Month: September 2018

When something is too good to be true..

Guy deserts the Venezuelan National Guard with his AK, tries to sell it for $5,000. Bad guys agree and then stupid happens: They kill him and dump him in a mass grave.

I know Gun Control is tight in Venezuela, but $5K for an AK? And specially when you know criminals kill cops and military for their weapons in a regular basis.

Once again, play stupid games and collect stupid prizes.

Twitter Tough

I saw this on Twitchy.

The Tweet is real as far as I can tell.

Screen grabbed for posterity.

He thinks his Tweet says “I’m a tough guy.”

In really, his bat says “I watch too much The Walking Dead,” while he hair and jacket scream “I take it in the butt.”

What I guess is supposed to be a threat really seems more like a BDSM leather fetishist making a come-on.

Maxine Waters and Ethno-supremacy

Aretha Franklin’s funeral was a spectacle of racists and rapists gathered together engaging in lewdness and groping in an insane travesty of what a funeral should be.

So it should have been no surprise that Maxine Waters was there being stupid.

Oh great, she’s giving the Wakanda salute.  Brilliant.

For full disclosure, I haven’t seen Black Panther yet.  At some point it will come to Netflix of HBO and then I’ll see it.

What I do know is that Black Panther has become a “cultural phenomenon” for black people.  Yes, it is a major big budget superhero movie with a mostly black cast that was taken seriously as part of a huge, multi-billion dollar movie franchise.  That is worth noting.

But that’s not what the phenomenon is.  One aspect is the argument that “Wakanda is what Africa would be like if it weren’t for European colonialism.”  Seriously.

Never mind that is an impossible conjecture.  While the Portuguese did have colonies in Africa going back to the 1400’s, they were little more than small, coastal, trading sites.  The Dutch did settle in small colonies in what is now South Africa in the 1600’s, but the major conquest of Africa didn’t take place until the late 1880’s with the Scramble for Africa.

Africa was a long way from Wakanda for a variety of reasons.  If you read the excellent book, Guns, Germs, and Steel, one of the considerations is Africa’s wildlife.  The horse and cattle native to Europe and central Asia were domesticable.  The African water buffalo and zebra were not.  There were just too many apex predators and they were too unapproachable.

Without domesticated draft animals, large scale farming was not possible.  Without large scale agriculture, economic specialization was not possible.  Without economic specialization, the artisans and skilled craftsman who drove innovation didn’t exist, and ultimately an industrial revolution was out of the question.

Pythagoras and Newton couldn’t have developed Geometry and Calculus if they had to spend all day subsistence farming.

The zebra had more to do with Africa not being Wakanda than England.

I learned long ago why white supremacists are the way they are.  They are typical bullies, they have no self esteem.

There  is a joke that I’ve seen going around the internet that usually accompanies a picture of an obese, “people of Wal-Mart” looking guy in Nazi armband that says “why is it that white supremacists are usually such bad examples of white people.”

the possible origin of this meme comes from the comic Preacher.

These people are losers.  They have nothing going for them in their lives.  They need something to make themselves feel better so what they find is racial supremacy.

The movie American History X was accurate, every one of the supremacists in that movie was an uneducated loser living in squalor with a dead end job.

Even the Nazis, actual German Nazism, was the result of a lack of national self esteem brought on by the Treaty of Versailles.  A central principle of Nazism was “Germany is in the dumps because other races undermine us, we are superior Aryans.”

That psychology is at the heart of the Black Panther phenomenon.  If it weren’t for white colonialism, Africa would be a hyper-technological super state.  Every black man in America is really N’Jadaka, an African warrior-prince.

So when Maxine Waters gives the Wakanda salute, like it’s a real honorific and not something made up by Hollywood earlier this year, she’s clearly identifying with the fictitious ethno-supremacy that low self esteem blacks and SJW’s have glommed onto.

What is particularly sad about that is that while Maxine Waters is an incredibly stupid person who has used nothing but corruption and racial animus to keep getting elected to Congress, Aretha Franklin was an accomplished woman.  It’s doubtful Franklin would have bought  into the low self-esteem driven ethno-supremacy that Waters has.

Buzz Aldrin settles it

Buzz Aldrin got wind of the woke turd biopic First Man about Neil Armstrong.

You know, the international Astronaut who spent three days eating gluten free, vegan, soy paste out of tube so that he had the energy to prance around on the moon while singing kumbaya.

Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon, so clearly not worthy of his own biopic, decided to drop the mic on Ryan Gosling.

So for those keeping count, both Chuck Yeager and Buzz Aldrin have expressed their opinion why this movie is wrong and will suck.

If I owned a movie theater, on October 12 when First Man premiers, I’d show get the rights to and show a double feature of The Right Stuff and Apollo 13.

Apollo 13 holds a place near and dear to my heart.  My dad took me to see it in theaters when I was 12 years old and this scene changed my life.

I saw that and KNEW that for the rest of my life I wanted to solve practical problems.  I didn’t know what an engineer was, but I knew I wanted to be one.

Jack Ryan: Great show, no SJW crap.

The missus and I finished the binge last night.  Let’s set the post: I am a huge Tom Clancy fan and I can probably stay for hours arguing about his best books (A tie for first between Red Storm Rising and Without Remorse). The missus has not read Clancy ever nor she cares.

She loved the damned show, and so did I.

If you are a Clancy fan, I must tell you how I approached the series: I knew from the get-go that this was not to be a faithful approach to Clancy’s book and accepted it. This is a new timeline, if you wish. If this was Science Fiction, we would be watching our favorite characters in an alternate universe. This is not the Ryan from the Cold War era books, but has the same internal nature and motivation. There are some adapted differences & similarities  in personal character (this Ryan is a tested combat veteran) which is the genius in itself. It is not a totally new unknown person yet is fresh enough to attract new fans. In my opinion they did a great job trying to satisfy both old and new fans.

Female main characters are strong which is a Clancy trait long before the whole SJW even began to be masturbated. yes, there are some representations of Human Trafficking that are not very nice, but guess what? It is a faithful portrayal of what is happening out there.  Probably the reason why so many liberals have criticized the series about women and Muslims may have to do with the lollipop scene. I won’t do a spoiler, but when you watch it, you will understand what I am saying.

The surprise character-wise was Admiral Greer.

Played by The Wire’s Wendell Pierce, he is not the soft fatherly figure, office-strategist we are used to, but a hard charger, hyper-realistic Ops guy who knows his hands will get dirty to get the job done. I might be a bit prejudiced since I am an absolute fan of his for his incredible job in The Wire.

And what I liked the best is that the producers and writers did not fall for the “24” ailment of almost always having a secret evil cabal of super rich white people being the real bad guys controlling everything and everybody like puppets.

So, Jack Ryan has the official recommendation from me and the missus. You have the day off today, so go forth and binge. And that reminds me there is one bad thing about the series: Being only eight episode, it was not long enough, damn it! We wanted at least two more episodes!

And now I wait till I hear we will have a second season.

Gillum won’t raise taxes on Floridians to pay for Medicare. No sh*t you won’t.

Well, if he is elected, he would be having troubles raising taxes for 2 reasons: One, that is the job of the legislature and Two: Florida does not have State Income Tax. I doubt that even a 100% Democrat Legislature would be stupid enough to institute it, but Democrats do like a challenge and be stupid.

So, it is not that the lying asshole will be good-hearted and caring about Floridians and not raise the taxes but he simply cannot do so.