Month: September 2018

It is not malpractice, it is propaganda and misinformation.

From Merriam Webster

Malpractice noun

mal·prac·tice | \ ˌmal-ˈprak-təs
Definition of malpractice
: a dereliction of professional duty or a failure to exercise an ordinary degree of professional skill or learning by one (such as a physician) rendering professional services which results in injury, loss, or damage

I understand Mr. Hume, as a journalist himself,  needs to cling to that last shred of hope for the trade and qualify the open media attacks as something done out of carelessness and not hatred for an enemy. But what the New York Times Taco Stand and The Washington Apostate are doing is being weapons against the President. They are engaging in open warfare at the expense of their history and reputation because they do not see themselves in a future where they are no longer relevant.

They are riding in the safety of the First Amendment for now. But they cannot longer convince people who there are major forces intent on destabilizing this country and they run the risk of losing that protection, with the sad consequences that come with being unshielded by doing the right thing.


Who wants to make a bet with me?

This is trending on Twitter:

I bet the #Resistance is loving this.

Remember how much fun they had making fun of Trump’s hands during the election.

They must feel like kids getting full size Snickers while Trick-or-Treating.

So here is my bet:

By the end of the week at least one of the following two things will happen on CNN:

  1. An artists rendition (partially blurred is allowed) – this includes #Resistance fan art.
  2. A sex expert or therapist will explain why Trump’s unusual penis is the cause of so much of his obnoxious personality – i.e. some strange Freduian psycho-sexual whatnot.

I know that seems far fetched, but I thing we have gone through a door in space and have entered some sort of political Twilight Zone and this seems ridiculous enough to happen.

More Kafkatrapping of Kavanaugh

For two years now, we have watched as the losers of the 2016 election have spent every possible breath and drop of ink denouncing the Electoral College and the Senate.

The checks and balanced built into our system of government checked them, so reflexively, they hate it.  We country bumpkins have too much power and it should be taken away from us and put in the hands of a dozen big cities.

Of course, our founders created the bicameral legislature and Electoral College to empower the smaller states and more rural populations from getting dominated by the cities.  They understood, even in the 1780’s, that without some sort of check in place, urban centers would dominate politics and that would be bad for rural farmers.

But to hell with the system because it kept Hillary out of a seat she was entitled to.

These same people hate Judge Kavanaugh.  Partly because he was nominated by Trump.  Partly because he loves himself some Constitutional limitations on government.

They have pulled out every dirty trick to try and stop him.  This last ditch effort to destroy him with an allegation from high school is the worst yet.

Forget that I support Kavanaugh’s judicial oppinions.  Forget that I want him on SCOTUS because I’d love to get a decision that protects assault rifles and CCW.  Let’s address some basic facts:

  • He has been accused of attempted rape/sexual assault from an incident from 1982.
  • He categorically denies it.
  • The other person that was supposedly involved in it also denies it.
  • So far, no other details have been provided so that Kavanaugh could provide exculpatory evidence.
  • No evidence of the assault has been provided.
  • Character witnesses have said that this accusation doesn’t sound like him at all.
  • There is no history of other incidents or an “open secret” of impropriety surrounding him the way that surrounds other high profile abusers (Weinsten, Clinton).

So the question is: do we destroy the career and professional life of a man, based on a 36 year old accusation, without a conviction or even evidence of a crime?

What kind of precedent does that set?  A terrible one.  Baring any new evidence, if this is used to destroy Kavanaugh, that should scare the shit out of every man in America.

You may have your entire life and reputation destroyed by a single, unprovable, unverifiable, accusation dating back to adolescence.

While society is more flexible than the law, we still take guidance from the law.

Innocent until proven guilty is still a principle that many Americans hold dear.  It must be destroyed.

So how do you prove guilt when there is no evidence?  Social Justice and Kafkatrapping.

We don’t need evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.  Social Justice demands that we believe the woman because she is a woman.

Our judicial system was based on the idea of Blackstone’s formulation:

“It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer.”

Forget that now.  Let all the innocent men suffer if means that we never question the accusation of a woman.

As for the “nothing to gain” part.  Have we not seen the actions of the #Resistance over the last two years.  What she has to gain is beatified hero status for taking out Kavanaugh.

This man is a fucking lawyer.  He is a CNN legal analyst and prosecutor.

Under no circumstances should hiring a lawyer or seeing counsel be construed as evidence of guilt.  Our right to counsel is enshrined in the Bill of Rights.

CNN is now saying “only guilty people want lawyers.”  Our Founders put that to bed in 1789.  To go down that path is the ultimate Kafkatrap.

In their effort to take out Kavanagh, they are nuking our entire Judicial system.

The oppressed victim status of the accuser is more credible than evidence.  Providing character witnesses is evidence guilt.  Hiring a lawyer is proof of guilt.

Justice cannot withstand this kind of assault.  This is going to turn is into a Banana Republic where people will be destroyed in court for political expedience.

This is what is on the line with Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Take pictures of wasted water intended for hurricane relief, get investigated by authorities.


San Juan, PR – The government of Puerto Rico is going after the police officer who released pictures of millions of bottles of water sitting on a runway that was supposed to be given to Hurricane Maria victims.
For reasons unknown, that water has sat untouched for months.
A decorated member of the Policia de Puerto Rico’s elite FURA squad released multiple pictures of 20,800 pallets of water that have been left sitting abandoned on the runway of Jose Aponte De La Toree Airport in Ceiba.

Puerto Rico Policia Agente Abdiel Santana, a 34-year veteran of the Puerto Rico police force, told David Begnaud of CBS that when he released the pictures, he was “mad” the water was still there, and that it had never been distributed to storm victims in need.

Puerto Rico Cop Under Investigation For Photos of $22M In Undistributed Water

Again I ask, do we want Puerto Rico as the 51st State? We do not need a banana country as part of the Union.

Support Puerto Rico’s independence!

If you needed another reason not to vote for Gillum

Sheriff Israel, whose leadership of the BSO was directly responsible for every Parkland casualty on the third floor, is stumping for Gillum.

That the single most irresponsible and narcissistic sheriff in America is supporting Gillum should tell you everything you need to know about Gillum.

This SHOULD absolutely destroy Gillum, but because clearly being a Democrat is the result of some sort of learning disability, it won’t.  All the evidence of Sheriff Israel’s incompetence and culpability in the Parkland shooting has been totally dismissed in favor of “It’s the NRA’s fault” in some sort of collective Progressive fanaticism delusion.


Florida: Republican State Senator bought by Bloomberg’s Everytown

David Hogg’s Sugar Daddy almost double the election war chest of Bill Galvano with one donation.

September 17, 2018
USF & NRA Member and Friends
Marion P. Hammer

USF Executive Director

NRA Past President

Incoming Florida Senate President Bill Galvano calls himself a Republican but is rumored to be the one who colluded with anti-gun Democrats to engineer the gun control package included in SB-7026 this past session. SB-7026 contained three major gun control provisions and was rammed down the throats of Senate and House Republican legislators. The report below below adds credence to that rumor. Looks like our Second Amendment Rights were sold for a large contribution from anti-gun former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

All of this while the anti-gunners keep accusing legislators of taking money from NRA. In reality, no Florida Senate or House member or candidate for the Florida Senate or House has received a direct contribution from NRA in almost 20 years.


September 13, 2018

NSF Staff

A political committee led by incoming Senate President Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton, last week received a $200,000 contribution from a national group that backs gun restrictions.

Galvano’s Innovate Florida committee received the money Sept. 4 from Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, which is heavily backed by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, according to a newly filed finance report.

Also last week, the Galvano committee spent $335,447. The largest chunk of that money, $250,000, went to the Florida Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee, which is helping fund GOP Senate candidates this fall.

Also, Galvano’s committee sent $75,000 to Friends of Dana Young, a committee backing Sen. Dana Young, R-Tampa, in her closely watched re-election battle in Hillsborough County’s Senate District 18.

Galvano’s committee had about $231,000 in cash on hand as of last Friday, the report shows