Month: February 2018

Bringing the California Nazi to South Florida.

Rooftop solar panels are becoming a common sight in South Miami, in part because of the efforts of one teen. Eighteen-year-old Miami native Delaney Reynolds is a freshman at the University of Miami. Two years ago, she learned that several cities in California have laws that mandate rooftop solar panels on new homes.

Reynolds: “I thought that that was an excellent idea for our state, especially because we’re the so-called sunshine state. I figured we have to make something like this here in south Florida.”

Reynolds sent a letter proposing the idea to almost a dozen mayors. South Miami’s Mayor Phillip Stoddard responded and offered to mentor her through the process of drafting the ordinance. Together, they reworked the California laws to fit local construction codes.

Last July, South Miami passed the ordinance, and it took effect in September. Now, any new homes built in the city – as well as major renovations – must include solar panels.

How one teenager got a city to pass new solar rules

So, because “We Care”™ we now are forcing to add several thousands of dollars extra in cost to new constructions or if you happen to need a new roof.  Where we spend lots of power and therefore money in South Florida is in Air Conditioning.  Our “winter” electrical bill without the AC running is a pittance compared with the rest of the year and we have a very efficient unit cooling the house. If you try to have enough solar panels to run your normal AC unit found in South Florida, you will be spending up to three times what you use in grid power.

And let us not forget that your insurance will go up because we have this recurrent events called Tropical Storms and Hurricanes that make their appearance occasionally in our areas.

But, hey! The Good Feels come first.  And we get to be cool like California.




Dear SpaceX

I saw the Falcon Heavy launch today, and it was really cool.

I guess because that was trending, LinkedIn sent me a job notification for a Materials Engineer position at SpaceX.

I am fully qualified.  I have a Ph.D. in materials engineering, I run a materials lab, I have a back ground in aircraft failure analysis.  I am everything you want.

I see a lot of open positions at SpaceX.

Here’s my question.  Why are you based in Hawthorne California?

I make roughly $97,000 per year.  I bought a house in Huntsville for $230,000.  It’s got 2,800 sq-ft and a fenced in yard.  I pay roughly $1,450/mo for mortgage and escrow.

Glassdoor estimates you will pay me about $103,000.

For the same $1,450/mo, I can afford a 1 bed, 1 bath, 637 sq-ft condo in Torrance.

To have roughly the same size house in the area, for my wife and two kids, I have to spend $570,000 for a house in  the ghetto.  That will cost me in mortgage payments 40% of my salary in a year.

It’s great for Elon Musk and his $20 Billion to live in Malibu, but for a salaried engineer with the education and experience you want to move a family into 600 sq-ft of apartment is unreasonable.

The job seems pretty cool, but if you double my cost of living, you are going to have to double my salary, and I just don’t see you doing that.

Maybe next time, you’ll set up your facility in a  place were more than just the CEO can afford to live in something larger than a refrigerator box.

When you do, I’ll submit a resume.

Full circle woke

Canadian Prime Minister and wake bae, male feminist, terrorist sympathizing, pretty boy Justin Trudeau was answering questions when this happened.

He’s such a woke feminist that he condescendingly mansplained to a teen girl.

That is so pathetic to watch it’s unbelievable.

At this point I’m waiting to Trudeau to mandate that Canadians have to get a permit to possess a dick, which cannot exceed 105 mm (4.1) inch in length, or be equipped with standard capacity balls.

Except if you are a woman who identifies as a man, then the Canadian health care system will give you one for free.

They need to stand up to these kids now and teach them a lesson

Ithaca High School has canceled their production of the musical The Hunchback of Notre Dame because the role of Esmeralda went to a white girl.

In the original Victor Hugo novel, Esmeralda was born Agnes, the illegitimate daughter of a French prostitute and a French nobleman.  She was kidnapped by Gypsies.  She is ethnically European.  Even if she was assumed to be Romani, that would make her ethnically Central Asian.  Even the Disney version had Esmeralda cast by Demi Moore.  There is no literary reason for her to be Black or Hispanic.

That doesn’t matter.

A group called Students United for Ithaca protested and made demands.

1. STOP rehearsals for The Hunchback of Notre Dame (DEMANDS MET – show is canceled

2. START casting a new show with multiple leads. By doing this the talented students cast in this current show can still shine while also including an equally talented diverse group of actors.

3. STOP hiring adults who have heard complaints from theater professionals, concerned parents of color, and social justice activists time and time again, and have not listened or changed their actions.

4. START better hiring practices. (see “b” below)

FIRST STEP! : Remove Robert Winans as Director of the Boynton Middle School and High School Musical. We have tried to talk to Mr. Winans. He has not listened nor has he said publicly he wants to learn from his mistakes and do things differently. Mr. Brown and Dr Brown… Times Up. (AMENDED)

SECOND STEP! : Hire Joey Steinhagen as Director of the next musical. Joey has a concrete plan and has said he is confident he can mount an inclusive and wonderful show. Joey is the hero we need now to unit our community. Please let him! (AMENDED)

5. STOP the racist and openly stated policy of “color blind” casting in the ICSD.
Because of institutionalized racism this results in white children being cast in roles written as white parts and also white children being cast in roles that were specifically intended for people of color. Make no mistake, the world is not colorblind. Casting cannot be colorblind. Enough is Enough.

6. START a policy of “inclusive casting” by working to recruit young people of color, particularly those who are not currently involved in any activities in the performance arts within the school system but who have experience singing in other venues, such as church choirs.

7. STOP being satisfied with a system where only some students have access to voice lessons, dance lessons, acting lessons, etc. This favors the privileged few whose parents have the resource of both time and money.

8. START creating opportunities for all students to train to be performance artists. The local theater community and Ithaca College are untapped resources. Many have offered to help and have been ignored. Contact them. Ithaca College students have a service requirement. Ask them to give free voice lessons after school. Find volunteers for free dance lessons. Bring in experts in audition technique, such as staff of The Actor’s Workshop, who worked with us on Godfrey Simmons Musical 13 to prepare us to audition. So many community theatre organizations have said publicly they want to help, and yet they have not been asked to help. Why?

9. STOP ignoring and denying that you have created a white centered program run by white adults for the benefit of white children. White children should also be educated about interrupting these practices of White supremacy. Hollow lip service about equality is shameful and the eyes of our concerned community are now focused on you.

10. START following the four core values of IHS you tell us to follow, every day, but don’t follow yourselves.

These students are demanding that a teacher be fired for his casting decision.  They claim that color blind casting, that is casting based on talent, is racist.

In an open letter, they themselves acknowledge that the student cast was talented.  She was the wrong skin color to play the daughter of a French prostitute.

Before we speak further, we want to stress that the talented young woman who was cast in this role is a stellar actor, singer, and dancer. She has worked hard to hone her craft and the IHS stage, or any stage, would be lucky to have her. Our concern is not with her, but with the fact that in terms of demographics, she is the wrong choice for this role.

They want racial quotas and to punch students who go above and beyond with extra curricular lessons.

They want the school to admit in some sort of sick Maoist show trial way that they are a racist institution.

This is absolutely and unequivocally racist.  This is an egregious power play.

These students have watched other schools and learned that they can Mau Mau school administrators into stepping down and giving them everything by making racial demands and chanting slogans.

At the college level  other students have used this to destroy debate.

These students have succeeded in destroying this production.  They may succeed at destroying performance art.

If their demands are accepted now, what is next?  An end to color blind, talent only math competition or science fairs?

Is it racist to be color blind and talent focused when looking for a heart surgeon?  I guess it is now.  Sorry grandpa, you’ll be missed.

Administrators need to grow a pair and stand up to these kids.  They use accusations of racism as a weapon.  Mao said  “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”  In 21st century Progressiveness,   political power grows out of accusations of racism on Facebook.

Every administrator that gives in only makes this worse.  There should only be one response to a list of demands like this from students.

News for the Jews

My wife cued me in this morning to the fact that a Holocaust denier and White Supremacist is running for Illinois 3rd District.

Arthur Jones, a 70-year-old retired insurance agent and perennial losing candidate in races in Illinois and Wisconsin dating back to the 1970s, was the only person to qualify for the Republican primary in the heavily-Democratic 3rd District.

Let me tell you about the Illinois 3rd District.  It’s been Democrat since 1975, and the Democrats have won 24 of the last 25 elections in that district.

It is mostly in Cook County, but spreads a little into DuPage County as well.  It is part of the Chicago Machine.  Democrats own it.  It is one of their vote plantations.

Republicans don’t run there because it’s not worth the money to run there.  They will lose and it will cost them.

It’s this reason that Jones is going to be the Republican candidate in the upcoming election.  He’s unopposed in the Republican primary.  The rest of the Illinois GOP is denouncing him as loud as they can.

All this old fart is doing is making the GOP in Chicago look bad.  If I were more conspiratorially minded I’d believe that the Chicago Machine is actually backing him just to use him to beat up on the GOP.

Hey, look at the Nazi the Republicans are running.”

Even through they are not.

This does not worry me.  But it must be said.


Now over to Norway.

There are few things the Far Left hates more than the Jews.

The leader of the Red Party in the Norwegian Parliament, Bjornar Moxnes, on Friday nominated the international BDS movement for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

Yep, the viciously anti-Semitic  Boycott, Divest, and Sanction campaign has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by a Norwegian radical left wing Communist.

This frightens me.

Yes, the Nobel Peace Prize is a joke.  Obama got it for not being Bush.  Al Gore got it for making a shitty movie.  Yasser Arafat got it for not agreeing to peace with Israel.  But this time it the nomination is going to a group with the stated purpose of ending Israel.

Of course it doesn’t take much to get a Nobel Peace Prize nomination.

However, a whole bunch of Noel Prize Winners in other categories (where something has to be accomplished to be awarded it) have signed a formal denouncement of BDS.

If the Nobel Prize wants to maintain any legitimacy, awarding a prize to a group many Nobel Laureates denounce is a good way not to do that.

If the Nobel Committee does give BDS the Nobel Prize, I really want Trump do to his worst to Norway.

LGQBT demands company-paid Safe Sex. (Update)

I read this article a couple of times and I double checked it was not The Onion:

HIV-positive activist Josh Robbins first warned in November 2016 that Publix, Florida’s beloved supermarket giant, was refusing to provide its workers with drugs that prevent HIV transmission. Nearly a year and a half later, the grocery chain has still not answered why it has adopted this health-care policy. The Lakeland-based company danced around the question again this week when HIV-focused website asked for an explanation.
In light of the conservative leanings of the company’s founding family and its board, some critics are asking whether Publix has any business reason for denying “pre-exposure prophylaxis,” or PrEP, drugs (known by the brand name Truvada) to its workers or if the company simply objects to the fact that the drugs are recommended for use by gay men, who are at higher risk for HIV transmission.

Publix Under Fire for Reportedly Refusing to Give HIV Meds to Workers.

I love the term “pre-exposure prophylaxis.” In case you have not had your morning coffee, it means that some Gays working for Publix want the company to pay for a drug that helps not contracting HIV when they want to have sex with an unchecked stranger. Basically they want to irresponsibly go play “hide the sausage” and want Publix subsidize they don’t catch HIV.  I thought the use condoms were the most effective way not to get HIV and a host of other STDs. Does that mean they are riding the beast bareback?

And how much is the monetary haircut? According to The cost for Truvada oral tablet (100 mg-150 mg) is around $1,645 for a supply of 30 tablets, depending on the pharmacy you visit.” 

Ladies and Gentlemen, according to some radical members of LGQBT community who probably does not want to wear condoms, it is the duty of a private company to pay for the unchecked sexual behavior of its employees at the tune of $19,740 a year. That is three thousand more than the Minimum Wage in Florida.  That means that in order to let some guy get his freak out over the weekend, Publix needs to fire the guy collecting the shopping carts and moping the spill in Aisle 5.

But yeah, it is Publix who are the heartless bigoted jackasses.

Dude, buy your own condoms.

Your Sub Sandwich just got more expensive, Publix caved in.