judgment.
When you take the responsibility of carrying a weapon, you also take on the responsibility to be stone cold sober or accept whatever may come to you otherwise.
How many times have we seen in shows like COPS people reaching for their pockets when asked if they have drugs, needled or weapons? I am going to say that this is what happened in this case and the fact Castile was under the influence, helped reduce critical thinking and maybe figuring that staying standing still would have been the better option.
And then we have the question of why was a rookie cop allowed to be involved in what was supposed to be a potentially dangerous stop? Notice that the article says that officer Yanez told Castile not to reach for the gun and then opened fired. I know I am Monday Morning QBing some, but repeating the same message several times and louder seems to be what most veteran cops do.
Again, there is mayor responsibility on both men, bit I really do not see culpability on either. The best we can do is learn from it and make sure we don’t end up bleeding in our cars.
Of course, the Opposition is using it against Guns and for Cop Bashing. And if some deluded asshole shoots a cop n payback, much the better for Moms! they can say we are a threat to Law Enforcement and that something must be done to protect officers. The more bodies, the more they collect and I figure Shannon is due a hot tub upgrade for her “little” home in the Rockies .
Because they don’t fear consequences.
Look in the mirror, and take an honest look at yourself. Are you condoning violence against those who hold a different opinion on politics or any subject? Do you say the “Nazis” (socialists by the way, look at the name) deserve to be punched or worse? Do you pass off violent assault and murder with any form of ‘they had it coming/deserve it’ because they hold a different belief? Do you hate those who disagree with you or hold a different opinion? Do you support violent ‘resistance’ to the results of the election, or to those of a different viewpoint by armed masked brown shirts? Do you eagerly anticipate and embrace anything by anonymous sources that validate your beliefs? Do you take any news that validates your position without question, without doing any digging or critical thought?
If so, you are the reason the Republic is, if not dead, in a coma. You are the reason for the violence, and the lack of civility and discourse. Own it.
Source: With Tears In My Eyes – The Laughing Wolf
The starting sentence has the key word: Honest.
The other side simply is not.
The Left has long understood they can get away with many things because they are willing to kill and destroy while we are not. The Left does not mind setting up and sending innocent followers to do the dirty deeds and let them pay the price to do so as long as it builds up and advances their agenda. We are averse to loss of life and they know it, play and strategize around it and laugh secretly. The Left creates the killers that will come up with several kills of innocents and people on our political side and for cheap. Lefty Divine Winds.
And they do that because immediately after the first wave of Anger, the Voices of Calm speak and appeal to our better angels. “There must be another way, a bloodless way, a peaceful way.” says the Voice of Calm and we seek to do so because we have been raised under the idea that struggling for peace is righteous. But then it comes the dreaded “We must compromise to stop the killings.” and while we do so and give our words to achieve that, the Left only says so while relishing on the gains they obtained under this new negotiation and already planning on the new violent advances to get more. Why? Remember what I stated initially in this post? The Left is not honest. Any deal we make with them is not worth the inkjet cartridge spent printing the deal.
And why are they not honest? Because they fear no repercussions. They fill a drone of a man with enough hate and ideas that he undertakes the targeting of elected representatives and instead of going after those seeding the Hate, we claim justice was made because the attacker is no longer among the living and seek out compromise. The Left laughs because once again they got away with it.
We are committing social suicide. Yes, the Republic is in danger, but not because we are not willing to negotiate but because we are willing to do so.
It is time that we stop negotiating and start demanding loudly and append “Or Else” to the demands And if the left thinks we are just doing the same silly things as before, prove them drastically that they are wrong.
Gay are no longer a protected political species.
Specially if you are perceived to stray of the Democrat Closet.
“Which one of you assholes is the gay?” and ““You fucking belong to a Party that writes our destruction into its platform,” Jeff LeTourneau, the Vice Chairman of the Orange County Democrat Party, is captured on video viciously attacking and berating volunteer signature gatherers simply because they are gay and supporting the recall of State Senator Josh Newman who voted to increase the car and gas tax.
And then, even after told to stay away, the Political Homophobe follows Hale to his vehicle.
Next we will have Antifa stomping Gay “fashes” I guess.