Month: September 2018

Give the Texan a gun

I covered Smash Racism DC before, back when they harassed DHS Sec Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican Restaurant, causing her to leave.

Now these same jackasses did this to Senator Ted Cruz and his wife Heidi.

“We believe survivors.”

This is a statement that clearly indicates they have, without evidence, decided Kavanaugh’s guilt.  I get more and more frightened every day that people like these are going to see their way onto juries.

Also, what we are seeing here is inflation of the meaning of the word survivor.  David Hogg is a “survivor” even though he was either in another building or off campus (I can’t keep up with the shifting details).  Ford is now a “survivor” even though, if you take what to be the complete truth, she was drunkenly groped through her clothes.  Survivor has just become another meaningless social justice term.

I said this shit was going to get worse and it is.  They cornered his wife (21 second mark).  This is Brown Shirt behavior, harassing politicians who have the audacity to not support the racial Leftist cause.

I think Congress should convene and immediately grant elected officials and their staff the right to carry concealed in DC.  I believe Home Rule gives Congress the right to supersede the city legislature.  Yes, I know, special privileges and all, but I have a feeling that if the GOP confirms Kavanaguh, the nest time a Republican and his wife are out to dinner, someone is going to do something dumb.

Short of that, I would love to see Cruz or another Republican whip out an ASP baton and just go to town like on protesters skulls like a berserker warrior.

I know that if someone cornered my wife in a restaurant and started screaming in her face, I would want to make sure that person would spend the rest of their life ingesting nutrients through a tube.

Yale Law is Dead

From Fox News:

Yale Law School professors cancel class as students protest Kavanaugh nomination

Several Yale Law School professors cancelled classes Monday to accommodate students who wanted to protest President Trump’s Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, a Yale alum who was twice accused of decades-old misconduct on the eve of his confirmation vote.

As many as 20 Yale Law School faculty members canceled or rescheduled up to 31 classes for students to “protest both the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, this school’s implicit endorsement of him, and our administration’s complicity in widespread sexual harassment in the legal profession,” according to emails obtained by Campus Reform, a campus watchdog group.

From Campus Reform:

One student tweeted that the school, Kavanaugh’s alma mater, is complicit in sexual harassment because the dean did not publicly oppose Kavanaugh’s nomination.

Congrats Yale Law School.  You have law school students who do not understand or embrace the concept of the presumption of innocence.  They have decided that Kavanaugh is guilty and that he must be punished.

These students are going so far as to besmirch the reputation of their own institution, saying that Yale supports sexual assault.

Students held signs reading “YLS is a Model of Complicity” and “Is there nothing more important to YLS than its proximity to power and prestige?”

Then why are these students going there?  Clearly they are not getting an education in the law or the basis of American’s judicial system.

Yale Law Professor Akhil Amar, who testified in support of Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing, wrote in an op-ed on Monday that he agreed with his fellow faculty member’s sentiments.

“These accusations deserve the best and most professional investigation possible — even if that means a brief additional delay on the ultimate vote on Judge Kavanaugh, and even if that investigatory delay imperils his confirmation,” he said.

C’mon, imperiling his confirmation is the whole point of the Kafkaesque farce.  Don’t pretend otherwise.

One of the things that upsets me so much about this is the total lack of loyalty.

In my day, students would rally around an alumni like Kavanaugh.  The attitude would be “this school strives for the best and we stand by our distinguished alumni as someone who we believe is of such character as to not have done this unless proven otherwise.”

Now the attitude is “he’s guilty and our school is a rapist factory.”

The students may be of the snowflake generation, but the professors?  That’s the most horrifying.

Yale law students are falling over themselves to prove just how worthless an education from that school is.  Would you hire a lawyer to defend you if that lawyer assumes you are guilty because you are a white male?

Personally, if I were the Dean of Yale Law School, I’d fire every professor who canceled class and expel every student who protested.  Every single one of them has brought shame upon the institution, both implying Yale approved of or played a roll in sexual assault, and for so fundamentally misunderstanding the foundation principles of American jurisprudence.


Rick from 305Guns: Ammo buy and a good rifle for sale

You guys know Rick is my FFL. That means you can abuse him 🙂

Hello Everyone.

Its last minute notice, I know, but I plan to order more ammo tomorrow morning. FYI, I am signing up with a new distributor that does a lot more accessories and such at good prices.

As is normal, prices are normally $1 or $2 below the cheapest price out there and that includes shipping costs (just add sales tax). We will be shipping the ammo to my office, making it easier to get it out to everyone.

If anyone wants anything, just let me know by about 3pm and I will get it ordered.

Stay vigilant and keep safe.
Rick Ewart

P.S. We got an excellent deal on an Aero Precision AR-15 grabbing one during sales (actually grabbing the top and bottom halves separately). About $100 cheaper than anything comparable that I could find on Gun Broker. I only have 1 but if anyone wants it speak up (fast).

For $750 someone will get…. A complete rifle with a .223 Wylde stainless steel barrel (Ballistic Advantage makes the barrel – one of the best out there), including: Aero Precision AR-15 Complete Lower (APAR501111). This is a built AR15 Gen 2 lower, M4 stock and A2 Grip, mil-spec kit and carbine buffer and spring. The upper is an Aero Precision M4E1 Complete Upper with 16” .223 Wylde Barrel 1/8 twist, 15” ATLAS S-One hand guard, Vg6 Epsilon 556 BBSS compensator/brake/flash hider, Bolt Carrier Group and Charging Handle. I will also be including 2 x MagPul Gen2 PMAG 30 w/ window magazines. Its optics ready but we didn’t include any to give options to the buyer. For an extra $100 we can upgrade the BCG and swap in a nickel boron BCG. We only have 1 full rifle but its brand new in the box (technically boxes as it’s a complete upper and a complete lower)…..

Its basically this rifle but with the ATLAS S-One handguard, which is really nice:

Banning OC talks in this blog.

That’s it. I am done with OC talking. People apparently cannot differentiate tactics and strategy from feelings and waving a worn out copy of the Bill of rights.

Is it your God Given Right to open carry a rifle outside the trenches while singing “I am a lumberjack” by Monty Python?  Abso-fucking-lutely,

Is it a good strategy to do so in the middle of a shootout? Nope, that is probably a fast way to get killed.

You have the right to eat all the shellfish that you want, but if you are allergic to the fucking thing, it is not a restriction of your rights having to avoid eating the damned things. It is Fucking Common Sense.

Which we seem to have lacking.