Month: September 2018

Why is it imperative now for Democrats that Kavanaugh does not become Justice.

From what I understand about the man, he is a fine legal scholar. His judgment and opinions are bulletproof and with solid reasoning behind.

And you pissed him off with your antics. You have threatened his family so there is the distinct possibility that he may be holding a wee bit of a grudge.

So exactly what chances do you think your Liberal legal bullshit will have in a Supreme Court with him in it?  And to make it worse, good luck proving intent as he will probably deliver opinion after opinion with all the Constitution and prior decisions backing him up.

I do believe that in certain levels of the Democratic party right now they are playing with a Ouija board trying to summon the spirit of Lee Harvey Oswald or John Wilkes Booth.

The more I see things happening in our country, the more I believe blood will be spilled.

What happens after the first Tuesday in November

I thought my last post on Kavanaugh was so over the top that it couldn’t be taken seriously.

I was wrong.

NBC is reporting that there is a fourth accuser that the Senate needs to seriously look into.

It is an anonymous letter sent about  accusing Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge raping an autonomous victim with on a boat in 1998, with no witnesses.

Additional background on the anonymous source of the letter indicate that the writer is clearly a crazy person.

Are you aware that on June 27th of this year, the account tweeted, “A question, when will the United States military decided to do what they have vowed and remove the domestic threat to the Constitution that lives in the White House?”

So you are not aware that on July 8th of this year, this account tweeted, “Dear Pentagon, please save my country from the parasite that occupies the White House. Our you waiting until Russians parachute in like in Red Dawn? Please help!”

That didn’t stop NBC from reporting on it like it is serious.

So here is where we are at.

Dr. Ford is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.  There is even money on her not showing up.  Unless she brings some sort of bombshell evidence, we are no better off than we are before.

Then there are the three other accusations in a chronological progression of increasing lack of credibility and sanity.

The tactic the Democrats have employed since the end of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing has been to slime the poor guy so badly that weak knee Republicans won’t vote to confirm him less they be criticized for being “rape apologists” in the war on women.

If the Senate fails to confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court because they allowed themselves to be bullied by transparently fake accusations, they will lose badly in November.

Senator Lindsey Graham gets that.

Not just are the Democrats hoping to destroy Kavanaugh, they are hoping to take out the GOP control of the House and Senate with him.

A majority, or worse super-majority, of Democrats in Congress impeach Trump over “Russian collusion.”  Another baseless, evidence free, accusation that was meant to do nothing more than slander a man into unpopularity.

Trump is out.  Pence is in.  Pence is impeached becuase he was Trump’s running-mate and also a beneficiary of “Russian collusion.”

Early into 2019, President Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House is sworn in as President.

This is exactly what the Democrats want.  Maxine Waters has been screaming about it for weeks.

They ousted the Trump administration in two years, causing a total partisan reversal in the White House without a Presidential election.

Here is my question:

What happens the day after Nancy Pelosi is sworn in?

There were 63 Million people who voted for Trump and won the election according to the 230 year old rules of our system.

Are they supposed to just stick their hands in their pockets and say “ho hum, oh well… I guess that’s that now.”

Are Red States just expected to follow a president who took office by a means that could only be described as a procedural coup?

I know what the Democrat’s long ball was all about, them taking over.

What I don’t know is, will Middle America accept this, or will the shit hit the fan?



Will the Democrats accuse Kavanaugh of trading Child Porn?

Or maybe even taking secret trips to the far East to engage in sex with minors.

I am just waiting for that to happen any time soon. That would be the political kitchen sink.

And the weasel NeverTrump Republicans keep conceding more and more to this assholes.

No single Republican in Congress should address a Democrat as “My esteemed colleague” unless they are fish of the same tank of corruption.

Come November unfortunately we are going to see a brutal shift in Congress towards Blue. And then the GOP should run pink with the slips.

Time we do a house cleaning.

If you can’t beat them on Kavanaugh…

I’d like to announce I am representing a woman who wishes to remain anonymous in allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh from when she knew him in high school.

She has signed a sworn statement that she is aware that Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge ran a satanic rape cult in Montgomery County, Maryland.

These boys would rape girls with the intent of getting them pregnant so that had ready access to babies for canabalistic human sacrifice rituals.

Furthermore, this woman will attest that she heard a young Brett Kavanaugh announce his plans to become a Supreme Court Justice in order to overturn Roe v Wade for the purpose of advancing his satanic baby eating rituals.

My client is not willing to testify or meet with the Senate Judiciary Committee, but is willing to sign a book deal for the details of her story.

If you are interested please email me through this site and sign a check for $2 Million made out to cash with “Kavanaugh baby eating book” in the note section.

Thank you for respecting my client’s privacy.