Month: February 2018

The Left and the Democrtas suddenly respect Law Enforcement?

Really? The republicans? Trump? Why I don’t make a quick recap of years past not so long ago?

We were told by President Obama that cops acted stupid and then created a clown show with his beer summit.

The Mayor and the D.A. in Baltimore went after their own cops seeking social justice and their heads in a judicial platter for the Freddy Gray case, while letting the city be ran over by thugs, looting and torching.


Almost every frigging idiot in Congress and the Media (but I repeat myself three times) had to do a “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” pose for the cameras and the Democrats lock-stepped next to Black Lives matters basically declaring Black were being hunted by racists cops.

Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered by a drug trafficker armed by the Obama Administration and Eric Holder’s DOJ & ATF and to this date, the responsible for Operation Fast and Furious have not been punished and probably never will.

Law Enforcement endured 8 long years of being the punching bag of the Left, and suddenly because some agents and the top heads of the FBI were caught in complicity with the Democrats and Hillary to upset elections and then remove a sitting president, LEOs are their new favorite people as long as they can be used to stop the shit flood coming out of the Fake Russia Collusion Dossier.

There is two problems with that. 1) People are not stupid or forget easy. 2) Cops are not stupid or forget easy either.  Both know you hate cops unless they are doing your bidding and that the Democrats and the left have no shame throwing everybody under the bus at their political convenience.

So please, stop with the faux Cop Love. It makes you look even more deceitful and that is saying a lot.



Did anybody read the book?

Whole Foods was purchased by Amazon and now Whole Foods employees are miserable.  They run around a top speed, crying, and hating life.

“I wake up in the middle of the night from nightmares,” an anonymous staffer told Business Insider, which spoke to 27 current and former workers. “The stress has created such a tense working environment. Seeing someone cry at work is becoming normal.”

Did anybody expect anything different?

Did anybody read the famous New York Times article about Amazon.

SEATTLE — On Monday mornings, fresh recruits line up for an orientation intended to catapult them into Amazon’s singular way of working.

They are told to forget the “poor habits” they learned at previous jobs, one employee recalled. When they “hit the wall” from the unrelenting pace, there is only one solution: “Climb the wall,” others reported. To be the best Amazonians they can be, they should be guided by the leadership principles, 14 rules inscribed on handy laminated cards. When quizzed days later, those with perfect scores earn a virtual award proclaiming, “I’m Peculiar” — the company’s proud phrase for overturning workplace conventions.

At Amazon, workers are encouraged to tear apart one another’s ideas in meetings, toil long and late (emails arrive past midnight, followed by text messages asking why they were not answered), and held to standards that the company boasts are “unreasonably high.” The internal phone directory instructs colleagues on how to send secret feedback to one another’s bosses. Employees say it is frequently used to sabotage others. (The tool offers sample texts, including this: “I felt concerned about his inflexibility and openly complaining about minor tasks.”)

  Working Amazon employees until they broke down was the norm.

Bo Olson was one of them. He lasted less than two years in a book marketing role and said that his enduring image was watching people weep in the office, a sight other workers described as well. “You walk out of a conference room and you’ll see a grown man covering his face,” he said. “Nearly every person I worked with, I saw cry at their desk.”

If Bezos can break the soul of a programmer making over $100K per year, what can he do to somebody making $12/hour?

Jeff Bezos is a known hard-ass bastard, and a terrible boss and perhaps human being as well.

How did people not see this coming?

The question is, will Whole Foods survive?

Is Bezos’ way of running a company possible in brick and mortar retail?  I don’t think so.  You can only push some kid doing an hourly job so far before he quits.

You can tell me “kids these days don’t know what hard work is” but is a job you do part time after school worth the stress of going home and crying because your boss berates you in front of all the other employees as a motivational tool?

(That’s a real thing by the way, Bezos would get an employee up in front of all his or her coworkers and insult them – calling them stupid – until they broke down in tears.  This became part of Amazon culture where management is encouraged to insult, shame, and fire employees publicly.)

I doubt it.

Death Wish: Well played MGM Marketing, well played.

The new version of Death Wish will be hitting the screens in about a month and I guess the advertising need to get cranky. Yesterday the new trailer (rated R) was released and it is my guess they are trying to attract we Old Farts who consider the original a classic and will give all kinds of internet hate if they mess it up.

The trailer begins old school and then goes full Eli Roth.

And here is the original from 1974:

For the time, it was a damned shocking trailer showing the violence and sexual assault.

And my apologies to Bruce Willis whom I have no doubt is a fan of Charlie, but the ending will always belong to Bronson.


I’ll give it a try

I took a peek at the Twitter account of the Socialist Party of Great Britain advocating for world socialism.

This account is monumentally stupid.  It’s every bad socialist trope strung together.  Cuba, Venezuela, China, North Korea, they aren’t socialist, they are capitalist.  There will be no money and everything is free because we’ll work cooperatively.

This, however, was my favorite Tweet.

The question that nobody addresses is: “who cleans the shitters?”

So here’s the deal that I’ll make with the Socialist Party of Great Britain:

I’ll accept socialism on a trial basis.  I call dibs on being the guy who has to paint the swim suits on the Sports Illustrated swim suit models, body paint special.  Since that is a seasonal job, I’ll spend the rest of the year as a sponsored professional IPSC/USPSA shooter.

Everyone who is a member of Socialist Party of Great Britain gets first crack at pumping septic tanks and Port-a-Potties.

If in 10 years time, they still want this system, I’ll be happy to consider making it permanent.



Probably for the best

From thr once great paper of record.

First of all, any rational person would notice that every apocalyptic prediction since the 70’s has failed to materialize.

Mad Max was filmed in 1979 and should have taken place by now.  Soylent Green takes place in 2022.  Escape from New York takes place in 1997.  Death Race 2000, well, takes place in 2000.

The only Sci-fi move from the 70’s and 80’s that hit anywhere close to reality was Robocop because Detroit is a shit hole of gangs and murder. 

But if you are the kind of person who thinks Donald Trump is going to make the Handmaid’s Tale a reality (as opposed to mass Muslim immigration imposing Sharia law on Europe) you might buy into the idea that too many SUVs are going to turn America into a desert wasteland.

If you are that unhinged, you probably shouldn’t be having kids.

I love my children.   I will educate them in the ways of the world.  If it looks like the world is coming to an end, I will prepare them for that too.

If the planet does go to hell, it will be my children asking “Who runs Bartertown?”

Of course the answer is “J.Kb Jr. runs Bartertown.”

Why I no longer have my last job

Watch this.

A bunch of idiots in Philly were on top of the canopy at the Ritz Carlton and it collapsed.

I GUARANTEE you that at least a few of them will sue the Ritz. 

There will be attorneys who will take the case.  They will argue that the structure should have been able to support that weight or that it should not have been that easy to get on top of or there was a flaw in the design or manufacture of the awning.

Someone will say the steel wasn’t up to spec or the welds were bad or the whole thing had a design flaw.

The Ritz will get sued, so with the awning manufacturer, also the supplier of the steel.

The attorneys will hire consultants to write reports and testify that you should be able to park a car on a good awning and everything about this awning was a death trap.

Attorneys for the defense will hire their own experts to write and testify to the opposite, that an awning isn’t a balcony and it’s not supposed to hold people.

If nobody settles, it goes to a jury.  The jury may look at the evidence, or they may just listen to the crying testimony of a victim who says how having the awning collapse on him has put him in too much pain to play catch with his kid and make love to his wife, and decide in the favor of the plaintiff.

After only a couple of years I learned that there was no amount of bonus money at the end of the year that made me want to participate in this shit fest anymore.  

Hoory, I got $53,000 at Christmas for being a fithy whore to lawyers.  I feel so empty inside.”

I ran away from that screaming.  

I make less but am a much richer person for it.

I know somewhere, sombody is going to make a lot of money because some drunk fucks climbed an awning.

I am very glad that won’t be me.