Month: July 2017

Quick note to the Dems

I didn’t vote for Donald Trump.  I didn’t support him during the primary.

I have misgivings about how he’s going to “built the wall” and how we are going to pay for it.

Then I read something like this: ICE not alerted when sex assault suspect released from jail in 2016, official says.

This illegal immigrant has sexually assaulted two women, one of whom was 65.  Is transient.  Has multiple probation violations, and has been hanging out in Portland because it is a sanctuary city.

This is the kicker:

According to court documents filed in March 2017, Martinez has a history of illegal entry into the United States. He has been a transient in the Portland area for more than a year and has been deported 20 times.

Twenty time.  This rapist and career criminal has been deported twenty times for various crimes and Portland is letting him hang around.

Shit like this drives me mad.

Shit like this makes me willing to throw the anchor babies out with the bathwater.

Shit like this makes me want to scream the words of the famous Lawgiver of Sparta, Lycurgus,a city is well-fortified which has a wall of men instead of brick,” and have Trump deploy the Marines to the border to shoot anything coming across on sight.

Forget “the wall.”  Now I want Trump to turn the Mexican-American border into the longest, most densely packed, minefield in the world.

Next time we deport this guy, don’t bother landing the plane.  Just tell him to tuck and roll and shove him out at 15,000 feet.

Do you understand that for ever reaction there is an opposite reaction?  When you bend over backwards to protect a multiple rapist and criminal like this over the interest of US citizens there is an opposite reaction.  I want to challenge the idea the Constitutional rights belong to anybody within our borders.  I’m willing to go all Roman Law and have Constitutional protections only apply to citizens and lawful residents so we can dispose of multi time illegal rapists without wasting the court’s time.

Do you get it now?

If you don’t uphold the law to protect Americans, there will be push back, and I guarantee you won’t like the push back.

Just wait until Americans discoverer when their wives, daughters, sisters, and mothers can be raped by illegals with impunity because Liberals will protect the illegals at all costs.

You want lynch mobs? Because that’s how you let lynch mobs.

California’s “Endangered” RINO Protection Services.

Marc Steinorth is a California Republican serving the 40th State Assembly district or so he says. On July 27, a small group of Republicans & Trump Supporters went to his office to address certain issues and this is what they found waiting for them:

I cannot top what one of the camera men said, you don’t see these many police cars in an Active Shooter situation. I do believe that there were at lest twice as many cops as activists.

This is why California is f***ed and why Calexit is not such a bad idea for the rest of the country.

The LawDog Files: Dead Tree Version.

Got it yesterday and I am already halfway through even though I am pacing myself. And as you can expect, it is damned good storytelling. I am getting to read stories I had never before and no wonder since he is such a prolific writer and has several years worth of posts to select from. In fact my dear wife was incensed that I did not know about Big Mama and her family because they gave her the proper merriment during her lunch breaks. (She does Kindle, I am old school)

If you are also of the Dead Tree persuasion and need to get a fix of great storytelling, you must get this book now, available in Amazon.

You will not regret it.

Foodie Heathens and the Tortilla Española.

I caught this post over Bayou Renaissance Man discussing tortillas and I cringed.  (Waving old man’s fist in anger at Peter) and I figured somebody in the Gun Community has to come forward and clear the kitchen counter.

First, I have no idea why Mexicans call that baked blob of cornmeal a tortilla.  It ain’t but a wrapper for beans and ground puppy or cat.  Second, a fritatta is a weak ass and thin Italian copy of the Spanish Tortilla. It is a mystery because there is nothing thin and flavorless in Italia cuisine but I guess since we got to potatoes before anybody else in the Old Continent, we have an advantage.

With that set, I am gonna give a quit pictorial reference on how to make an Honest To God You Can Take To The Pearly Gates Spanish Tortilla. First, let me show the example of “modern tortilla” is being passed as done by modern Chefs:

I showed this to my sainted mother and she went R Lee Ermey on the alleged chefs including the assurance that their mothers must have copulated with strange forest animals.

She had already decided to make a tortilla today and I went ahead and take pictures of the process. Shall we begin?

The ingredients.

The basic Tortilla is eggs and potatoes plus seasoning (salt and a dash of pepper if you require.) You can add other stuff to enhance the experience. In this case we have ham, onion and chorizo (again, real chorizo, not the Mexican recycled armadillo from the highway shit)

The cooking.

Taters, ham, onions and chorizo get fried till the fries are soft but not turning golden brown yet. The strange color you see is from the chorizo seasoning which will permeate the whole tortilla.  While this is happening, you crack the eggs and beat/whisk them till uniform and set aside.

Next you will separate the oil from the tater mixture using a colander. Save that oil for other cooking enterprises, it is full of flavor! Let the oil drain, then pour over the egg batter and stir till all is properly covered.

You can let the mixture rest for a bit while you prep your frying pan. In fact I have to recommend the Fritatta Pan Set (See? I don’t really hate the Eyetalians) which will make the labor safer and easier.  So next? Pour the mixture into one of the pans at medium heat (barely a touch of oil in it) and make sure it is spread evenly.

Notice other pan on top left. It is seating on a live eye set at low and with a dash of oil.

Here comes experience: We have done this so many times, easily thousands of times in my lifetime that I really don’t keep time. Again, we are at medium so about 2-3 minutes to set. look at the edges of the tortilla and see how cooked they are. Give the pan a slight shake and if it does not slide too much after the 2-3 minutes, you are ready to flip.

Cover with the other pan making sure they are locked, grab by the handle and the locking pieces (with appropriate pan holder to avoid those pesky third degree burns) and with one swift rotational move…

I know, pic sucks. Sorry!


Again, 2-3 minutes. This time you can use a wooden spoon to check the cooking status. The less surface-give, the more cooked it will be. How cooked will depend on your particular taste. I like mine a bit moist/runny as I believe it tastes better that way. Do not overcook!

If you feel the first side need a bit extra, you can flip again, but don’t leave it for more than 30 seconds. After that, remove from the heat and serve.

I don’t recommend “sliding out” the tortilla off the pan into the tray. I cover the pan with the tray and do another flip making sure you exercise as much force as if you were holding a 500 S&W revolver in an Isosceles position and about to shoot.  For the non-gunnies that means a lot of effort keeping both things together so it won’t spill when you flip it.

And this is the result of a real tortilla.

No voids!

Sorry, this slice was gone before the writing of this post .

Firm, yet juicy.

The great thing about the tortilla is that could be eaten warm, at room temp and even cold from the fridge. It is the Spanish Pizza !

Well, I do believe I have covered the basics. And I know the tortilla of my ancestors tastes better than the Dollar Store Mexican wrap crap.

I need a nap now…

Doubling down and double aught

Just yesterday I posted about some Imams in Davis, California, who expressed desire for the Muslim annihilation of the Jews from the pulpit of Islamic Center of Davis.

That same day, I caught this news article: US Professor: ‘How come we don’t have intifada in this country?’

Dr. Hatem Bazian is a professor at the University of California at Berkeley.

He is also a founder of Students for Justice in Palestine.  SJP is THE leading antisemitic group operating on American college campuses.  SJP is also linked to anti Israel terrorist groups.

Yep, here is a professor in the same area of California calling for an Intifada.  An Intifada, as in a violent uprising.  The First Intifada was marked by a series of bombing in Israel.  The most recent was the Knife Intifada and was a series of stabbings and car attacks.  That tactic has come to Europe and I warned that it would come to the US.

Well, here we see an Islamic leader in the US trying to incite an Intifada in the US.

I keep hearing from the media how Trump’s travel ban is going to incite violence by ISIS, and not a God damned word about the founder of one of the largest and most influential Pro-Islam groups in the US issued a Fatwa to rise up and kill Jews in the US.

Since I have come to believe that the war on the Jews in the Middle East is going to make it here to the US with the help of antisemitic progressives, all I ask is for potential Jew stabbers to wait until my new boom-stick arrives.

I have a Remington Tac14 on order and I’d really like to try it out.