Month: September 2018

Is Think Progress endorsing insurrection?

Going back through the timeline of the responses to the Kavanaugh Senate confirmation hearing is this Tweet by Ian Millheiser.

There are two things to consider here.

First, it the radicals here are pounding on the same idea that they did back in 2016, an Electoral College victory is not a legitimate way to win an Election. Another Tweet by Millheiser backs this up.

The people who push this idea do it for exactly the reason our Founding Fathers created the Electoral College and bicameral legislature.

Founders: “we don’t want high population density urban areas with interest that are different than rural agricultural areas to have the ability to dominate the government.”

Democrats: “we want high population density urban areas with interest that are different than rural agricultural areas to have the ability to dominate the government because we control the urban areas.”

The other thing to notice is that Millheiser seems to be referencing the four boxes of freedom concept. The boxes usually that guarantee freedom are the soap box, jury box, ballot box, and cartridge box. They are using the soap box now to little effect. I don’t see how the jury box plays into this, which leaves only the cartridge box left.

Millheiser seems to be endorsing this.

The Senate is the greatest body for minority rights ever dreamed up by a government anywhere. It protects the minority that don’t live in larger or more population dense states, which are generally wealthier, from those who do.

These people are so angry that our founders put a check against mob rule into our Constitution that they are ready to begin an insurrection.

“New York (City) and California aren’t in total control of picking the President or confirming the next Supreme Court Justice so we’re going to start killing people.”

If you thought you needed another reason to own guns, here it is.

And in a unexpected moment of veracity, the New York Times fingers Obama.

WASHINGTON — If Donald J. Trump decides as president to throw a whistle-blower in jail for trying to talk to a reporter, or gets the F.B.I. to spy on a journalist, he will have one man to thank for bequeathing him such expansive power: Barack Obama.
Mr. Trump made his animus toward the news media clear during the presidential campaign, often expressing his disgust with coverage through Twitter or in diatribes at rallies. So if his campaign is any guide, Mr. Trump seems likely to enthusiastically embrace the aggressive crackdown on journalists and whistle-blowers that is an important yet little understood component of Mr. Obama’s presidential legacy.
Criticism of Mr. Obama’s stance on press freedom, government transparency and secrecy is hotly disputed by the White House, but many journalism groups say the record is clear. Over the past eight years, the administration has prosecuted nine cases involving whistle-blowers and leakers, compared with only three by all previous administrations combined. It has repeatedly used the Espionage Act, a relic of World War I-era red-baiting, not to prosecute spies but to go after government officials who talked to journalists.
Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.

If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama

It is a bitch when the opposition plays under the same rules your side played with, right? But you never thought you would see the day when that machete would be used to shave your balls, didn’t you?

The Piper accepts cash, credit cards and PayPal.  Pony up.

Restoring Rights to Non Violent Felons.

The case of Krissy Noble has many in the Gun Culture railing in a righteous uproar. A young mother uses her husband’s gun to successfully defend herself at home from a violent intruder. She is not charged with a crime for it, but she heading to court because she was a felon in possession of a gun.  You see, Ms Noble had caught a 5 year suspended sentence for marijuana possession making her an automatic felon.

Absurd, but it is the law. It is the law that we have ignored for too many years so it is on our heads. Here in Florida, for example, if you are found or plea guilty of a non-violent Felony,  you will also lose your concealed weapons permit.  Some of those crimes are rather silly or are overblown as felonies like Defrauding Inkeeper (Don’t screw with hotels/motels in Florida), writing bad checks, intercept oral communication, keep a gambling house (them poker games with money exchanging hands?) and possession of a still or still apparatus.

And I do believe we have a good chance to change the law both at state and federal level. The Liberal’s movement to restore the Right to Vote for every felon (including killers and child rapists) could be used to put forward and win our fixing to the plight of people like Krissy. Voting right for Felons has always been a contradictory but successful platform, it is basically politicians saying: “I just wanna give you back the rights that can provide me a benefit and screw you with the rest.”

We need to clinch on that now that the marijuana laws are also changing. Many people who had their lives screwed for silly pot possession and have been perfect citizens after that, do not deserve to be branded and unable to defend themselves without consequences for the rest of their lives.

I do not claim to have all the right answers for this thing. I only have the gut feeling this is a very winnable cause if properly presented. The Opposition will have to explain why Suzy Homemaker, mother of three, PTA and member of the Antioch Revival Church of the Region does not have the right to defend herself from the Bubba Jose Dashiki who already has several felony convictions on him and just broke into her house planning to make her a forcible semen rag before killing her but has Liberals championing him do he can get his right to vote restored.

This cause is probably as important of not more important than National Reciprocity. At least, that is my take.

It is not simply that Gun Owners vote.

Like Michael Bane is fond to say, we always vote guns. Liberals will vote according to what is in the political weather that election cycle: Gay Rights for Muslim Albinos or against Greenhouse Gases from Field Mice or whatever is the cause du jour. Gun Owners will vote for the candidate that supports the Second Amendment every. single. time.

We are that ornery.

Old News: Reward Classified Ad

We all know via the movies about the reward posters. But this here makes sense. While the poster is fixed to a location, the classified goes wherever the newspaper goes with a great chance to being seen by people far from the original location. This was quite common from what I have seen in the archives and it strikes me that I never seen it in the movies or documentaries.