Month: February 2018

Nikolas Cruz Booking Photo

Charged with 17 counts of premeditated Murder.

As usual, the initial info floating around social media tends not to be correct but the reflection of people’s personal bias. Also, that voter registration thing? All probability is also the wrong person as it is from a different town altogether.

The 48 hour rule works for a reason.

I have read and heard some stuff about how Cruz did his deed that I need confirmation before commenting about it. Some came out of a politician’s mouth so I am way sceptic about it.

PS: He does look like  Hispanic Opie.

When Idiots Collide.

Rick Wilson is a columnist for the Daily Beast and Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer. We already know that Stephen King is also affected by TDS .  Since the Trump mentioned  the MS-13 gang, it has been the labor of the Left to reshape the media image of the gang. Although the FBI saysMS-13 members engage in a wide range of criminal activity, including drug distribution, murder, rape, prostitution, robbery, home invasions, immigration offenses, kidnapping, carjackings/auto thefts, and vandalism. Most of these crimes, you’ll notice, have one thing in common—they are exceedingly violent. And while most of the violence is directed toward other MS-13 members or rival street gangs, innocent citizens often get caught in the crossfire.” But since the State Of The Union, they are no longer a threat, they are just exaggerations of the administration to scare people into supporting the Wall. By golly! They are just a bunch of misunderstood Boy Scouts from El Salvador, you racist pig!

And as for Stephen King, I fear he confused MS-13 with AK-47 or AR-15… or maybe he is a racist pig and blames MS-13 for the killings. I have no idea what goes through his mind lately.

Questionable parenting decisions

We had a bit of a time putting the three (almost four) year old to bed tonight.

The wife and I took to singing songs that we knew to the boy to get him to go to sleep.

Here are some favorite choices from our repertoire.

On the Cover of the Rolling Stone

You’re Always Welcome at Our House

Whiskey in the Jar (which my son calls “the daddy song”)

Abdul Abulbul Amir

Have Some Madera M’Dear

I’m beginning to question our fitness as parents.  All I know is that elementary school talent shows will be interesting.


Did you know we had a bill in Florida that may have prevented the Parkland Shooting?

Four years ago we had a bill that would have beefed up school security in less than 12 months. But as usual, it dies in the Legislature because we have spineless and gutless Senators and Representatives.

I am reprinting part of a post from back then. It was common sense legislation, but it twisted the genital appendages of the Florida Intelligentsia, including our local bird-cage droppings catcher, The Miami Herald.

Fits of rage and despair are being thrown inside the secret editor’s room at the Miami Herald. Guns in Schools? Nooooooo!

An Abomination! says today’s editorial.

But as usual, they probably did not bother to read the law.  The way they write it, it allows basically anybody to be walking around school with an M-60 and shoot the first kid that eats a pop-tart the wrong way. So, once again I take the extra bytes to link you to the proposed bill.

Before dissecting the editorial, let’s make a quick summary of what the bill states:

1) Leave to the local school boards the ability to decide for armed personnel on school grounds. It is not a mandatory thing.

2) The School Principal has also a say so in the matter as he/she has the authority to designate (or not) who can carry in the school.

3) The program is voluntary. If a teacher, employee or administrator does not want to carry, it is all fine.

4) Those allowed to carry on school property must be: a) Former Military or Police without a firearms disciplinary problem in his record, b) Active Military or Police without a firearms disciplinary problem in his record & c) Civilians with a valid Florida Concealed Carry Permit.

5) The person approved by the Principal “must submit to the authorizing principal or  superintendent proof of completion of a minimum of 40 hours of a school safety program and annually complete 8 hours of active-shooting training and 4 hours of firearm proficiency training as such training programs are defined and administered by the Department of Law Enforcement.”

The Abomination According to the Miami Herald.

Imagine that. They were against teachers, retired police and military from being the first responders in cases like this. I guess they think they are too stupid to defend kids, but apparently they do confide their education somehow. I can’t figure out the contradiction.

And yes, the Miami Herald editorial staff is also complicit with the latest massacre in another Gun Free Zone in Florida.

Hat tip to Jeff H. for the reminder.

Parkland School Shooting.

We all know Gun Free Zones do not work. It has been established since Columbine.

So we addressed the Florida Legislature. Let parents and teachers be armed and with concealed weapons permits to enter schools. They said no.

We asked them to allow selected volunteer teachers to receive training and be armed. They said no again.

Back when the Sandy Hook shooting happened, only one-third of Schools in the US had armed security. Today? Still two-thirds of schools do not have a School Resource Officer. The NRA proposed to allow retired police and military to have guns and secure our schools. Good guys to stop bad guys: They laughed at them, at us.

The same people who denied extra protection for our schools are desperately seeking a TV camera to express their outrage at the shooting, even though they were the ones that allowed a known dangerous 19-year-old walking in a school and shoot kids unopposed.

Again unopposed, Nick Cruz (former student who had threatened students, had a prohibition to come into the school and teachers were warned about him) came inside Stoneman Douglass High School , murdered 17 students, shot a pack-load more  and walked out again. Nobody stopped him, nobody even could do a thing because legally, they were not allowed to stop a murdering bastard.

Get ready. We will get the usual NRA-hating press with the shit talks about the AR 15 and the usual tap dancing in blood by the Gun Control Groups. But make no mistake: this spilled blood, this lives that were cut short by somebody they were warned about, the fault for all this lands squarely on the heads of the Florida Legislators and the Legislators in D.C. that could have done something but did not. They could have allowed real security in our schools, but they refused to trust the most Law Abiding section of the US population.

And I am planning on letting them know. Here is the first one.

Senator Flores, you were adulterous screwing your fellow Gun Control Senator and maybe because sexual satisfaction, you decided to follow his example and block gun bills. Who knows? Maybe one of those bill could had placed an armed teacher or parent at the school and this tragedy might had not been as big and as heart breaking.

It is fitting that you are standing next to Moms Demand’s Michelle Gadja, all dressed in blood-red and she is also an accomplice of these killings. You two looks rather well together for being a couple of supporters of Mass Murders.




Brady Campaign Trump Derrengement Sydrome Valentine’s

You gotta love this:

Putin is said to have a personal worth of $70 billion. Trump stands at $3.5 billion. Yet the Brady is trying to say that us and the NRA must have trillions of dollars to entice these two together in the name of the Second Amendment.

Let us not forget that Moms Demand Official Sugar Daddy, former mayor of NYC and aspiring monarch of the world, Michael Bloomberg is worth $49.5 billions.

I don’t know if you noticed, but the Brady Campaign’s Twitter name is @BradyBuzz. Does that make them the Buzzfeed of the Gun Control Organizations ?