Month: September 2018

“Kavanaugh cannot be confirmed. He gets angry.”

This is one of the accusations I kept seeing online yesterday.  Of course, if he had remained calm, he would have been called unfit because no normal individual would have gotten angry at the increased attacks on him and his family. Catch-22 is the Left’s favorite game.

Now, please enjoy the irony of the statement that comes from the crowd that invented micro-aggressions, safe spaces and the whole slew of scaredy-cat modern living.  The same people who go into a fit of rage when they see somebody wearing a red cap or hit somebody over the head with a bike lock because you dared to march for something you believe in.

The face of the “Calm and reasoned” Left.

End Stage America

Yesterday America put one foot in the grave

I cannot say it enough, yesterday, American witnessed the Democrats put on a Stalinist show trial.

They had not one shred of evidence against Judge Kavanaugh.

Every witness that was interviewed about the allegations either denied knowledge of the incident or said that it did not happen and that it was exceptionally unlikely that Kavanaugh would have done something like that.

The Democrats continued to press on Kavanaugh.  Without evidence they dragged up the stupid shit he wrote in his yearbook when he was 17.  They asked him about his high school drinking habits.  That was not evidence of a crime.  That was solely to embarrass him and impugn his character.

All they could offer was innuendo.

He was asked by every Committee Democrat to call for an FBI investigation on himself.  It was repeatedly implied that not doing so was evidence of guilt.

“If you are innocent, you have nothing to hide.  Only guilty people don’t want the highest law enforcement agency in the land to turn their lives upside down.”

That is a Stalinist statement.  That is the attitude of despots and tyrannical governments.

The Democrat supporters online at it up.

“Of course he did it, he’s a entitled, rich, white, prep-school, young man.  They are always guilty.”

There were always people who were guilty in the Soviet Union.

The Jews were always guilty.  The Ukrainians were always guilty. The Capitalists were always guilty.  The Bourgeoisie were always guilty.

They were always guilty because of who they were and how much money they had.

Their trials were never about justice, they were about intimidating those who got in the way of the acquisition of state power.

Of course Kavanaugh was pissed as hell.

I was when I was falsely accused of sexual misconduct in college.  It was a prank gone wrong on a sorority girl.  I didn’t do it, but I was known for pulling pranks so it was blamed on me.  This was before #MeToo and the Obama letter so I was able to prove my innocence.

I completely understand the anger, indignation, and gut wrenching fear that he felt being accused of something so terrible.  I can understand the rage he felt at the people who besmirched his reputation.  I can understand any abject hatred that he would have to the people that have sent rape and death threats to his wife, and messages to his wife saying she’s married to a rapist.

The more passionately Kavanaugh defended himself the more that made him guilty and unqualified in the eyes of Democrat supporters.

He’s guilty by demographic association, and if that is not enough, he’s guilty because he’s indignant that he was baselessly accused.

There there are people like this woman:

He did it because she had daddy issues.

Social Justice is nothing but pure Stalinism.

This was America’s first Social Justice trial.  No evidence was presented by the accuser, but half of America was ready to convict because of Kavanaugh’s demographic membership and the alignment of his politics.  The angry mob cheered on this farcical show trial because of the spectacle of publicly destroying a high ranking member of a undesirable group.

America died a little because of this yesterday.

Social Justice tyranny has taken too firm a root and is metastasizing at too fast a rate.

Even if Kavanaugh is confirmed, this will happen again and again, because embarrassing the man in public just felt too good to them, and next time they just have to try harder and a weaker man might fold.

This is end stage America.



What was Alyssa Milano doing in the Kavanaugh Hearing?

Via The Feral Irishman:

You remember the post yesterday where Alyssa Milano was seen in the chambers where the Kavanaugh Hearings were about to be held:

Since I did not watch the hearings, it seems something was happening in the background and it involved our little deranged girl:

The double tap that Alyssa Milano used was to have two signs.

The first was deliberately allowed to be confiscated, so that the cops would relax.

Then Milano would cause a commotion with her SECOND sign, which the planners thought the cops would have missed.
(28) Therefore we can conclude that this was an elaborate plan that involved United States senators and their staffers.

When they said “By any means necessary,” they weren’t kidding.

Thread by @ThomasWictor: “(1) Well, I’ll explain to you why @Alyssa_Milano did this.

In any other era, I would have dismissed this as over-excitable imagination. But the way the Democrats and assorted minions are behaving lately, I have to be at least concerned that I am no longer trusting good sense coming from that side.

Bring it!

Professional writer Susan Orlean Tweeted this (screen grab for posterity):

I have been in a bad mood all day as I watched half of the Judiciary Committee of the United States Senate, and the people who support them online and in the media turn the United States into the Soviet Union as they engaged in a Stalinist show trial.

You have no idea just how pissed the other half of America is right now, having watched your side shit all over the rule of law and wipe their ass with the Constitution.

If your side thinks it can intimidate ours into not supporting the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh with this, you have another thing coming.

I am your Huckleberry.

Start some shit.  I dare you.


Dumb Ass Republicans play nice and got paid by being doxxed.

“Several Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee had their home addresses and phone numbers released to the public on their Wikipedia pages during Thursday’s hearing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.
The victims included Republican Sens. Mike Lee and Orrin G. Hatch of Utah and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.
According to Caleb Hull, editor of the Independent Journal Review, the wife of Mr. Hatch “has been receiving calls nonstop ON HER BIRTHDAY and their home address was made public.”

Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans’ addresses, phone numbers released on Wikipedia pages

They are getting ass invaded and they continue to say thank you and ask for two more inches of proctology penetration.

They deserve whatever is coming at them if they keep being this much cowardly & spineless shitheads.