Month: September 2018

When you lost the Chicago Tribune.

Watching the slow, public evisceration of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh by Senate Democrats —on the strength of one unsubstantiated charge of alleged sexual aggression 36 years ago when Kavanaugh was in high school — a question comes to mind:
Have you no sense of decency, Sen. Feinstein?
Decency was once an important feature of the Democratic Party’s story. Long before Bork became a verb, long before Clarence Thomas was dragged through the mud because a conservative black man proved a profound threat to Democrats, the party held fast to the notion of decency.
A lack of decency was something to be feared, something to be avoided for the health of the country.

Eviscerating Kavanaugh: Sen. Feinstein, have you no sense of decency?

Short answer: No. She is probably one of the most corrupt individuals in congress and she is trying to fend off the myriad of tons of crap that are being held above her head: From the hundred of millions of dollars her husband has made of government contract to the Chinese spy working in her staff.

“You can ask pears from an elm tree” according to one of many saying mom has. You can’t ask decency from “Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them in.”

The Klan rides again (part 2)

Last night I posted the mem alone Facebook and Twitter. If I get a somewhat positive reaction, I end up posting it in the blog.  But I had one negative reaction in Twitter that was interesting:

We know that the infamous word is slowly being replaced or the books banned. This person’s shit-fit is simply because they need to erase the fact that the Democrats were the party of the lynchings and their tactics have not changed, they are just a bit more refined.

Triumph of the Panther or Birth of Wakanda

I finally finished Black Panther on Netflix.  It only took me a couple of weeks to watch it.

Birth of a Nation, Triumph of the Will, Black Panther, what do these movies have in common?

They are all egregiously racist movies that have been placed into the canon of great cinema.

At least Birth of a Nation and Triumph of the Will have great historical significance.  Black Panther is just a racist diatribe.

It is truly one of the most racist movies I have ever seen.

Here is the basics of the plot:

Wakanda is a technologically advanced African utopia based entirely on Vibranium.

Vibranium is magic.  Don’t science me, it’s magic.

Wakanda is hyper-isolationist because it has a technology monopoly that has solved all of its problems and it doesn’t want to share this with the world.

A Wakandan prince on Wakandan rumspringa falls in love with an American woman and has a kid in the 80’s.  The King of Wakanda kills the prince to keep Wakanda isolationist.

Fast forward to today.

Son of the murdered prince is Eric Killmonger.  He returns to Wakanda to kill the current king (his cousin) T’Challa.

Killmonger believes that the state of black lives all over the world, from Zimbabwean poverty to urban America is the result of white oppression.

His goal is to give Vibranium super-weapons to black people all over the world to so black people can rise up and “kill the oppressors and their children.”

Vibranium is now Zyklon B.

Killmonger defeats T’Challa, tires to export Vibranium weapons, T’Challa comes back from the dead with Vibranium magic.  Civil war ensues, T’Challa wins.

At no time does T’Challa say that the genocide of white people with Vibranium weapons is morally wrong.  His only motivation to stop Killmonger is to get his inherited throne back and make Wakanda an isolationist state again.

The 50,000 foot plot:

Leader thinks that his race of people live in poverty because of oppression and persecution and wants to wipe out the oppressor race with advanced weapons.

That pretty much the propaganda that lead to the rise of the Third Reich.

It is never condemned morally.  The Wakandans call the one white guy, CIA Agent Ross “colonizer” and tell him he can’t speak because he’s white.

The only opposition to Killmonger is that he’s an outsider.  Not a genocidal leader, just an outsider.

Killmonger believes that because black gang members are shooting each other in Chicago, all white people have to be killed by Vibranium sonic cannons, and that makes him a “profound, tragic villain.”

The movie was a CGI extravaganza with a Hitlarian plot.

This goes to show you just how around the SJW bend Hollywood as gone.  The central motivation of an entire movie is the super weapon inflicted genocide of white people and there is not one word of moral condemnation of it.