Month: September 2018

“Hey Miguel. How’s that plumbing coming along?

Just %$#*&@ peachy, thank you.

First I dropped the pipe cutter inside the wall as I was about to start cutting the last pipe.  The only saving grace is that I am accessing the shower & tub from the other side of the wall.

And then, while removing not-so-gracefully the valve, I managed to knock out a tile which predictably fell outside the rag I had placed on the bottom of the tub and cracked into several pieces.


About the only smart thing I have done in this whole mess was to buy Sharkbite caps.  I am taking a break, so the house has water again while no work is being done.

And mom does need to go potty. She gets mighty upset holding it too long and the chanclas come to play.

PS: No bleeding injuries or burns to the hands or anywhere else. So far.

NoRA= Rights removed upon accusation.

I am just finding out about a spree shooting in Bakersfield, but Alyssa Milano wastes no time:

In Alyssa’s World, a simple accusation would be enough to have somebody’s rights denied. she sees no problem with that as nobody she knows (Hollywood critters mostly) have never n\or they would ever lie, right. It is not tempting to accuse somebody for fun and giggles just to see the power you can exert.

You formerly cut little Fascist, that is not the way it works, Alyssa. You see we have this thing called the Fourth Amendment:

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The formula seems to hold: If they don’t like the Second Amendment, they usually are not very respectful of the rest of the Bill of Rights as they get in their way.

PS: I am steeling myself to go do the plumbing job. Have mercy on me.


It is Meme & Pic Day

You will be seeing scheduled post of memes and pics. Why? Because probably while you read this, I’ll be sobbing uncontrollably trying to do some plumbing in the house. I am known for not being the most proficient DIY for fixing pipes and I will be dealing with changing a tub and shower faucet from an old school two knobs to a single central lever.

Even though I have been planning, prepping and buying all the ingredients, It will probably take me all day and 2 trips to the hardware store to finish the job and I am being optimistic. Las Vegas oddsmakers are giving 35 to 1 ending the job sometime Saturday.

If (big one) I’m done today, my fingers will be probably be burnt and shredded so I won’t be able to write a post. My wife said I am not allowed to drip blood over the keyboard again.

That wailing you hear coming from way south is probably me.

Washington State’s Fort Sumter

Fort Sumter was a for the guarded Charleston Harbor in Charleston, South Carolina.

South Caroline seceded from the Union.  Being a Federal fort in a Confederate state, the Confederate army besieged the fort on April 12, 1861 captured it in a day.  They Confederacy held the fort until the end of the Civil War.

The siege of Fort Sumter is considered to be the first combat of the Civil War.

On to Washington State.

Washington state in legal battle with 6 states after it refuses to build coal export terminal

A lawsuit has pitted six landlocked states against Washington State over a simple question: Who owns the federal ports?

Washington State is denying the states the permits required to build a large coal export terminal along the Columbia River. The states have sued and Washington filed a motion for dismissal.

“We’re talking about the Constitution and the rule of law,” said Montana Attorney General Tim Fox, “One state can’t discriminate against another state’s commodities in this way.”

Montana and Wyoming are leading plaintiffs and two of the largest coal-producing states in the country. The Powder River Basin contains 2.5 billion tons of recoverable coal and currently supplies 40 percent of the coal used in the United States. But as many states wean themselves off of electricity from burning coal, coal companies are looking to boost exports, primarily to Asia. But they have a major problem: there are no ports along the West Coast currently set up to load coal onto ships.

To this end, a private company Lighthouse has been working with BNSF and he US Army Corps of Engineers to build the Millennium Bulk Terminal in Longview, Washington.

This is a Federally approved project.  According to Federal law, railway work is governed by Federal law under the interstate commerce clause.  All Federal permits have been approved.

Now the State of Washington is used state environmental regulations to shut down the MBT project.   Simply the Washington state goverment hates coal and and is trying to “usurp Federal authority” and kill the project.

Washington state hasn’t officially seceded from the Union but in doing this, they have said they want to put the opinions of the state government over the policies of the Federal goverment and at the detriment of neighboring states.

I-90 passes through South Dakota, I-94 passes through North Dakota, I-80 passes through Wyoming, and they all pass through Idaho and Montana before turning into I-90 and I-84 in Washington.

How do you think Washington state would react if the State police of ND, SD, MT, ID, and WY all stopped semi trailers heading across the border to seize any goods that originated in Washington state or were headed to Washington state.

It would be a clear violation of Federal law.

So what does Washington state think it can embargo the export of Great Plains state coal?

Because it is resisting the Trump policy on coal.

This is the TDS lawfare version of the siege of Fort Sumter.

The Trump administration needs to crush this hard and fast before other coastal Blue states get the idea that they can capture Federal ports and embargo goods to and from Red states.