Month: September 2018

Southern Ladies will hold a grudge.

You eat my horsie, I will hunt you down. Judy Cochran who just happens to be a grandmother and a the mayor of her town, had a bone to pick with the 12-foot, 580-pound critter in her ranch. She believed that monster lizard had eaten her miniature horse.

Miss Judy (You will address her with the proper tone or you will be sorry) represents everything about the Western spirit you thought it was just made for movies only: Fierce, a rancher and if you mess with her horse, you will get shot.

And this is your feel-good post for today.

Hat Tip Robert G.

Venezuelans, I am dissapoint

Salt Bae is the internet appellation for a Turkish chef who became a meme for being weird with a steak.

Because celebrity and politics have slammed into each other like the Crash at Crush Salt Bae served steaks to Venezuelan President Maduro in Turkey.

Marco Rubio voiced his opinion on this because Salt Bae owns a steakhouse in Miami.

Spot on criticism.

Understand, that steakhouse is literally across the street from my dad’s law office.  I know that building.  I know that restaurant.  I’ve been there.

The internet attacked Rubio for this.  Kicking the Press Secretary or Secretary of Education out of a restaurant is fine, but telling people to complain about a guy who is serving a mass murdering dictator is not.

Apparently Salt Bae is a big fan of dictators.  He praised Castro and did a likeness of him for fun.

It’s a good thing for him that Fidel is dead, because if Salt Bae served him a steak… I know old Cubans, they would have burned his restaurant to the ground, probably with him inside.

Miami’s Venezuelans, I am disappoint.

I have to agree, it looks like crap

I’m calling it.

It’s official.

For gun owners, Florida’s next legislative session, which begins in January, is over before it starts.

There will be no campus carry, open carry or anything else this year.

It’s a leadership thing.

 Nothing but doom and gloom coming for Florida gun owners

We were overspent. Bloomberg bought Republicans and they will do as the masters says. Funny in a way since the usual accusation is that the NRA is buying politicians all the time and that is bad, but if the money comes from New York, then it is good that politicians have a price.
Florida is going Blue maybe by the way of fake Red. If Republicans are elected, they will owe it to Bloomberg and his minions so they will be faithful to them. If they are not elected,that means a Democratic legislature that will set us back to 1980 when it comes to guns and self-defense. The only stopper would me making sure Gillum does not become governor or we are royally fucked.

I have been saying it: We need our own Billionaire.