Month: September 2018

A small peek inside the twisted brain of Senator Feinstein.

The first few seconds after 1:33 are the important part.

Under that consideration, most if not all tools can be banned as we don’t use them all the time. The same goes for books, specially if you have an extensive library and while we are at it, anything related to Freedom of Speech as you are not out there every day trying to redress wrongs. Shall we go on about Private Property? How about uterus? Can we control who gets pregnant and who gets an abortion? It is not like women use the uterus that often in their lifetimes.

It is no longer willingness to sacrifice the First to get to the Second, it is officially “Fuck the Bill of Rights, we are tired of not controlling the little people.”

Is there a Civil War Clock out there, like the Doomsday Clock? Because morons like her sure a winding that puppy hard.

And then Senator Feinstein will get her definition of use fulfilled.


Zina Bash was filmed in a sound stage at Area 51

This Zina Bash making a “white power” hand gesture thing has reached fake moon landing levels of conspiracy theory.

CNN’s Brian Stelter, in a moment of honesty and reasonableness, called this nonsense.

It is, of course.  The alt-Right meme squads scored a decisive victory with this hoax.  Praying on the hysterical gullibility of people with TDS to make them look even stupider.

That fact that even partisan media groups like CNN and Buzzfeed have to admit that the “WP” hand sign was a hoax and this is benign, wasn’t enough for the truly deranged.

Some internet nutjob knows more about this than her own husband.

NOBODY!!!  It has to be a conspiracy.  If you asked me, having watched to video, I think she was picking at something on her arm, probably out of boredom or trying not to fidget too much on camera.  That’s a lot more reasonable than “she’s giving secret Nazi code during a Senate SCOTUS hearing.”

Hero of the #Resistance, proves that he’s taken himself apart at the seams because of a meme hoax.  The alt-Right does this just to trigger the TDS sufferers and Gu allows himself to be triggers, just to prove the alt-Right’s point.

Says someone who sides with the party that called this guy a hero and wanted to give him a Purple Heart for doing this before Congress.

Smirking like a child molester during testimony is praiseworthy.

Looking annoyed at the histrionic antics of Senate Democrats is unprofessional and rude.

This thing has no signs of ending because it’s another smoking gun that Trump is a secret Nazi to the people that want to believe that Trump is a secret Nazi.




David Hogg should sit this one out

Judge Kavanaugh has written over 300 opinions, which have been submitted for review for his confirmation.

According to Senator Chuck Grassley, Kavanaugh’s record is greater than that of the last five Justice nominees put together.

The Wall Street Journal expands on this.

The main charge is that Mr. Grassley is “denying” crucial documents to “hide” Judge Kavanaugh’s record. The Senators are ignoring the 307 opinions he has written, and the 17,000 pages of material he provided in response to the committee’s questionnaire—the most extensive ever demanded of a nominee. The Senators have already received more than half a million pages about his time as a lawyer and judge—more documents than were provided for the past five Supreme Court nominees combined.

So what are the Democrats complaining about?  What documents don’t they have?

Democrats haven’t found a killer issue in all of this, so they are demanding documents from Judge Kavanaugh’s time as a staff secretary in the Bush White House. The documents would reveal little about Judge Kavanaugh’s legal thinking, since as staff secretary his job was to vet and monitor what President Bush saw each day.

Most of these documents are privileged, and for good reason. They represent high-level deliberations that require honest advice. When Democrat Pat Leahy ran the Judiciary Committee, he didn’t even ask the Obama White House to provide documents from Elena Kagan’s tenure at the Solicitor General’s office, though they surely were relevant to her legal views.

Oh, so the Democrats want to open up to public scrutiny privileged documents from the Bush White House.

That doesn’t seem like a partisan trap at all.

Somehow, I can’t believe that a record of 307 opinions and 17,000 pages of work history is less than what it takes to get into college.

I have an even harder time believing this from a kid who was rejected by every college he applied to.

Always take a knife to a wedding

I’m going to a best friend’s wedding this weekend and will be flying out tomorrow.  I’m using this as an opportunity to get some vacation in, so I may not post much for a few days.

My wife an I were going through are packing list for the trip.  She asked what jewelry I thought she should bring.  I was trying to pick out what knife would go well with my suit.

I always bring a knife to a wedding.

Some years ago, when I was in school in South Dakota, there were half-a-dozen of us who were really close friends.  We all got married over the course of two years, pretty much the summer after graduating or commencing with an MS.

The first of us to get married was my buddy we’ll call D.  He and his wife were from Rapid City, his dad was with the police and his mom was a teacher.  His wife’s mom was a teacher, they knew everybody in town.

They had a beautiful ceremony, except for one tiny hiccup.  One of his wife’s cousins was the ring girl.  They tie the ring to the pillow now days so the little kids doesn’t drop it.  The girl was supposed to untie the bow and hand over the rings.  Something went wrong and it got pulled into a hard knot.

There was some commotion at the alter as they tried to untie the knot, until someone found a scissor to cut the knot.  The wedding resumed

So a month later, another of our buddies got married.  During the rehearsal, another one of my buddies was busting D’s balls about the ring girl incident.  Someone else joked that he should have had a knife on him.  The groom said that he would bring one just in case.  At which point the current groom’s fiance asked how many of us had a knife on us at that moment, at which point all of us pulled one out.  She had to get a picture of that, so there we all were in our suits, standing at the alter of a church, each one of us holding open a pocket knife.

This became a running gag over the course of the next few weddings, with each of us carrying more and more knives each time.

One of my buddies actually got us all engraved pocket knives as groomsman gifts.

It’s been years since then and most of us have moved out of South Dakota, but I still remember that fondly, and give the advice “always take a knife to a wedding.”


The White Power Sign Dumb Show.

J. Kb. touched (with PVC-coated gloves) the insanity of the OK sign being the White Power sign because Liberal not only bought that troll turd that 4Chan served, they keep chewing on it.

What I did not realize is how many people are secret members of White Power and have been flashing the sign of the Klan through the years and in so many Media outlets!

Amazing the stupidity that runs free.