Month: September 2018

David Hogg may have finally sunk himself

He lost Newsweek.


Yep, that is a Newsweek headline.

Newsweek as in the Left leaning magazine that on multiple occasions made Obama look like a god or saint on their cover.

That Newsweek just called out David Hogg.

The video, which was posted to Twitter Sunday by security analyst Jim Hanson, started with Hogg telling the crowd that he believed Canadians could donate to political campaigns in the U.S.

“I think Canadians can donate to political campaigns in the United States,” he said as he turned to Moore.

The filmmaker shook his head no, which then led Hogg to encourage Canadian voters to keep voting in their own country.

“Well, vote here,” said Hogg. “Learn from us. Don’t let this happen here, because we need to come to you guys if we stay on this track.”

Moore gestured to get the microphone back from Hogg and then continued the discussion. The filmmaker’s latest movie is about how he predicted the presidential win of Donald Trump. Moore traveled across the U.S. to see the impact the Trump presidency has had socially, economically and politically.

Hogg can’t be up on stage soliciting for illegal foreign campaign contributions standing next to #Resistance leader Michael Moore.

When the Democrats are trying to make impeachment level hay out of “Russian collusion” they can’t let Hogg openly violate campaign finance laws in Canada.

Opening his stupid mouth and saying things that are untrue, that’s fine.  The media does that every day.

Insulting millions of Americans, well… they were probably Trump voters anyway.

Breaking Federal law on stage at the Toronto Film Fest… that’s too far.

He finally may have sunk himself.  His Democrat overlords are going to have to stuff him under a rock for a while.

Though him wearing out his welcome is great, the sight of him in FBI handcuffs and being charged by the FEC would be even better.

When teenagers try to dunk without knowing the law

Here are the images:

I don’t know anything about Ken Paxton.  A quick Google search says that he’s been indicted for fraud.

While Marcel here is correct that an indictment does stop you from being able to receive a gun from an FFL, he didn’t check the full definition of a prohibited person from the ATF.

The Gun Control Act (GCA), codified at 18 U.S.C. § 922(g), makes it unlawful for certain categories of persons to ship, transport, receive, or possess firearms or ammunition, to include any person:

  • convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
    who is a fugitive from justice;
  • who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 802);
  • who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution;
    who is an illegal alien;
  • who has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;
  • who has renounced his or her United States citizenship;
  • who is subject to a court order restraining the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of the intimate partner; or

who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
The GCA at 18 U.S.C. § 992(n) also makes it unlawful for any person under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year to ship, transport, or receive firearms or ammunition.

Being indicted for a felony does not make someone a prohibited person.  Paxton can continue, by Federal law, to own any guns he currently has.  He just can’t buy new ones.

Paxton cannot be stripped of of civil rights to own a gun without a conviction.  He is innocent until proven guilty and and indictment is not a conviction.

Hogg thought he was dunking on the NRA but really he was showing, again, how little he understands gun law and the fine details that are so important in its applications.

Kaboom: Double Charge

Joe Huffman shares with us his mistake (and a costly one) so we don’t forget that Reloading while simple, it is not without its dangers.  He is OK:

My face got peppered with tiny bits of something and stun for a few minutes but it did not break the skin. I had a slightly shadow on my face around my safety glasses giving me a bit of a raccoon appearance.

Keywords right there: Safety Glasses. This is why we are so dogmatic with safety rules, THEY PAY OFF!

Turns out the Russian whore story was fake news

Remember how the anti-gun activist camps started running stories about how Maria Butina, the Russian gun rights activist, was running around giving away sex to politicians and other people as part of Russian collusion or for the NRA to launder money or some crap like that?

Well, it was all fake news.

Prosecutors Admit They Wrongly Accused Russian of Offering Sex for Republican Access

Federal prosecutors have admitted that they wrongly accused Maria Butina, a Russian citizen now in custody on charges of illegally acting as a foreign agent, of offering to trade sex for a job as part of a covert effort by Russian government officials to infiltrate Republican circles in the United States.

In a court filing late Friday, prosecutors in the United States attorney’s office in Washington acknowledged that they had been “mistaken” in interpreting what were apparently joking text messages between Ms. Butina and a friend who had helped her renew her car insurance.

They were ‘mistaken.’  A mistake amplified by the anti-Trump media and anti-gun nut jobs who try to sell a message that the NRA is some combination of the Soylent Corporation and the Third Reich, that have figure out how to profit from the murder of children and minorities.

Right… that was only a mistake.

Ms. Butina was charged this summer with conspiracy and illegally acting as an agent of the Russian government in what prosecutors have claimed was a secret campaign to try to influence high-level Republican politicians, including Donald J. Trump, both as a candidate and after his election. Denied bail, she is now in custody in the detention center in Alexandria, Va.

Defense lawyers for Ms. Butina are arguing that the prosecutors’ error is emblematic of a flawed federal case that has wrongly landed their client in pretrial custody. A federal judge is scheduled to review Ms. Butina’s request that she be released from jail, as well as whether to impose a gag order, on Monday.

Make Trump, the GOP, and NRA look bad all over the news.  Then backtrack when a judge has to decide if her civil rights were violated.

“I’m glad they walked it back, but in a lot of ways, the damage is already done,” Robert N. Driscoll, Ms. Butina’s lawyer, said in an interview. In court filings, he has argued that his client engaged in innocent political activity but has now been falsely portrayed as a villain in a sensationalized spy drama. “A simple Google search using the phrase ‘Maria Butina and sex’ yields over 300,000 hits,” he said.

No.  Fucking.  Shit.  That was the whole point.  That is what happens when the Justice Department become the “Just Us Department” for Federal bureaucrats.  This wasn’t an accident, it was a partisan hit job.

In their latest filing, prosecutors argued that even if they had wrongly interpreted Ms. Butina’s text messages to a friend, she should not be released from custody, because she was likely to flee the country. Since her arrest, they said, it has become even clearer that she was not simply a foreign graduate student with an interest in American politics, but a Russian operative.

They said that Russian government emissaries had visited her at least six times in jail, and that Sergey V. Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, had complained twice about her prosecution to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “The actions of the Russian Federation and its officials toward the defendant have confirmed her relationship with, and value to, her own government,” they said.

Maybe that’s true.

Maybe it is the job of a goverment to protect its citizens when they are locked up abroad.

I guess by the standards of the DOJ, Otto Warmbier really was an American agent in North Korea simply by the fact that Trump worked to bring him home.  A nation trying to protect its citizens overseas is an admission of spying.  A nation trying to protect its citizens overseas is an admission of spying.  This is probably why the Obama administration left Warmbier to be tortured in Korea.  It could also be why they left Ambassador Stevens to die in Benghazi.  He wasn’t a spy so we didn’t need to protect our asset.

So it turns out that the sex and intrigue was fake news.  I have a feeling this whole case is going to turn out to be fake news.  But the trial by media and Twitter #Resistance has already been done and Trump and the NRA have been found guilty.  Even if all charges against Ms. Butina are dismissed, it’s not like David Hogg is going to apologize for his attacks on the NRA using this fake news.

These people got what they wanted, everyone they don’t like got a black eye in the public perception, facts be damned.

Hurricane Florence after the Carolinas: Reposting the Southcom Hurricane Survival Kit.


From an old post seven years ago. You may need to update.

I still think this is the best compilation out there.

  • Bottled water ( 1 gallon per day per person) for 14 days
  • Manual can opener*
  • Non-perishable foods:*
  • Canned meat, fish, fruit and vegetables
  • Bread in moisture proof packaging
  • Cookies, candy, dried fruit
  • Canned soups, & milk
  • Powdered or single serve drinks
  • Cereal bars
  • Package condiments
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Instant coffee & tea
  • Flashlight (1 per person) *
  • Portable battery powered lanterns
  • Glass enclosed candles
  • Battery powered radio or TV
  • Battery operated alarm clock
  • Extra batteries, including hearing aids
  • Ice chest and ice
  • First Aid Kit-including aspirin, antibiotic cream, and antacids
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Sun screen (45 SPF recommended)
  • Waterproof matches/butane lighter
  • Money (At least $200 in cash, small bills)
  • Plain bleach or water purification tablets
  • Disposable plates, glasses, and Utensils
  • Maps of the area with landmarks on it
  • Sterno
  • Portable camp stove or grill
  • Stove fuel or charcoal, lighter fluid
  • Disposable eating utensils, plates & cups
  • Napkins & paper towels
  • Aluminum foil
  • Oven mitts
  • Lighters, matches, BBQ Lighters (long reach so you do not get burned)
  • Prescriptions ( 1month supply)*
  • Photo copies of prescriptions*
  • Toilet paper
  • Entertainment: books, magazines, card games etc*
  • Soap and detergent
  • Toiletries*
  • Bedding: pillows, sleeping bag*
  • Clothing for a few days*
  • Rain ponchos, and work gloves
  • Extra glasses or contact lenses


  • Babies  Disposable diapers*
  • Babies Formula, food and medication*
  • Photo copies of prescriptions
  • Photo identification*
  • Proof of occupancy of residence (utility bills)
  • Medical history or information
  • Waterproof container for document storage
  • Back-up disks of your home computer files
  • Camera & film

Pet Supplies

  • Dry & canned food for two weeks
  • Water (1/2 gallon per day)
  • Litter box supplies
  • Traveling Cage

Other Necessities:

  • Tools: hammer, wrenches, screw drivers, nails, saw
  • Trash bags (lots of them)
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Plastic drop cloth
  • Mosquito netting
  • ABC rated fire extinguisher
  • Masking or duct tape
  • Outdoor extension cords
  • Spray paint to identify your home if necessary
  • One of your home phones (many people lost theirs during Andrew, even though their phone service still worked)

And, of course, weapons and ammunition!

Elections in a “democratic” country.

Doing a bit of support on J. Kb.s post.

In Venezuela there is no such thing as the electoral college. You get a majority of votes, you get elected. Simple and uncomplicated, right? That is the goal Socialism strives for. Every vote counts, majority rules! Vox Populi, Vox Dei!

All the elections in Venezuela when I was living down and till Chavez won, had the same strategy and the same outcome: He who control the two main urban areas, wins the elections.

95% of the attention during an election year and during the campaign went to two cities: Caracas, the capital and Maracaibo, the capital of Zulia State, Oil country. And what I mean by paying attention was that the Government Party got to pave streets suddenly paved, cash was given away, hospitals  brimmed with supplies, ambulances and a new coat of paint and promises of ponies and rainbows made. The challenging party only could hand out cash, make bigger promises, hand out bags of food to the poorest and count on the people’s anger about government not fulfilling the promises of the past election.

The rest of the country with the exception of Ciudad Bolivar (and only because it has the steel, aluminum productions and electric generation) were pretty much ignored from the attentions of the parties. And that reflected at congress/assembly later when nobody cared if your small state in the boondocks was in need of bridges because the “temporary” ones built 30 years ago, had collapsed or the government clinics were crumbling down.

I included in the map the cities of Maracay and Valencia, but they are the equivalent of a bonus pack in a video game: Great to have them for an emergency, but they are not really life or death.

Caracas es Caracas y el resto es monte y culebras” (Caracas is Caracas and the rest is wild brush and snakes) is the Venezuelan equivalent of the American Intelligentsia deriding anything not NY/L.A. also known as Fly-Over Country. It was institutionalized that if it was not the great urban center, the rest was shit, no need to care about much and do not waste sleep about it. I do not have to tell you the levels of poverty before Chavez and Socialism and how worse it got after the Boys in Red took over.

When I moved to the US and finally wrapped my brain around the concept of Electoral Colleges, I was amazed at the genius of the system: You cannot safely ignore the “Little People” because they will eventually screw your plans big time. Same as the Bullet Box, the American Ballot Box is a deterrent or a monkey wrench in the plans of Statists: You need to consider the needs and wants of everybody or die a miserable electoral death.

Just ask Hillary.