Month: June 2019

Former BSO Sheriff Scott Israel still trying to come back

Screen capture from yesterday Herald’s Facebook page.

And you have to give it to the guy, he has a very vocal minority supporting him in Social Media. And with the elections approaching, Governor De Santis has suddenly become the Standard Evil Republican for the Left and the Media (but I repeat myself) so anything that can stain him will be used even if it means supporting a disgraced character like Israel.

Unfortunately for the ousted Sheriff, he was nt removed because of politics but because he simply failed in his duties, among them to keep those under his command properly trained. From yesterday’s local Channel 10.

And still, I would not be surprised if Israel tries to be re-elected as Sheriff or to another position and actually win with the support of the Broward Democrat Elections machine.

It has to be a matter of of personality

My weight loss, which had been going well has sort of plateaued.

I’ve been told to increase my cardio to break through it.

So I bought an exercise bike.  I have arthritis in my spine and being a big guy trying to run, it makes my back go out.

I love to lift.  I go to the gym and work out with weights for an hour and love every minute of it.  The more it burns, the better.

Ten minutes on that fucking bike in my garage and I’m ready to give up nuclear launch codes.

I just don’t understand people who like to run or bike, they have to be nuts.

I’ll push through this because I want to get healthier for my kids, but don’t expect me to enjoy it.  I’d rather be doing pullups.


Dear moderate gays, get your crazies under control

I have said this before, and I will say it again because bears repeating.

Human beings are a gregarious species.  We live our lives interacting with each other in communities.

We generally want those interactions to be peaceful.  Part of what makes a community or nation or civilization sustainable peaceful are social norms expected codes of personal conduct.

Through history, religion has served as the basis for establishing rules and norms, with ritual being used to reinforce them and pass them down to the next generation.

Even without religion norms and codes of conduct exist and need to exist.

When everybody adheres to the norms, societies function quite well.

Some progress is needed in society.  I will agree that sometimes the rules and norms are stifling and they need to be relaxed a little bit.

A. Little. Bit.

However, when people stray too far out of the norms, or the norms are done away with altogether, bad things happen.  That social cohesion that comes from everybody knowing what the rules are and following them falls apart.

Most people don’t like to live in the uneasy conditions of a dis-cohesive society.  Eventually, the normals will force the rules back into play.

This is the cycle of history.  Societies become more liberalized until they pop and the pendulum swings back in a reformation.  If the religious wars of Europe show us anything, these reformations can be very bloody.

Enter Huffpost Canada.

Are Pride Parades Kid-Friendly? Parents Say Children Can Handle The Kink

Excuse me?

Who in the fuck wrote the words “Children Can Handle The Kink” and thought it was a good idea.

I can feel the glue of civil society starting to dissolve when I read them.

Each year, in the blazing sun of the Pride parade in Nelson, B.C., Pega Ren and her two young grandkids seek shade under their spinning rainbow parasols.

Ren, a semi-retired sex therapist, told HuffPost Canada the parasols were a magical find, and have come to symbolize the importance of this event for her family. Ren spoke joyfully of going to the dollar store, picking up all the rainbow ribbons and flags, decorating the roller skates and the stroller, and getting the costumes ready.

“I can’t imagine a safer place for families to bring children,” she said of Pride.

A resounding chorus of voices — from within the queer community and not — would agree with this general sentiment about Pride parades and kids. But in late May, one tweet turned it into a bigger conversation.

Call me a bigot, but this is not something I want my children to see on a city street.  We don’t need to have a bigger conversation about why it’s inappropriate to flash your asshole in bondage gear in public.

The post asked parade participants not to “sexualize” Pride and to leave their fetish and kink at home, for the sake of minors.

Anyone who has been to a parade has likely seen the procession of leather animal costumes, kinky costumes in every hue, and more skin than is normally exposed in public.

Although the post and account have since been deleted, the tweet got many people talking: How child-appropriate are Pride festivities? And why does this discussion hit a nerve for the LGBTQ+ community?

“At some level this has always been part of a much larger debate of what Pride is,” David Rayside, a retired politics and sexual diversity professor at the University of Toronto, told HuffPost Canada.

“Pride has always had a kind of outrageous edge to it. And should we alter that? It is not the Santa Claus parade, and it never was. It shouldn’t be. It can’t be.”

You know what I want to see in a Pride Parade?

A bunch of men in suits or shirts and slacks, calmly and quietly walking, waving at the crowd.

Why?  Because that’s how normal people behave.

Showing your asshole in a leather thong to children is not normal.

That said, Rayside added, not only is it important for parents to bring their kids, but “I’ve seen thousands of kids at Pride, and I’ve never seen anyone fuss about what they see there.”

In fact, many parents would fuss at the thought of not bringing kids to these events.

Bad parents.

“There is absolutely no reason not to take our kids to Pride — it’s a fun day, there are a lot of bubbles, rainbow streamers and enjoyable performances,” writer, educator, and publisher S. Bear Bergman told HuffPost Canada.

Plus, as queer parents, it’s one of their cultural festivals, added Bergman, who who attends Toronto Pride every year with his kids.

“It’s their right as queer spawn. And as a parent, I might want to take my kids to Pride, because they might be lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer or two-spirit.”

This right here is a problem.  You are telling me that being gay and gay culture is inseparable from libertine fetishism.  For straight people to accept gay people that means that straight people have to accept grotesque displays of overt sexuality in front of children.  That is not going to happen.

The innocence of children has been a Juedo-Christan cultural norm for thousands of years.  This is not one to me chipped away at lightly.

Politics have a prominent place in Pride, Rayside said, but “it is also about outrage,” a time when some in the community express this “in ways that confront normal sensibilities.”

This is treading on very thin ice.

The freedom to do so is embedded within LGBTQ+ culture and history. These expressions are the most colourful during the parade.

Bergman defended these elements and their right to exist at a kid-friendly event.

“First of all, nobody likes nakedness more than children,” Bergman said.

I’ll take “things pedophiles say for 900, Alex.”

“On the list of things that I don’t want my children ever to be exposed to are: Compulsory heterosexuality, demonstrations of sexism, demonstrations of racism, demonstrations of ablism, violence. These are all way higher on the list than some homosexual’s tuchus.”

This is suuuuuuper woke.  It’s also a false dichotomy.

Putting on her sex therapist hat, Ren emphasized that Pride, from kink to nakedness, is an excellent opportunity for parents to do unbiased sex education.

“Look at that queer’s asshole on a parade float” is not “unbiased sex education.”

Bergman also pointed out that many children don’t even interpret most of what they’re seeing in a Pride parade as sexual, but rather as dress-up or fun.

I’ll take “things pedophiles say for 1000, Alex.”

This Bergman guy needs to understand that he sounds like a child molester trying to groom a victim.

“Children benefit from seeing people loving one another, from seeing diversity and inclusion. Children suffer from seeing violence and fear, hatred and divisiveness,” Ren said.

But love and kink are not the same thing.  My wife and I can show each other affection in front of our children without either of them seeing my asshole.

I don’t know what kind of sex therapy sex education Ren here has, but exposing children to sex at an early age harms them.

Victims of child molestation suffer deep emotional damage are frequently scarred for life.  They often have issues as adults with emotional connectedness and physical intimacy because the way many molesters (especially familial molesters) tell children that the sexual abuse is a sign of love.

“Two men flashing their assholes at gawking crowds is just how they show love” is not something anybody with experience in dealing with the victims of childhood sexual abuse would say.

I honestly don’t care what two consenting adults do in private.

Overt and kinky sexualization in public in front of children falls outside the cultural norms of civil society.

Saying “you’re a homophobic bigot if you don’t let me engage in my sexual fetish in public in front of children, that’s my gay culture” stretches the fabric of society to its breaking point.

I can guarantee that there are more parents who want to preserve the innocence of their children than there are gay people.

Knowing the cycle of history, it is best to let society progress slowly.

You’re here, you’re queer, we got used to it.

You’re here, you’re queer, and you want to act like perverts around our kids?  No.

Normal gays, you need to get the radical gays in line because – and I’ve said this before on a wide range of topics – the pushback will suck.

Florida Congressman makes a compelling case against Red Flag Laws

The plot of the Kyle Kashuv Harvard rejection thickens.

I firmly believe that the reason every media outlet in the country seems to be covering this is to shame a young man for having the temerity to stand up for gun rights after the Parkland shooting.  I cannot imagine any other reason that major news outlets would have a multi-pundit panel to discuss one kid’s rejection from college, especially in such an unsympathetic light.

MSNBC had a former Florida Congressman, David Jolly on to dump on Kashuv.

Did you catch that at the end of his rant?

Kyle Kashuv, who was the only Parkland student to do anything remotely effective in trying to curb school shootings and actually worked with Senators in a bipartisan way, instead of engaging in two-minute-hate rallies against the NRA, should not be allowed to buy guns because of what he wrote in this Google doc.

If that doesn’t justify the sudden screeching halt of Red Flag Laws, I don’t know what will.

Rather than try to address actual threats, these laws are going to be used to punish thoughtcrime and kids being stupid.

Get contacted by the Sheriff’s Department 49 times for various disturbances… who cares.

Tell a racist joke in private to some friends who are also telling racist jokes… and you lose your Second Amendment rights as an adult for life.

Way to destroy any credibility or benefit-of-the-doubt your program might have had, just to show that it is going to be an ineffectual tool for crime prevention that vengeful people can use to inflict pain on others.

Orwell’s boot come for Kyle Kashuv

We here at Gun Free Zone have covered the rise and partial fall of David Hogg as an activist after the Parkland Shooting.

There was another Parkland student who also gained notoriety for his activism, and his name is Kyle Kashuv.  Kashuv was in many ways a foil to Hogg.

Kashuv was pro-Second Amendment, advocating for other means of trying to stop gun violence than gun bans.  He spoke at the NRA.  He was a frequent guest of conservative media outlets.

His activism was somewhat more successful than Hogg’s as well.  He championed The Stop School Violence Act which earned bipartisan support.  He also helped develop an app to report potential school shooters.

Like Hogg, he was also admitted to Harvard.

Unlike Hogg, Kashuv’s pro-gun conservatism made him a target for the Left to destroy.

Which they did.

Long before the Parkland shooting, Kashuv was part of a group of kids that shared a Google doc where they would say horrible, sometimes racist, shit to each other for shock value.

Why?  Because teenage boys are stupid and do shit like that.  Have you ever been in a men’s room and read what has been written on the walls of a stall?

Those Google docs were then leaked online and sent to Harvard.  Lefty Twitter demanded that Harvard punish Kashuv.

Harvard demanded that that Kashuv participate in a struggle session.  Which he did, in full, on Twitter (go read it here, I have unrolled it).  That included a letter to Harvard.

Harvard rescinded his acceptance in a very ugly way.

Two points:

First, Harvard says that what Kashuv did as a stupid teenager before the shooting shows a lack of moral character.  However, Hogg’s continued hateful attack on law-abiding citizens, gun owners, NRA members, and Conservatives is not a lack of moral character.  It’s alright by Harvard standards to curse out Republican politicians on TV, advocate for campaign finance violations in Canada, and say the good people are child killers with blood on their faces.

Clearly, Harvard’s moral standards are hyper-partisan.

Second, what reputable university will now accept Kashuv now that Harvard has rescinded his acceptance for moral character?

What high caliber school will go out on a limb and accept him over the inevitable protests of other woke students and Leftist activists?

This young man’s future may have been ruined because he acted like a typical stupid teenage boy with other stupid teenage boy friends in private, and the internet hate mob dug through his life looking for something to weaponize against him.

Remember that he committed no crimes and there are no reports that he ever lashed out maliciously at others like this, only that he said stupid things on a group chat just to get a rise out of other people.

If you want to make the truth about this and clearer, just look at how Buzzfeed and AOL News headlined this story.

A Pro-Gun Parkland Shooting Survivor Had His Harvard Admission Revoked Over Racist Remarks

Harvard rescinds offer to Parkland gun rights activist after racist messages surface online

Why even bother giving him a name.  He’s the pro-gun one and that justifies a lack of understanding, empathy, and forgiveness.

If you go to Kashuv’s Twitter thread on this just start reading through how many people are overjoyed at this young man’s destruction.  How he is so privileged and how much pleasure they take in seeing him brought down.

I am reminded once again of Orwell’s 1984.

There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.

Harvard made its decision and there is nothing Kashuv can do.  Social Justice Twitter is celebrating, intoxicated, in the thrill of victory of what they did to this young man and ruining his future.

This is a sad and grotesque shame.