Month: September 2018

This is the greatness of America

Several hundred American have gotten into their own vehicles to drive over 700 miles to get ready to help total strangers in the immediate wake of a natural disaster.

They have paid for this out of their own pockets and have done this without any expectation of reimbursement.

They are doing this because they want to and they experienced first had how rural people, far from population centers are under served by goverment first responders.

These are overwhelmingly working Americans who have been insulted and written off as “flyover country rubes” and declared to be “racist, sexist, xenophobes” by the media and select politicians.

Still out of the goodness of their hearts and their love for their fellow countrymen, the are putting themselves in harms way to help.

Keep an eye on this story over the next several days and the 2018 hurricane season in general.  I suspect that you are going to see the same thing over and over again.  There are going to be a lot of American flags, Trump and NRA window stickers, and Red state license plates among those who volunteer.

The Left leaning elite loved to deride these people as much as they can, but I don’t see a lot of Liberals driving pickups south down I-95 to lend a helping hand.

Facebook censoring 9-11 photos

This was taken from a buddy’s timeline:

Click to enlarge

God forbid people may find too stressing that Jihadist assholes killed 3,000 fellow Americans, right? It may lead to PTSD on gentle souls and wanting to shove  broken glass falafels up the asses of Islamic terrorists by the retrograde redneck class that unfortunately propagates Facebook much to the disgust of Zuckerberg and his associates.

Liberal Immunity Spell: Providing comfort and excuses for wrongdoing is easier than ever.

I was screwing with Allende-Defender people in Twitter and this happened:

The Liberal Immunity Spell attacks again.  But it is not that simple, the formula is binary and works something like this:

Lefty/Progressive + (Special status person or event) = Can’t be touched.


Bill Clinton gets blowjobs in White House by an intern and lies about it = Nobody’s business.
Donald Trump had sex with a porn star years before becoming a President = Impeach him!

Alyssa Milano gets told in Twitter she is a dumb broad = Sexual harassment & death threats, call the cops, suspend the offending account.
Dana Loesch gets called a cunt and they hope her family dies a horrible death = Not a violation of Twitter rules.

You get the idea. The Liberal Immunity Spell is the political equivalent of the Endangered Species Act: The gator may be chewing on the family dog and your toddler, but if you shoot the bastard, you may be arrested. The same applies if you dare to challenge a Liberal or a Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Communist cause: It shan’t be touched because we say so!

If infectious diseases ever become politically correct, we are sorely screwed.

Trevyon Martin: Rest in Power, I’m done with the show

I finally finished the Treyvon Martin: Rest in Power series.

Parts 4 and 5 were coverage and analysis of the trial.  Part 4 was the prosecution and Part 5 was the defense.

The second half of Part 4 focused largely on Rachel Jeantel.  She was one of the worst witnesses in any widely observed public trial ever.  She was a total disaster.  The show made her into a tragic figure, a victim of every prejudice and disadvantage.  Even though the show had ample time to prep her for her interview, she came off just as bad in the show as she did on the witness stand.

When it came to the defense, the show doubled down on the idea that Zimmerman’s defense team were the bad guys.  Clearly Zimmerman was guilty and his lawyers should not have defended him.  Capitalizing on the fact that Shiping Bao was the worst medical examiner and expert witness in history was not fair.  Bringing in Zimmerman’s mother to testify that she though the scream for help was George’s was both unfair and perjury.

Public opinion and the media should decide guilt and defense attorneys are just awful people who stop evil murders from being punished.

The show reached its zenith in the last episode.

The show went into the birth of the Black Lives Matter movement, tying Treyvon Martin to Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, and Eric Garner.  The show went so far as to portray the people who rioted in Ferguson as victims who had enough and couldn’t stay silent in the face of oppression anymore and the police who tried to keep law and order as murderers.

The Treyvon Martin trial is what got Trump elected.  Yes, they said that.

According to the show, white people, all white people, are oppressors.  The Treyvon Martin trial made them face up to that fact.  They didn’t like looking in the mirror and so turned white supremacist and voted for Kleagle Donald Trump.

I’m not exaggerating.

One of the activist interviewed called white people “the oppressor class.”

The show lacks all self awareness.

Did the Zimmerman trial or the riots in Ferguson influence people to the election of Donald Trump.  In fact, probably, but not for the reason the show claimed, i.e., that white supremacy was always there under the surface because all white people are racist and Trump let it come to the surface.

The ultimate problem with the George Zimmerman trial was that for the media and activist class, it was never about George Zimmerman or Treyvon Martin.

This trial was a bout every black person killed at the hands of ever white person.  The conviction of George Zimmerman would be a retroactive conviction of the men who killed Emmett Till.  White America would be convicted and Black America would be exonerated.

But that is not how justice works in America.  We are not collectivists and we do not engage in collective guilt or collective punishment.

Zimmerman could only be convinced on the merits of evidence against him, and at the time of the trial there just wasn’t enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he got out of his car with the intention of shooting a black kid just for being black.

The indictment of Zimmerman was the result of political pressure, media pressure, and a lot of self interested people engaging in grandstanding.

Zimmerman was indicted without a grand jury hearing.

This was the same failing that occurred with the Michael Brown shooting.  The shooting of Michael Brown was incidental, it was never about convicting Darren Wilson for his actions.  Darren Wilson was every white police officer in American and needed to be convicted for the crimes of every racist white cop who ever called a black man “boy” since the beginning of Jim Crow.

Again, that’s not how justice in America works.

I didn’t matter that “hands up, don’t shoot” was proven to be false.  It’s just too good to let go, so just two days ago, high school kids were protesting for gun control with that mantra in New York City.

Obama’s “Treyvon could have been me 35 years ago” was a deciding moment in American race relations.

There have always been and will always be a tiny percent of people who are extremist nut jobs.

By and large, White America isn’t racist.  A lot of the push back against Black Lives Matter and for Trump was a push back against the collectivization of guilt.

Every white person in America is not culpable for the death of Treyvon Martin or Michael Brown.  When justice is perverted to those ends, there will be push back.

The pro-Treyvon activists turned the Zimmerman trial into a trial of White America.  They made race relations worse with collective guilt and collective punishment.  When that was resisted, they blamed white supremacy.

The show refused to acknowledge the role its own activist class had in making race relations worse.

This show should serve as a warning against this type of politicization of trails.  I’m afraid the message too many people will take is “next time, try harder.”




Because we are cool Lefty kids

“Let’s be Political Hipsters and bring the Allende coup to Social Media today rather than respect 9/11.”

Not saying that Pinochet was an angel, but Allende was a communist asshole who was already swimming between dislike and hate by Chileans. There were protest and marches and the traditional cooking pot banging in Santiago (the capital) on a regular basis, so the image of a perfectly angelic image of Allende was mostly post-coup propaganda.

“But Miguel, there is no proof that Allende was a communist!”

Castro visiting Chile

And if that is not enough, check the first photo again. With the exception of Cuba, do you know how rare is to see AK 47s in this side of the Atlantic in 1973 in the hands of a government? This is a South America covered from top to bottom by FN FALs as main rifle with 2 plants, one in Argentina and one in Venezuela.

So 45 years ago, a CIA backed junta got rid of a communist. Big fucking deal.

My hatred of First Man just went up

The YouTube algorithm strikes again.

I got hit with the First Man trailer as the advertisement to a YouTube video.

Actually what I saw was trailer No. 2, but it’s the first one I’ve seen.

I’m not even mad that they are not showing the planting of the American flag on the moon anymore.

I get it is a movie and they need drama but everything in this trailer screamed “going to the moon wasn’t worth it.”

Setting foot on the moon was the single greatest literal step in human history.  All the things that had to happen to make that possible are incalculable.

It wasn’t just the rockets, it was every aspect of technology from computers to metallurgy that was innovated to make that happen.

NASA took risks.  They had to.  But they were going where no one had gone before.

It is amazing just how few lives were lost by America in the space race given the unprecedented challenges NASA had to deal with.

Every single Mercury and Apollo astronaut was a hero for being willing to put his life on the line for this great accomplishment.

From the trailer, NASA comes across looking like a bunch of half-assed idiots who took needless risks.

This move says “We killed some astronauts, spent a bunch of money, nearly ruined Armstrong’s marriage, all for what?  To put a man on the moon.”

Only Woke Hollywood could make a movie that has the temerity to shit on NASA for putting a man on the moon.