Month: September 2018

Abolish ICE: So many murdered in Mexico that they need refirgerated trailer.


“It was a smell of death,” recalled Alejandro Espinosa, a hospital maintenance worker who lives nearby.

The truck was discovered by the public in the dilapidated neighbourhood of Paseos del Valle on the outskirts of Guadalajara.
A crowd quickly gathered, and when the truck became stuck in the mud, several youths pushed past the police and forced open the trailer doors.
Inside were scores of human bodies, wrapped in garbage bags, bound with duct tape and piled haphazardly on top of each other.
Local authorities eventually confirmed that 273 corpses had been dumped in the trailer after the relentless pace of violent crime left the local morgue without any space for new arrivals. For nearly two weeks, the truck had been drifting around the suburban hinterland of Mexico’s second city.

‘A smell of death’: Mexico’s truck of corpses highlights drug war crisis

Yup, since our borders have magic powers, the Mexican drug Cartel and its minions will not misbehave and the promise nothing like that will happen here. And you still have to wonder if the idiots wanting to abolish ICE are being paid by the cartels or are doing the shit for free.

Lesson to be learned: You will be wearing handcuffs even if you are the good guy.

The story behind the video.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma — On May 24, 2018, Armed bystanders gunned down a shooter at an Oklahoma City restaurant, killing him, police said.

A man opened fire with a handgun in Louie’s Grill & Bar, striking three people inside the restaurant from a position outside the front door, Oklahoma City Police Capt. Bo Mathews told reporters.
As the gunman ran from the scene, two bystanders got their own handguns from the trunks of their vehicles, then confronted and fatally shot the attacker outside the restaurant.

The attacker was identified by police as Alexander C. Tilghman, 28, of Oklahoma City.

All 3 victims survived the attacks.

This is very illustrative of what happens right after a defensive shooting. Cops simply do not know who is who and they will secure the scene by detaining all parties in the event. It is only after they have the first batch of information that they will have an idea of what happened and cuffs will eventually come off.

So, don’t get mad because you are handcuffed, just breathe and try to let it go. Use the time to get your facts ready and explain them in an understandable manner. Do not enhance or load the narrative with bullshit, stick to the facts as you know them.

Of course, you can go the route of “I ain’t talking to the cops, fuck them.” and spend a couple of days in jail with a possible charge of murder.

I will repeat Massad Ayoob’s video “Shooting Aftermath.”

Jimmy Kimmel is painfully not funny

Remember when Jimmy Kimmel cried on air about his son’s heart defect and how that somehow justified Obamacare?

He was propped up as the “moral conscience” of our time for that.

So he decided to make a joke about Kavanaugh last night:

And the screen grab for posterity:

Yep, never mind that there is no evidence of guilt.  Never mind that these accusations are becoming more and more baseless.  Never mind that Senate Democrats literally went fishing for something to throw at Kavanaugh.

Make a joke about mutilating a man for laughs.

CNN Money was half right he is a moral conscience.  He’s just not America’s moral conscience, he is the Left’s moral conscience.

This is funny to the same people who fantasize about getting their way by putting everyone they disagree with in front of a firing squad or in a gas chamber or gulag.

There is a very ugly history in this world of the Left sterilizing or castrating people they didn’t like.

I wonder if he next joke will be about sewing Kavanaugh’s daughters together to try and make a conjoined twin out of them?

Seems fitting for the ideology he’s aligned himself with.

Anybody want to open a steakhouse with me?

I was thinking about the Ted Cruz/Smash Racism DC thing.

If you are a fan of the John Wick movies, you are familiar with the Continental Hotel.  The rules of the hotel are no business can be conducted on the Hotel premises.

I’m wondering if there is a future for a bar and restaurant with several private rooms that operates with similar rules in the DC area.  OF course you’d have to let lobbyists and politicians and what not talk shop there if you want to make any money.  But it would be a “no fighting over politics” zone.

Keep a small staff of security on duty to forcibly eject anybody who starts s fracas.  All staff would have to sign legally binding agreements that they will not engage in partisan or activist activities while on duty or in relation to their job.

Of course, the price and recommended gratuity would reflect the additional services.

In today’s climate, sure, some activists will hate you, but I think there are a lot of people in DC that would patron that.

Definition of Gun Free Zones and how it applies to the new political tone.

It is a hunting reserve for the criminally violent.

District of Columbia is just a huge Gun Free Zone which is why this group not only can threaten violence but will carry it out:

We will find you.

That is a threat worth taking seriously, wouldn’t you say? But they know they can get away with it because they are not only a protected class of modern Brownshirts, but their target is unarmed by law and not able to defend him or herself.

I could not find Smash Racism Hialeah anywhere. I guess a bunch of Cubans chasing your ass for being communist assholes in a restaurant is not appealing to the Cadillac Socialists.

Huntsville is having a crime wave

From the local news:

Huntsville is inching closer to a record nobody wants to break. Police are investigating five homicides from this weekend, and officers say that brings the total to 26 for the year. According to the department, that’s just one less than the record for a full year.
One of the first things police point to is the city’s growing population. When a city grows, the amount of crime usually grows along with it, but that doesn’t tell the whole story.

Lauderdale Road, Triana Boulevard, Whitestone Drive and Green Cove Road. Those are the locations of the years 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th homicides. Those aren’t just numbers. They’re mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and friends.

There were five Homicides in a single weekend.  While those are not Chicago numbers, they might as well be for us given our population.

Fortunately, none of these homicides have been in the corner of town I live in, but that is not a guarantee of anything.

It’s good to know that the police are wasting money on the useless ShotSpotter system to try and combat this.  They might as well invest in precogs since at least two of the people killed over the weekend were stabbed to death in a trailer.

I have no idea what is has caused this spike.  Sometimes statistical aberrations just happen.  We’ll have to keep an eye out and see if this was just a blip or if the number of homicides goes up and stays up.

If you live in the Huntsville area, stay safe, lock your doors, and carry one.